1. * - pointer-to short-cut


1* (struct or union command arguments)


1  This command is a short-cut command that replaces the requirement to enter
2  "struct" or "union" command names.  For details on the arguments to
3  those commands, enter "help struct" or "help union".


 1  Dump the page structure at address c02943c0:
 3    crash> *page c02943c0
 4    struct page {
 5      next = 0xc0fae740,
 6      prev = 0xc0018fb0,
 7      inode = 0x0,
 8      offset = 0x3f000,
 9      next_hash = 0xc02d6310,
10      count = {
11        counter = 0x1
12      },
13      flags = 0x310,
14      wait = 0xc02943d8,
15      pprev_hash = 0x0,
16      buffers = 0x0
17    }

2. alias - command aliases


1alias [alias] [command string]


 1  This command creates an alias for a given command string.  If no arguments
 2  are entered, the current list of aliases are displayed.  If one argument is
 3  entered, the command string for that alias, if any, is displayed.
 5           alias  the single word to be used as an alias
 6  command string  the word(s) that will be substituted for the alias
 8  Aliases may be created in four manners:
10    1. entering the alias in $HOME/.crashrc.
11    2. entering the alias in .crashrc in the current directory.
12    3. executing an input file containing the alias command.
13    4. during runtime with this command.
15  During initialization, $HOME/.crashrc is read first, followed by the
16  .crashrc file in the current directory.  Aliases in the .crashrc file
17  in the current directory override those in $HOME/.crashrc.  Aliases
18  entered with this command or by runtime input file override those
19  defined in either .crashrc file.  Aliases may be deleted by entering an
20  empty string for the second argument.  If redirection characters are to
21  be part of the command string, the command string must be enclosed by
22  quotation marks.
24  Note that there are a number of helpful built-in aliases -- see the
25  first example below.


 1  Display the currently-defined aliases, which in this example, only
 2  consist of the built-in aliases:
 4    crash> alias
 6    builtin  man      help
 7    builtin  ?        help
 8    builtin  quit     q
 9    builtin  sf       set scroll off
10    builtin  sn       set scroll on
11    builtin  hex      set radix 16
12    builtin  dec      set radix 10
13    builtin  g        gdb
14    builtin  px       p -x
15    builtin  pd       p -d
16    builtin  for      foreach
17    builtin  size     *
18    builtin  dmesg    log
19    builtin  lsmod    mod
20    builtin  last     ps -l
22  Create a new alias to be added to the list:
24    crash> alias kp kmem -p
26    runtime  kp       kmem -p
28  Create an alias with redirection characters:
30    crash> alias ksd "kmem -p | grep slab | grep DMA"
32    runtime  ksd      kmem -p | grep slab | grep DMA
34  Remove an alias:
36    crash> alias kp ""
37    alias deleted: kp

3. ascii - translate a hexadecimal string to ASCII


1ascii value ...


1  Translates 32-bit or 64-bit hexadecimal values to ASCII.  If no argument
2  is entered, an ASCII chart is displayed.


 1  Translate the hexadecimal value of 0x62696c2f7273752f to ASCII:
 3    crash> ascii 62696c2f7273752f
 4    62696c2f7273752f: /usr/lib
 6  Display an ASCII chart:
 8    crash> ascii
10          0    1   2   3   4   5   6   7
11        +-------------------------------
12      0 | NUL DLE  SP  0   @   P   '   p
13      1 | SOH DC1  !   1   A   Q   a   q
14      2 | STX DC2  "   2   B   R   b   r
15      3 | ETX DC3  #   3   C   S   c   s
16      4 | EOT DC4  $   4   D   T   d   t
17      5 | ENQ NAK  %   5   E   U   e   u
18      6 | ACK SYN  &   6   F   V   f   v
19      7 | BEL ETB  `   7   G   W   g   w
20      8 |  BS CAN  (   8   H   X   h   x
21      9 |  HT  EM  )   9   I   Y   i   y
22      A |  LF SUB  *   :   J   Z   j   z
23      B |  VT ESC  +   ;   K   [   k   {
24      C |  FF  FS  ,   <   L   \   l   |
25      D |  CR  GS  _   =   M   ]   m   }
26      E |  SO  RS  .   >   N   ^   n   ~
27      F |  SI  US  /   ?   O   -   o  DEL

4. bpf - extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF)


1bpf [[-p ID | -P] [-tTj]] [[-m ID] | -M] [-s] [-xd]


 2  This command provides information on currently-loaded eBPF programs and maps.
 3  With no arguments, basic information about each loaded eBPF program and map
 4  is displayed.  For each eBPF program, its ID number, the addresses of its
 5  bpf_prog and bpf_prog_aux data structures, its type, tag, and the IDs of the
 6  eBPF maps that it uses are displayed.  For each eBPF map, its ID number, the
 7  address of its bpf_map data structure, its type, and the hexadecimal value of
 8  its map_flags are displayed.
10    -p ID  displays the basic information specific to the program ID, plus the
11           size in bytes of its translated bytecode, the size in bytes of its
12           jited code, the number of bytes locked into memory, the time that
13           the program was loaded, whether it is GPL compatible, and its UID.
14    -P     same as -p, but displays the basic and extra data for all programs.
15    -m ID  displays the basic information specific to the map ID, plus the
16           size in bytes of its key and value, the maximum number of key-value
17           pairs that can be stored within the map, the number of bytes locked
18           into memory, its name string, and its UID.
19    -M     same as -m, but displays the basic and extra data for all maps.
20    -t     translate the bytecode of the specified program ID.
21    -T     same as -t, but also dump the bytecode of each instruction.
22    -j     disassemble the jited code of the specified program ID.
23    -s     with -p or -P, dump the bpf_prog and bpf_prog_aux data structures.
24           with -m or -M, dump the bpf_map structure.
25    -x     with -s, override default output format with hexadecimal format.
26    -d     with -s, override default output format with decimal format.


  1  Display all loaded eBPF programs and maps:
  3  crash> bpf
  4   ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
  5   13 ffffbc00c06d1000 ffff9ff260f0c400  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   13,14
  6   14 ffffbc00c0761000 ffff9ff260f0f600  CGROUP_SKB   2a142ef67aaad174   13,14
  7   15 ffffbc00c001d000 ffff9ff2618f9e00  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   15,16
  8   16 ffffbc00c06c9000 ffff9ff2618f9400  CGROUP_SKB   2a142ef67aaad174   15,16
  9   19 ffffbc00c0d39000 ffff9ff2610fa000  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   19,20
 10   20 ffffbc00c0d41000 ffff9ff2610f8e00  CGROUP_SKB   2a142ef67aaad174   19,20
 11   30 ffffbc00c065f000 ffff9ff1b64de200    KPROBE     69fed6de18629d7a    32
 12   31 ffffbc00c065b000 ffff9ff1b64df200    KPROBE     69fed6de18629d7a    37
 13   32 ffffbc00c0733000 ffff9ff1b64dc600    KPROBE     69fed6de18629d7a    38
 14   33 ffffbc00c0735000 ffff9ff1b64dca00    KPROBE     69fed6de18629d7a    39
 15   34 ffffbc00c0737000 ffff9ff1b64dfc00    KPROBE     4abbddae72a6ee17 33,36,34
 16   36 ffffbc00c0839000 ffff9ff1b64dd000    KPROBE     da4fc6a3f41761a2    32
 17   41 ffffbc00c07ec000 ffff9ff207b70400  TRACEPOINT   e2094f9f46284bf6   55,54
 18   44 ffffbc00c07ee000 ffff9ff1b64dc800  PERF_EVENT   19578a12836c4115    62
 19   46 ffffbc00c07f0000 ffff9ff207b70400 SOCKET_FILTER 1fcfc04afd689133    64
 22   13 ffff9ff260f0ec00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
 23   14 ffff9ff260f0de00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
 24   15 ffff9ff2618fbe00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
 25   16 ffff9ff2618fb800    LPM_TRIE      00000001
 26   19 ffff9ff2610faa00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
 27   20 ffff9ff2610fb800    LPM_TRIE      00000001
 28   32 ffff9ff260d74000      HASH        00000000
 29   33 ffff9ff260d76400    LRU_HASH      00000000
 30   34 ffff9ff260d70000    LRU_HASH      00000002
 31   35 ffff9ff260d73800    LRU_HASH      00000004
 32   36 ffff9ff1b4f44000  ARRAY_OF_MAPS   00000000
 33   37 ffff9ff260d77c00   PERCPU_HASH    00000000
 34   38 ffff9ff260d70800      HASH        00000001
 35   39 ffff9ff260d76c00   PERCPU_HASH    00000001
 36   54 ffff9ff260dd2c00      HASH        00000000
 37   55 ffff9ff260dd1400      HASH        00000000
 38   62 ffff9ff1ae784000      HASH        00000000
 39   64 ffff9ff1aea15000      ARRAY       00000000
 41  Display additional data about program ID 20:
 43  crash> bpf -p 20
 44   ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
 45   20 ffffbc00c0d41000 ffff9ff2610f8e00  CGROUP_SKB   2a142ef67aaad174   19,20
 46      XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
 47      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:21 2018
 48      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
 50  Display additional data about map ID 34:
 52  crash> bpf -m 34
 54   34  ffff9ff260d70000    LRU_HASH      00000000
 55       KEY_SIZE: 4  VALUE_SIZE: 8  MAX_ENTRIES: 10000  MEMLOCK: 1953792
 56       NAME: "lru_hash_map"  UID: 0
 58  Disassemble the jited program of program ID 20:
 60  crash> bpf -p 20 -j
 61  ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
 62  20 ffffbc00c0d41000 ffff9ff2610f8e00  CGROUP_SKB   2a142ef67aaad174   19,20
 63     XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
 64     LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:21 2018
 65     GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
 67   0xffffffffc06887a2:  push   %rbp
 68   0xffffffffc06887a3:  mov    %rsp,%rbp
 69   0xffffffffc06887a6:  sub    $0x40,%rsp
 70   0xffffffffc06887ad:  sub    $0x28,%rbp
 71   0xffffffffc06887b1:  mov    %rbx,0x0(%rbp)
 72   0xffffffffc06887b5:  mov    %r13,0x8(%rbp)
 73   0xffffffffc06887b9:  mov    %r14,0x10(%rbp)
 74   0xffffffffc06887bd:  mov    %r15,0x18(%rbp)
 75   0xffffffffc06887c1:  xor    %eax,%eax
 76   0xffffffffc06887c3:  mov    %rax,0x20(%rbp)
 77   0xffffffffc06887c7:  mov    %rdi,%rbx
 78   0xffffffffc06887ca:  movzwq 0xc0(%rbx),%r13
 79   0xffffffffc06887d2:  xor    %r14d,%r14d
 80   0xffffffffc06887d5:  cmp    $0x8,%r13
 81   0xffffffffc06887d9:  jne    0xffffffffc068881b
 82   0xffffffffc06887db:  mov    %rbx,%rdi
 83   0xffffffffc06887de:  mov    $0xc,%esi
 84   0xffffffffc06887e3:  mov    %rbp,%rdx
 85   0xffffffffc06887e6:  add    $0xfffffffffffffffc,%rdx
 86   0xffffffffc06887ea:  mov    $0x4,%ecx
 87   0xffffffffc06887ef:  callq  0xffffffffb0865340 <bpf_skb_load_bytes>
 88   0xffffffffc06887f4:  movabs $0xffff9ff2610faa00,%rdi
 89   0xffffffffc06887fe:  mov    %rbp,%rsi
 90   0xffffffffc0688801:  add    $0xfffffffffffffff8,%rsi
 91   0xffffffffc0688805:  movl   $0x20,0x0(%rsi)
 92   0xffffffffc068880c:  callq  0xffffffffb01fcba0 <bpf_map_lookup_elem>
 93   0xffffffffc0688811:  cmp    $0x0,%rax
 94   0xffffffffc0688815:  je     0xffffffffc068881b
 95   0xffffffffc0688817:  or     $0x2,%r14d
 96   0xffffffffc068881b:  cmp    $0xdd86,%r13
 97   0xffffffffc0688822:  jne    0xffffffffc0688864
 98   0xffffffffc0688824:  mov    %rbx,%rdi
 99   0xffffffffc0688827:  mov    $0x8,%esi
100   0xffffffffc068882c:  mov    %rbp,%rdx
101   0xffffffffc068882f:  add    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rdx
102   0xffffffffc0688833:  mov    $0x10,%ecx
103   0xffffffffc0688838:  callq  0xffffffffb0865340 <bpf_skb_load_bytes>
104   0xffffffffc068883d:  movabs $0xffff9ff2610fb800,%rdi
105   0xffffffffc0688847:  mov    %rbp,%rsi
106   0xffffffffc068884a:  add    $0xffffffffffffffec,%rsi
107   0xffffffffc068884e:  movl   $0x80,0x0(%rsi)
108   0xffffffffc0688855:  callq  0xffffffffb01fcba0 <bpf_map_lookup_elem>
109   0xffffffffc068885a:  cmp    $0x0,%rax
110   0xffffffffc068885e:  je     0xffffffffc0688864
111   0xffffffffc0688860:  or     $0x2,%r14d
112   0xffffffffc0688864:  mov    $0x1,%eax
113   0xffffffffc0688869:  cmp    $0x2,%r14
114   0xffffffffc068886d:  jne    0xffffffffc0688871
115   0xffffffffc068886f:  xor    %eax,%eax
116   0xffffffffc0688871:  mov    0x0(%rbp),%rbx
117   0xffffffffc0688875:  mov    0x8(%rbp),%r13
118   0xffffffffc0688879:  mov    0x10(%rbp),%r14
119   0xffffffffc068887d:  mov    0x18(%rbp),%r15
120   0xffffffffc0688881:  add    $0x28,%rbp
121   0xffffffffc0688885:  leaveq
122   0xffffffffc0688886:  retq
124  Translate each bytecode instruction of program ID 13:
126  crash> bpf -p 13 -t
127   ID      BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG       USED_MAPS
128   13 ffffbc00c06d1000 ffff9ff260f0c400  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   13,14
129      XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
130      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:11 2018
131      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
133    0: (bf) r6 = r1
134    1: (69) r7 = *(u16 *)(r6 +192)
135    2: (b4) (u32) r8 = (u32) 0
136    3: (55) if r7 != 0x8 goto pc+14
137    4: (bf) r1 = r6
138    5: (b4) (u32) r2 = (u32) 16
139    6: (bf) r3 = r10
140    7: (07) r3 += -4
141    8: (b4) (u32) r4 = (u32) 4
142    9: (85) call bpf_skb_load_bytes#6793152
143   10: (18) r1 = map[id:13]
144   12: (bf) r2 = r10
145   13: (07) r2 += -8
146   14: (62) *(u32 *)(r2 +0) = 32
147   15: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#73760
148   16: (15) if r0 == 0x0 goto pc+1
149   17: (44) (u32) r8 |= (u32) 2
150   18: (55) if r7 != 0xdd86 goto pc+14
151   19: (bf) r1 = r6
152   20: (b4) (u32) r2 = (u32) 24
153   21: (bf) r3 = r10
154   22: (07) r3 += -16
155   23: (b4) (u32) r4 = (u32) 16
156   24: (85) call bpf_skb_load_bytes#6793152
157   25: (18) r1 = map[id:14]
158   27: (bf) r2 = r10
159   28: (07) r2 += -20
160   29: (62) *(u32 *)(r2 +0) = 128
161   30: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#73760
162   31: (15) if r0 == 0x0 goto pc+1
163   32: (44) (u32) r8 |= (u32) 2
164   33: (b7) r0 = 1
165   34: (55) if r8 != 0x2 goto pc+1
166   35: (b7) r0 = 0
167   36: (95) exit
169  Translate, and then dump each bytecode instruction of program ID 13:
171  crash> bpf -p 13 -T
172   ID      BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG       USED_MAPS
173   13 ffffbc00c06d1000 ffff9ff260f0c400  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   13,14
174      XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
175      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:11 2018
176      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
178    0: (bf) r6 = r1
179        bf 16 00 00 00 00 00 00
180    1: (69) r7 = *(u16 *)(r6 +192)
181        69 67 c0 00 00 00 00 00
182    2: (b4) (u32) r8 = (u32) 0
183        b4 08 00 00 00 00 00 00
184    3: (55) if r7 != 0x8 goto pc+14
185        55 07 0e 00 08 00 00 00
186    4: (bf) r1 = r6
187        bf 61 00 00 00 00 00 00
188    5: (b4) (u32) r2 = (u32) 16
189        b4 02 00 00 10 00 00 00
190    6: (bf) r3 = r10
191        bf a3 00 00 00 00 00 00
192    7: (07) r3 += -4
193        07 03 00 00 fc ff ff ff
194    8: (b4) (u32) r4 = (u32) 4
195        b4 04 00 00 04 00 00 00
196    9: (85) call bpf_skb_load_bytes#6793152
197        85 00 00 00 c0 a7 67 00
198   10: (18) r1 = map[id:13]
199        18 01 00 00 00 7a 96 61 00 00 00 00 b2 9d ff ff
200   12: (bf) r2 = r10
201        bf a2 00 00 00 00 00 00
202   13: (07) r2 += -8
203        07 02 00 00 f8 ff ff ff
204   14: (62) *(u32 *)(r2 +0) = 32
205        62 02 00 00 20 00 00 00
206   15: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#73760
207        85 00 00 00 20 20 01 00
208   16: (15) if r0 == 0x0 goto pc+1
209        15 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
210   17: (44) (u32) r8 |= (u32) 2
211        44 08 00 00 02 00 00 00
212   18: (55) if r7 != 0xdd86 goto pc+14
213        55 07 0e 00 86 dd 00 00
214   19: (bf) r1 = r6
215        bf 61 00 00 00 00 00 00
216   20: (b4) (u32) r2 = (u32) 24
217        b4 02 00 00 18 00 00 00
218   21: (bf) r3 = r10
219        bf a3 00 00 00 00 00 00
220   22: (07) r3 += -16
221        07 03 00 00 f0 ff ff ff
222   23: (b4) (u32) r4 = (u32) 16
223        b4 04 00 00 10 00 00 00
224   24: (85) call bpf_skb_load_bytes#6793152
225        85 00 00 00 c0 a7 67 00
226   25: (18) r1 = map[id:14]
227        18 01 00 00 00 68 96 61 00 00 00 00 b2 9d ff ff
228   27: (bf) r2 = r10
229        bf a2 00 00 00 00 00 00
230   28: (07) r2 += -20
231        07 02 00 00 ec ff ff ff
232   29: (62) *(u32 *)(r2 +0) = 128
233        62 02 00 00 80 00 00 00
234   30: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#73760
235        85 00 00 00 20 20 01 00
236   31: (15) if r0 == 0x0 goto pc+1
237        15 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
238   32: (44) (u32) r8 |= (u32) 2
239        44 08 00 00 02 00 00 00
240   33: (b7) r0 = 1
241        b7 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
242   34: (55) if r8 != 0x2 goto pc+1
243        55 08 01 00 02 00 00 00
244   35: (b7) r0 = 0
245        b7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
246   36: (95) exit
247        95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
249  Display the bpf_map data structure for map ID 13:
251  crash> bpf -m 13 -s
252   ID      BPF_MAP       BPF_MAP_TYPE   MAP_FLAGS
253   13  ffff9ff260f0ec00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
254       KEY_SIZE: 8  VALUE_SIZE: 8  MAX_ENTRIES: 1  MEMLOCK: 4096
255       NAME: (unused)  UID: 0
257  struct bpf_map {
258    ops = 0xffffffffb0e36720,
259    inner_map_meta = 0x0,
260    security = 0xffff9ff26873a158,
261    map_type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_LPM_TRIE,
262    key_size = 8,
263    value_size = 8,
264    max_entries = 1,
265    map_flags = 1,
266    pages = 1,
267    id = 13,
268    numa_node = -1,
269    unpriv_array = false,
270    user = 0xffffffffb14578a0,
271    refcnt = {
272      counter = 3
273    },
274    usercnt = {
275      counter = 1
276    },
277    work = {
278      data = {
279        counter = 0
280      },
281      entry = {
282        next = 0x0,
283        prev = 0x0
284      },
285      func = 0x0,
286      lockdep_map = {
287        key = 0x0,
288        class_cache = {0x0, 0x0},
289        name = 0x0,
290        cpu = 0,
291        ip = 0
292      }
293    },
294    name = "
295  }
297  Display the bpf_prog and bpf_prog_aux structures for program ID 13:
299  crash> bpf -p 13 -s
300   ID      BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG       USED_MAPS
301   13  ffffbc00c06d1000 ffff9ff260f0c400  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   13,14
302       XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
303       LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:10 2018
304       GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
306   struct bpf_prog {
307     pages = 1,
308     jited = 1,
309     jit_requested = 1,
310     locked = 1,
311     gpl_compatible = 1,
312     cb_access = 0,
313     dst_needed = 0,
314     blinded = 0,
315     is_func = 0,
316     kprobe_override = 0,
317     type = BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SKB,
318     len = 37,
319     jited_len = 229,
320     tag = "{\344\236\071\064\241%\272",
321     aux = ffff9ff260f0c400,
322     orig_prog = 0x0,
323     bpf_func = 0xffffffffc0218a59,
324     {
325       insns = 0xffffb0cf406d1030,
326       insnsi = 0xffffb0cf406d1030
327     }
328   }
330   struct bpf_prog_aux {
331     refcnt = {
332       counter = 2
333     },
334     used_map_cnt = 2,
335     max_ctx_offset = 20,
336     stack_depth = 20,
337     id = 13,
338     func_cnt = 0,
339     offload_requested = false,
340     func = 0x0,
341     jit_data = 0x0,
342     ksym_tnode = {
343       node = {{
344           __rb_parent_color = 18446635988194065457,
345           rb_right = 0x0,
346           rb_left = 0x0
347         }, {
348           __rb_parent_color = 18446635988194065481,
349           rb_right = 0x0,
350           rb_left = 0x0
351         }}
352     },
353     ksym_lnode = {
354       next = 0xffff9db261966460,
355       prev = 0xffffffffb85d1150
356     },
357     ops = 0xffffffffb7f09060,
358     used_maps = 0xffff9db261e03600,
359     prog = 0xffffb0cf406d1000,
360     user = 0xffffffffb84578a0,
361     load_time = 23962237943,
362     name = "
363     security = 0xffff9db266f9cf50,
364     offload = 0x0,
365     {
366       work = {
367         data = {
368           counter = 0
369         },
370         entry = {
371           next = 0x0,
372           prev = 0x0
373         },
374         func = 0x0,
375         lockdep_map = {
376           key = 0x0,
377           class_cache = {0x0, 0x0},
378           name = 0x0,
379           cpu = 0,
380           ip = 0
381         }
382       },
383       rcu = {
384         next = 0x0,
385         func = 0x0
386       }
387     }
388   }
390  Display the extra data about all programs:
392  crash> bpf -P
393   ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
394   13 ffffbc00c06d1000 ffff9ff260f0c400  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   13,14
395      XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
396      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:10 2018
397      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
399   ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
400   14 ffffbc00c0761000 ffff9ff260f0f600  CGROUP_SKB   2a142ef67aaad174   13,14
401      XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
402      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:10 2018
403      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
405   ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
406   15 ffffbc00c001d000 ffff9ff2618f9e00  CGROUP_SKB   7be49e3934a125ba   15,16
407      XLATED: 296  JITED: 229  MEMLOCK: 4096
408      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 20 19:39:11 2018
409      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
411  ...
413   ID     BPF_PROG       BPF_PROG_AUX   BPF_PROG_TYPE       TAG        USED_MAPS
414   75 ffffbc00c0ed1000 ffff9ff2429c6400    KPROBE     da4fc6a3f41761a2    107
415      XLATED: 5168  JITED: 2828  MEMLOCK: 8192
416      LOAD_TIME: Fri Apr 27 14:54:40 2018
417      GPL_COMPATIBLE: yes  UID: 0
419  Display the extra data for all maps:
421  crash> bpf -M
422   ID      BPF_MAP       BPF_MAP_TYPE   MAP_FLAGS
423   13  ffff9ff260f0ec00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
424       KEY_SIZE: 8  VALUE_SIZE: 8  MAX_ENTRIES: 1  MEMLOCK: 4096
425       NAME: (unused)  UID: 0
427   ID      BPF_MAP       BPF_MAP_TYPE   MAP_FLAGS
428   14  ffff9ff260f0de00    LPM_TRIE      00000001
429       KEY_SIZE: 20  VALUE_SIZE: 8  MAX_ENTRIES: 1  MEMLOCK: 4096
430       NAME: (unused)  UID: 0
432  ...
434   ID      BPF_MAP       BPF_MAP_TYPE   MAP_FLAGS
435  108  ffff9ff1aeab9400    LRU_HASH      00000000
436       KEY_SIZE: 4  VALUE_SIZE: 8  MAX_ENTRIES: 1000  MEMLOCK: 147456
437       NAME: "lru_hash_lookup"  UID: 0
439  To display all possible information that this command offers about
440  all programs and maps, enter:
442  crash> bpf -PM -jTs

5. bt - backtrace


1bt [-a|-c cpu(s)|-g|-r|-t|-T|-l|-e|-E|-f|-F|-o|-O|-v|-p] [-R ref] [-s [-x|d]]
2     [-I ip] [-S sp] [pid | task]


 1  Display a kernel stack backtrace.  If no arguments are given, the stack
 2  trace of the current context will be displayed.
 4       -a  displays the stack traces of the active task on each CPU.
 5           (only applicable to crash dumps)
 6       -A  same as -a, but also displays vector registers (S390X only).
 7       -p  display the stack trace of the panic task only.
 8           (only applicable to crash dumps)
 9   -c cpu  display the stack trace of the active task on one or more CPUs,
10           which can be specified using the format "3", "1,8,9", "1-23",
11           or "1,8,9-14". (only applicable to crash dumps)
12       -g  displays the stack traces of all threads in the thread group of
13           the target task; the thread group leader will be displayed first.
14       -r  display raw stack data, consisting of a memory dump of the two
15           pages of memory containing the task_union structure.
16       -t  display all text symbols found from the last known stack location
17           to the top of the stack. (helpful if the back trace fails)
18       -T  display all text symbols found from just above the task_struct or
19           thread_info to the top of the stack. (helpful if the back trace
20           fails or the -t option starts too high in the process stack).
21       -l  show file and line number of each stack trace text location.
22       -e  search the stack for possible kernel and user mode exception frames.
23       -E  search the IRQ stacks (x86, x86_64, arm64, and ppc64), and the
24           exception stacks (x86_64) for possible exception frames; all other
25           arguments except for -c will be ignored since this is not a context-
26           sensitive operation.
27       -f  display all stack data contained in a frame; this option can be
28           used to determine the arguments passed to each function; on ia64,
29           the argument register contents are dumped.
30    -F[F]  similar to -f, except that the stack data is displayed symbolically
31           when appropriate; if the stack data references a slab cache object,
32           the name of the slab cache will be displayed in brackets; on ia64,
33           the substitution is done to the argument register contents.  If -F
34           is entered twice, and the stack data references a slab cache object,
35           both the address and the name of the slab cache will be displayed
36           in brackets.
37       -v  check the kernel stack of all tasks for evidence of stack overflows.
38           It does so by verifying the thread_info.task pointer, ensuring that
39           the thread_info.cpu is a valid cpu number, and checking the end of
40           the stack for the STACK_END_MAGIC value.
41       -o  arm64: use optional backtrace method; not supported on Linux 4.14 or
42           later kernels.
43           x86: use old backtrace method, permissible only on kernels that were
44           compiled without the -fomit-frame_pointer.
45           x86_64: use old backtrace method, which dumps potentially stale
46           kernel text return addresses found on the stack.
47       -O  arm64: use optional backtrace method by default; subsequent usage
48           of this option toggles the backtrace method.
49           x86: use old backtrace method by default, permissible only on kernels
50           that were compiled without the -fomit-frame_pointer; subsequent usage
51           of this option toggles the backtrace method.
52           x86_64: use old backtrace method by default; subsequent usage of this
53           option toggles the backtrace method.
54   -R ref  display stack trace only if there is a reference to this symbol
55           or text address.
56       -s  display the symbol name plus its offset.
57       -x  when displaying a symbol offset with the -s option, override the
58           default output format with hexadecimal format.
59       -d  when displaying a symbol offset with the -s option, override the
60           default output format with decimal format.
61    -I ip  use ip as the starting text location.
62    -S sp  use sp as the starting stack frame address.
63      pid  displays the stack trace(s) of this pid.
64    taskp  displays the stack trace the the task referenced by this hexadecimal
65           task_struct pointer.
67  Multiple pid and taskp arguments may be specified.
69  Note that all examples below are for x86 only.  The output format will differ
70  for other architectures.  x86 backtraces from kernels that were compiled
71  with the --fomit-frame-pointer CFLAG occasionally will drop stack frames,
72  or display a stale frame reference.  When in doubt as to the accuracy of a
73  backtrace, the -t or -T options may help fill in the blanks.


  1  Display the stack trace of the active task(s) when the kernel panicked:
  3    crash> bt -a
  4    PID: 286    TASK: c0b3a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "in.rlogind"
  5    #0 [c0b3be90] crash_save_current_state at c011aed0
  6    #1 [c0b3bea4] panic at c011367c
  7    #2 [c0b3bee8] tulip_interrupt at c01bc820
  8    #3 [c0b3bf08] handle_IRQ_event at c010a551
  9    #4 [c0b3bf2c] do_8259A_IRQ at c010a319
 10    #5 [c0b3bf3c] do_IRQ at c010a653
 11    #6 [c0b3bfbc] ret_from_intr at c0109634
 12       EAX: 00000000  EBX: c0e68280  ECX: 00000000  EDX: 00000004  EBP: c0b3bfbc
 13       DS:  0018      ESI: 00000004  ES:  0018      EDI: c0e68284
 14       CS:  0010      EIP: c012f803  ERR: ffffff09  EFLAGS: 00000246
 15    #7 [c0b3bfbc] sys_select at c012f803
 16    #8 [c0b3bfc0] system_call at c0109598
 17       EAX: 0000008e  EBX: 00000004  ECX: bfffc9a0  EDX: 00000000
 18       DS:  002b      ESI: bfffc8a0  ES:  002b      EDI: 00000000
 19       SS:  002b      ESP: bfffc82c  EBP: bfffd224
 20       CS:  0023      EIP: 400d032e  ERR: 0000008e  EFLAGS: 00000246
 22  Display the stack trace of the active task on CPU 0 and 1:
 24    crash> bt -c 0,1
 25    PID: 0      TASK: ffffffff81a8d020  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "swapper"
 26     #0 [ffff880002207e90] crash_nmi_callback at ffffffff8102fee6
 27     #1 [ffff880002207ea0] notifier_call_chain at ffffffff8152d525
 28     #2 [ffff880002207ee0] atomic_notifier_call_chain at ffffffff8152d58a
 29     #3 [ffff880002207ef0] notify_die at ffffffff810a155e
 30     #4 [ffff880002207f20] do_nmi at ffffffff8152b1eb
 31     #5 [ffff880002207f50] nmi at ffffffff8152aab0
 32        [exception RIP: native_safe_halt+0xb]
 33        RIP: ffffffff8103eacb  RSP: ffffffff81a01ea8  RFLAGS: 00000296
 34        RAX: 0000000000000000  RBX: 0000000000000000  RCX: 0000000000000000
 35        RDX: 0000000000000000  RSI: 0000000000000001  RDI: ffffffff81de5228
 36        RBP: ffffffff81a01ea8   R8: 0000000000000000   R9: 0000000000000000
 37        R10: 0012099429a6bea3  R11: 0000000000000000  R12: ffffffff81c066c0
 38        R13: 0000000000000000  R14: ffffffffffffffff  R15: ffffffff81de1000
 39        ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff  CS: 0010  SS: 0018
 40    --- <NMI exception stack> ---
 41     #6 [ffffffff81a01ea8] native_safe_halt at ffffffff8103eacb
 42     #7 [ffffffff81a01eb0] default_idle at ffffffff810167bd
 43     #8 [ffffffff81a01ed0] cpu_idle at ffffffff81009fc6
 45    PID: 38     TASK: ffff88003eaae040  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "khungtaskd"
 46     #0 [ffff88003ad97ce8] machine_kexec at ffffffff81038f3b
 47     #1 [ffff88003ad97d48] crash_kexec at ffffffff810c5da2
 48     #2 [ffff88003ad97e18] panic at ffffffff8152721a
 49     #3 [ffff88003ad97e98] watchdog at ffffffff810e6346
 50     #4 [ffff88003ad97ee8] kthread at ffffffff8109af06
 51     #5 [ffff88003ad97f48] kernel_thread at ffffffff8100c20a
 53  Display the stack traces of task f2814000 and PID 1592:
 55    crash> bt f2814000 1592
 56    PID: 1018   TASK: f2814000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "java"
 57     #0 [f2815db4] schedule at c011af85
 58     #1 [f2815de4] __down at c010600f
 59     #2 [f2815e14] __down_failed at c01061b3
 60     #3 [f2815e24] stext_lock (via drain_cpu_caches) at c025fa55
 61     #4 [f2815ec8] kmem_cache_shrink_nr at c013a53e
 62     #5 [f2815ed8] do_try_to_free_pages at c013f402
 63     #6 [f2815f04] try_to_free_pages at c013f8d2
 64     #7 [f2815f1c] _wrapped_alloc_pages at c01406bd
 65     #8 [f2815f40] __alloc_pages at c014079d
 66     #9 [f2815f60] __get_free_pages at c014083e
 67    #10 [f2815f68] do_fork at c011cebb
 68    #11 [f2815fa4] sys_clone at c0105ceb
 69    #12 [f2815fc0] system_call at c010740c
 70        EAX: 00000078  EBX: 00000f21  ECX: bc1ffbd8  EDX: bc1ffbe0
 71        DS:  002b      ESI: 00000000  ES:  002b      EDI: bc1ffd04
 72        SS:  002b      ESP: 0807316c  EBP: 080731bc
 73        CS:  0023      EIP: 4012881e  ERR: 00000078  EFLAGS: 00000296
 75    PID: 1592   TASK: c0cec000  CPU: 3   COMMAND: "httpd"
 76     #0 [c0ceded4] schedule at c011af85
 77     #1 [c0cedf04] pipe_wait at c0153083
 78     #2 [c0cedf58] pipe_read at c015317f
 79     #3 [c0cedf7c] sys_read at c0148be6
 80     #4 [c0cedfc0] system_call at c010740c
 81        EAX: 00000003  EBX: 00000004  ECX: bffed4a3  EDX: 00000001
 82        DS:  002b      ESI: 00000001  ES:  002b      EDI: bffed4a3
 83        SS:  002b      ESP: bffed458  EBP: bffed488
 84        CS:  0023      EIP: 4024f1d4  ERR: 00000003  EFLAGS: 00000286
 86  In order to examine each stack frame's contents use the bt -f option.
 87  From the extra frame data that is displayed, the arguments passed to each
 88  function can be determined.  Re-examining the PID 1592 trace above:
 90    crash> bt -f 1592
 91    PID: 1592   TASK: c0cec000  CPU: 3   COMMAND: "httpd"
 92     #0 [c0ceded4] schedule at c011af85
 93        [RA: c0153088  SP: c0ceded4  FP: c0cedf04  SIZE: 52]
 94        c0ceded4: c0cedf00  c0cec000  ce1a6000  00000003
 95        c0cedee4: c0cec000  f26152c0  cfafc8c0  c0cec000
 96        c0cedef4: ef70a0a0  c0cec000  c0cedf28  c0cedf54
 97        c0cedf04: c0153088
 98     #1 [c0cedf04] pipe_wait at c0153083
 99        [RA: c0153184  SP: c0cedf08  FP: c0cedf58  SIZE: 84]
100        c0cedf08: 00000000  c0cec000  00000000  00000000
101        c0cedf18: 00000000  c0a41fa0  c011d38b  c0394120
102        c0cedf28: 00000000  c0cec000  ceeebf30  ce4adf30
103        c0cedf38: 00000000  d4b60ce0  00000000  c0cedf58
104        c0cedf48: e204f820  ef70a040  00000001  c0cedf78
105        c0cedf58: c0153184
106     #2 [c0cedf58] pipe_read at c015317f
107        [RA: c0148be8  SP: c0cedf5c  FP: c0cedf7c  SIZE: 36]
108        c0cedf5c: ef70a040  c0cec000  00000000  00000000
109        c0cedf6c: 00000001  f27ae680  ffffffea  c0cedfbc
110        c0cedf7c: c0148be8
111     #3 [c0cedf7c] sys_read at c0148be6
112        [RA: c0107413  SP: c0cedf80  FP: c0cedfc0  SIZE: 68]
113        c0cedf80: f27ae680  bffed4a3  00000001  f27ae6a0
114        c0cedf90: 40160370  24000000  4019ba28  00000000
115        c0cedfa0: 00000000  fffffffe  bffba207  fffffffe
116        c0cedfb0: c0cec000  00000001  bffed4a3  bffed488
117        c0cedfc0: c0107413
118     #4 [c0cedfc0] system_call at c010740c
119        EAX: 00000003  EBX: 00000004  ECX: bffed4a3  EDX: 00000001
120        DS:  002b      ESI: 00000001  ES:  002b      EDI: bffed4a3
121        SS:  002b      ESP: bffed458  EBP: bffed488
122        CS:  0023      EIP: 4024f1d4  ERR: 00000003  EFLAGS: 00000286
123        [RA: 4024f1d4  SP: c0cedfc4  FP: c0cedffc  SIZE: 60]
124        c0cedfc4: 00000004  bffed4a3  00000001  00000001
125        c0cedfd4: bffed4a3  bffed488  00000003  0000002b
126        c0cedfe4: 0000002b  00000003  4024f1d4  00000023
127        c0cedff4: 00000286  bffed458  0000002b
129    Typically the arguments passed to a function will be the last values
130    that were pushed onto the stack by the next higher-numbered function, i.e.,
131    the lowest stack addresses in the frame above the called function's
132    stack frame.  That can be verified by disassembling the calling function.
133    For example, the arguments passed from sys_read() to pipe_read() above
134    are the file pointer, the user buffer address, the count, and a pointer
135    to the file structure's f_pos field.  Looking at the frame #3 data for
136    sys_read(), the last four items pushed onto the stack (lowest addresses)
137    are f27ae680, bffed4a3, 00000001, and f27ae6a0 -- which are the 4 arguments
138    above, in that order.  Note that the first (highest address) stack content
139    in frame #2 data for pipe_read() is c0148be8, which is the return address
140    back to sys_read().
142  Dump the text symbols found in the current context's stack:
144    crash> bt -t
145    PID: 1357   TASK: c1aa0000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "lockd"
146          START: schedule at c01190e0
147      [c1aa1f28] dput at c0157dbc
148      [c1aa1f4c] schedule_timeout at c0124cd4
149      [c1aa1f78] svc_recv at cb22c4d8 [sunrpc]
150      [c1aa1f98] put_files_struct at c011eb21
151      [c1aa1fcc] nlmclnt_proc at cb237bef [lockd]
152      [c1aa1ff0] kernel_thread at c0105826
153      [c1aa1ff8] nlmclnt_proc at cb237a60 [lockd]
155  Search the current stack for possible exception frames:
157    crash> bt -e
158    PID: 286    TASK: c0b3a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "in.rlogind"
161       EAX: 00000000  EBX: c0e68280  ECX: 00000000  EDX: 00000004  EBP: c0b3bfbc
162       DS:  0018      ESI: 00000004  ES:  0018      EDI: c0e68284
163       CS:  0010      EIP: c012f803  ERR: ffffff09  EFLAGS: 00000246
166       EAX: 0000008e  EBX: 00000004  ECX: bfffc9a0  EDX: 00000000
167       DS:  002b      ESI: bfffc8a0  ES:  002b      EDI: 00000000
168       SS:  002b      ESP: bfffc82c  EBP: bfffd224
169       CS:  0023      EIP: 400d032e  ERR: 0000008e  EFLAGS: 00000246
171  Display the back trace from a dumpfile that resulted from the execution
172  of the crash utility's "sys -panic" command:
174   crash> bt
175   PID: 12523  TASK: c610c000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
176    #0 [c610de64] die at c01076ec
177    #1 [c610de74] do_invalid_op at c01079bc
178    #2 [c610df2c] error_code (via invalid_op) at c0107256
179       EAX: 0000001d  EBX: c024a4c0  ECX: c02f13c4  EDX: 000026f6  EBP: c610c000
180       DS:  0018      ESI: 401de2e0  ES:  0018      EDI: c610c000
181       CS:  0010      EIP: c011bbb4  ERR: ffffffff  EFLAGS: 00010296
182    #3 [c610df68] panic at c011bbb4
183    #4 [c610df78] do_exit at c011f1fe
184    #5 [c610dfc0] system_call at c0107154
185       EAX: 00000001  EBX: 00000000  ECX: 00001000  EDX: 401df154
186       DS:  002b      ESI: 401de2e0  ES:  002b      EDI: 00000000
187       SS:  002b      ESP: bffebf0c  EBP: bffebf38
188       CS:  0023      EIP: 40163afd  ERR: 00000001  EFLAGS: 00000246
190  Display the back trace from a dumpfile that resulted from an attempt to
191  insmod the sample "crash.c" kernel module that comes as part of the
192  Red Hat netdump package:
194   crash> bt
195   PID: 1696   TASK: c74de000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "insmod"
196    #0 [c74dfdcc] die at c01076ec
197    #1 [c74dfddc] do_page_fault at c0117bbc
198    #2 [c74dfee0] error_code (via page_fault) at c0107256
199       EAX: 00000013  EBX: cb297000  ECX: 00000000  EDX: c5962000  EBP: c74dff28
200       DS:  0018      ESI: 00000000  ES:  0018      EDI: 00000000
201       CS:  0010      EIP: cb297076  ERR: ffffffff  EFLAGS: 00010282
202    #3 [c74dff1c] crash_init at cb297076 [crash]
203    #4 [c74dff2c] sys_init_module at c011d233
204    #5 [c74dffc0] system_call at c0107154
205       EAX: 00000080  EBX: 08060528  ECX: 08076450  EDX: 0000000a
206       DS:  002b      ESI: 0804b305  ES:  002b      EDI: 08074ed0
207       SS:  002b      ESP: bffe9a90  EBP: bffe9ac8
208       CS:  0023      EIP: 4012066e  ERR: 00000080  EFLAGS: 00000246
210  Display the symbol name plus its offset in each frame, overriding
211  the current output format with hexadecimal:
213    crash> bt -sx
214    PID: 1499   TASK: ffff88006af43cc0  CPU: 2   COMMAND: "su"
215     #0 [ffff8800664a1c90] machine_kexec+0x167 at ffffffff810327b7
216     #1 [ffff8800664a1ce0] crash_kexec+0x60 at ffffffff810a9ec0
217     #2 [ffff8800664a1db0] oops_end+0xb0 at ffffffff81504160
218     #3 [ffff8800664a1dd0] general_protection+0x25 at ffffffff81503435
219        [exception RIP: kmem_cache_alloc+120]
220        RIP: ffffffff8113cf88  RSP: ffff8800664a1e88  RFLAGS: 00010086
221        RAX: 0000000000000000  RBX: ff88006ef56840ff  RCX: ffffffff8114e9e4
222        RDX: 0000000000000000  RSI: 00000000000080d0  RDI: ffffffff81796020
223        RBP: ffffffff81796020   R8: ffff88000a3137a0   R9: 0000000000000000
224        R10: ffff88007ac97300  R11: 0000000000000400  R12: 00000000000080d0
225        R13: 0000000000000292  R14: 00000000000080d0  R15: 00000000000000c0
226        ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff  CS: 0010  SS: 0018
227     #4 [ffff8800664a1ed0] get_empty_filp+0x74 at ffffffff8114e9e4
228     #5 [ffff8800664a1ef0] sock_alloc_fd+0x23 at ffffffff8142f553
229     #6 [ffff8800664a1f10] sock_map_fd+0x23 at ffffffff8142f693
230     #7 [ffff8800664a1f50] sys_socket+0x43 at ffffffff814302a3
231     #8 [ffff8800664a1f80] system_call_fastpath+0x16 at ffffffff81013042
232        RIP: 00007f5720b368e7  RSP: 00007fff52b629a8  RFLAGS: 00010206
233        RAX: 0000000000000029  RBX: ffffffff81013042  RCX: 0000000000000000
234        RDX: 0000000000000009  RSI: 0000000000000003  RDI: 0000000000000010
235        RBP: 000000000066f320   R8: 0000000000000001   R9: 0000000000000000
236        R10: 0000000000000000  R11: 0000000000000202  R12: ffff88007ac97300
237        R13: 0000000000000000  R14: 00007f571e104a80  R15: 00007f571e305048
238        ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000029  CS: 0033  SS: 002b
240  The following three examples show the difference in the display of
241  the same stack frame's contents using -f, -F, and -FF:
243    crash> bt -f
244    ...
245     #4 [ffff810072b47f10] vfs_write at ffffffff800789d8
246        ffff810072b47f18: ffff81007e020380 ffff81007e2c2880
247        ffff810072b47f28: 0000000000000002 fffffffffffffff7
248        ffff810072b47f38: 00002b141825d000 ffffffff80078f75
249     #5 [ffff810072b47f40] sys_write at ffffffff80078f75
250    ...
251    crash> bt -F
252    ...
253     #4 [ffff810072b47f10] vfs_write at ffffffff800789d8
254        ffff810072b47f18: [files_cache]    [filp]
255        ffff810072b47f28: 0000000000000002 fffffffffffffff7
256        ffff810072b47f38: 00002b141825d000 sys_write+69
257     #5 [ffff810072b47f40] sys_write at ffffffff80078f75
258    ...
259    crash> bt -FF
260    ...
261     #4 [ffff810072b47f10] vfs_write at ffffffff800789d8
262        ffff810072b47f18: [ffff81007e020380:files_cache] [ffff81007e2c2880:filp]
263        ffff810072b47f28: 0000000000000002 fffffffffffffff7
264        ffff810072b47f38: 00002b141825d000 sys_write+69
265     #5 [ffff810072b47f40] sys_write at ffffffff80078f75
266    ...
268  Check the kernel stack of all tasks for evidence of a stack overflow:
270    crash> bt -v
271    PID: 5823   TASK: ffff88102aae0040  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "flush-253:0"
272    possible stack overflow: thread_info.task: 102efb5adc0 != ffff88102aae0040
273    possible stack overflow: 40ffffffff != STACK_END_MAGIC

6. btop - bytes to page


1btop address ...


1  This command translates a hexadecimal address to its page number.


1    crash> btop 512a000
2    512a000: 512a

7. dev - device data


1dev [-i | -p | -d | -D ] [-V | -v index [file]]


 1  If no argument is entered, this command dumps character and block
 2  device data.
 4    -i  display I/O port usage; on 2.4 kernels, also display I/O memory usage.
 5    -p  display PCI device data.
 6    -d  display disk I/O statistics:
 7         TOTAL: total number of allocated in-progress I/O requests
 8          SYNC: I/O requests that are synchronous
 9         ASYNC: I/O requests that are asynchronous
10          READ: I/O requests that are reads (older kernels)
11         WRITE: I/O requests that are writes (older kernels)
12           DRV: I/O requests that are in-flight in the device driver.
13                If the device driver uses blk-mq interface, this field
14                shows N/A(MQ).  If not available, this column is not shown.
15    -D  same as -d, but filter out disks with no in-progress I/O requests.
17  If the dumpfile contains device dumps:
18        -V  display an indexed list of all device dumps present in the vmcore,
19            showing their file offset, size and name.
20  -v index  select and display one device dump based upon an index value
21            shown by the -V option, shown in a default human-readable format;
22            alternatively, the "rd -f" option along with its various format
23            options may be used to further tailor the output.
24      file  only used with -v, copy the device dump data to a file.


  1  Display character and block device data:
  3    crash> dev
  4    CHRDEV    NAME              CDEV    OPERATIONS
  5       1      mem             f79b83c0  memory_fops
  6       4      /dev/vc/0       c07bc560  console_fops
  7       4      tty             f7af5004  tty_fops
  8       4      ttyS            f7b02204  tty_fops
  9       5      /dev/tty        c07bc440  tty_fops
 10       5      /dev/console    c07bc4a0  console_fops
 11       5      /dev/ptmx       c07bc500  ptmx_fops
 12       6      lp              c5797e40  lp_fops
 13       7      vcs             f7b03d40  vcs_fops
 14      10      misc            f7f68640  misc_fops
 15      13      input           f79b8840  input_fops
 16      21      sg              f7f12840  sg_fops
 17      29      fb              f7f8c640  fb_fops
 18     128      ptm             f7b02604  tty_fops
 19     136      pts             f7b02404  tty_fops
 20     162      raw             c0693e40  raw_fops
 21     180      usb             f79b8bc0  usb_fops
 22     189      usb_device      c06a0300  usbfs_device_file_operations
 23     216      rfcomm          f5961a04  tty_fops
 24     254      pcmcia          f79b82c0  ds_fops
 27       1      ramdisk         f7b23480  rd_bd_op
 28       8      sd              f7cab280  sd_fops
 29       9      md              f7829b80  md_fops
 30      11      sr              f75c24c0  sr_bdops
 31      65      sd               (none)
 32      66      sd               (none)
 33      67      sd               (none)
 34      68      sd               (none)
 35      69      sd               (none)
 36      70      sd               (none)
 37      71      sd               (none)
 38     128      sd               (none)
 39     129      sd               (none)
 40     130      sd               (none)
 41     131      sd               (none)
 42     132      sd               (none)
 43     133      sd               (none)
 44     134      sd               (none)
 45     135      sd               (none)
 46     253      device-mapper   c57a0ac0  dm_blk_dops
 47     254      mdp              (none)
 49  Display PCI data:
 51    crash> dev -p
 53    c00051c0 00:00.0  Host bridge: Intel 440BX - 82443BX Host
 54    c0005250 00:01.0  PCI bridge: Intel 440BX - 82443BX AGP
 55    c00052e0 00:07.0  ISA bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ISA
 56    c0005370 00:07.1  IDE interface: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 IDE
 57    c0005400 00:07.2  USB Controller: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 USB
 58    c0005490 00:07.3  Bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI
 59    c0005520 00:11.0  Ethernet controller: 3Com 3C905B 100bTX
 60    c00055b0 00:13.0  PCI bridge: DEC DC21152
 61    c0005640 01:00.0  VGA compatible controller: NVidia [PCI_DEVICE 28]
 62    c00056d0 02:0a.0  SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7890/1
 63    c0005760 02:0e.0  SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7880U
 65  Display I/O port and I/O memory usage:
 67    crash> dev -i
 69    c03036d4  0000-ffff  PCI IO
 70    c0302594  0000-001f  dma1
 71    c03025b0  0020-003f  pic1
 72    c03025cc  0040-005f  timer
 73    c03025e8  0060-006f  keyboard
 74    c0302604  0080-008f  dma page reg
 75    c0302620  00a0-00bf  pic2
 76    c030263c  00c0-00df  dma2
 77    c0302658  00f0-00ff  fpu
 78    c122ff20  0170-0177  ide1
 79    c122f240  0213-0213  isapnp read
 80    c122ff40  02f8-02ff  serial(auto)
 81    c122ff00  0376-0376  ide1
 82    c03186e8  03c0-03df  vga+
 83    c122ff60  03f8-03ff  serial(auto)
 84    c123851c  0800-083f  Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI
 85    c1238538  0840-085f  Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI
 86    c122f220  0a79-0a79  isapnp write
 87    c122f200  0cf8-0cff  PCI conf1
 88    c1238858  dc00-dc7f  3Com Corporation 3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone]
 89    c122fc00  dc00-dc7f  00:11.0
 90    c12380c8  dce0-dcff  Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB
 91    c1238d1c  e000-efff  PCI Bus #02
 92    c1237858  e800-e8ff  Adaptec AIC-7880U
 93    c1237458  ec00-ecff  Adaptec AHA-2940U2/W / 7890
 94    c1239cc8  ffa0-ffaf  Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE
 96    RESOURCE        RANGE        NAME
 97    c03036f0  00000000-ffffffff  PCI mem
 98    c0004000  00000000-0009ffff  System RAM
 99    c03026ac  000a0000-000bffff  Video RAM area
100    c03026fc  000c0000-000c7fff  Video ROM
101    c0302718  000c9800-000cdfff  Extension ROM
102    c0302734  000ce000-000ce7ff  Extension ROM
103    c0302750  000ce800-000cffff  Extension ROM
104    c03026e0  000f0000-000fffff  System ROM
105    c0004040  00100000-07ffdfff  System RAM
106    c0302674  00100000-0028682b  Kernel code
107    c0302690  0028682c-0031c63f  Kernel data
108    c0004060  07ffe000-07ffffff  reserved
109    c1239058  ec000000-efffffff  Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host
110                                 bridge
111    c1238d54  f1000000-f1ffffff  PCI Bus #02
112    c1239554  f2000000-f5ffffff  PCI Bus #01
113    c1237074  f4000000-f5ffffff  nVidia Corporation Riva TnT2 [NV5]
114    c1238d38  fa000000-fbffffff  PCI Bus #02
115    c1237874  faffe000-faffefff  Adaptec AIC-7880U
116    c127ec40  faffe000-faffefff  aic7xxx
117    c1237474  fafff000-faffffff  Adaptec AHA-2940U2/W / 7890
118    c127eec0  fafff000-faffffff  aic7xxx
119    c1239538  fc000000-fdffffff  PCI Bus #01
120    c1237058  fc000000-fcffffff  nVidia Corporation Riva TnT2 [NV5]
121    c1238874  fe000000-fe00007f  3Com Corporation 3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone]
122    c0004080  fec00000-fec0ffff  reserved
123    c00040a0  fee00000-fee0ffff  reserved
124    c00040c0  ffe00000-ffffffff  reserved
126  Display disk I/O statistics:
128    crash> dev -d
130        2 ffff81012d8a5000   fd0      ffff81012dc053c0      12     0    12     0
131       22 ffff81012dc6b000   hdc      ffff81012d8ae340       2     2     0     0
132        8 ffff81012dd71000   sda      ffff81012d8af040       6     0     6     6
133        8 ffff81012dc77000   sdb      ffff81012d8b5740       0     0     0     0
134        8 ffff81012d8d0c00   sdc      ffff81012d8ae9c0       0     0     0     0
136  Display the available device dumps:
138    crash> dev -V
139    INDEX  OFFSET             SIZE             NAME
140      0    0x240              33558464         cxgb4_0000:02:00.4
141      1    0x2001240          33558464         cxgb4_0000:03:00.4
143  Extract a specified device dump to file:
145    crash> dev -v 0 device_dump_0.bin
146    DEVICE: cxgb4_0000:02:00.4
147    33558464 bytes copied from 0x240 to device_dump_0.bin
149  Format and display a device's dump data to the screen using the "rd" command:
151    crash> rd -f 0x240 -32 8
152    240:  040b69e2 00000038 000e0001 00675fd4   .i..8........_g.
153    250:  00000000 21600047 00000000 00000000   ....G.`!........
155  Display a device's dump data to the screen using the default format:
157    crash> dev -v 1
158    DEVICE: cxgb4_0000:03:00.4
159             2001240:  00000038040b69e2 00af985c000e0001   .i..8.......\...
160             2001250:  2150004700000000 0000000000000000   ....G.P!........
161             2001260:  0000000000000000 0000000000000000   ................
162             2001270:  0000000000000000 0002fccc00000001   ................
163             2001280:  00000000000027b0 0000000000000000   .'..............
164    ...

8. dis - disassemble


1dis [-rfludxs][-b [num]] [address | symbol | (expression)] [count]


 1  This command disassembles source code instructions starting (or ending) at
 2  a text address that may be expressed by value, symbol or expression:
 4            -r  (reverse) displays all instructions from the start of the
 5                routine up to and including the designated address.
 6            -f  (forward) displays all instructions from the given address
 7                to the end of the routine.
 8            -l  displays source code line number data in addition to the
 9                disassembly output.
10            -u  address is a user virtual address in the current context;
11                otherwise the address is assumed to be a kernel virtual address.
12                If this option is used, then -r and -l are ignored.
13            -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
14            -d  override default output format with decimal format.
15            -s  displays the filename and line number of the source code that
16                is associated with the specified text location, followed by a
17                source code listing if it is available on the host machine.
18                The line associated with the text location will be marked with
19                an asterisk; depending upon gdb's internal "listsize" variable,
20                several lines will precede the marked location. If a "count"
21                argument is entered, it specifies the number of source code
22                lines to be displayed after the marked location; otherwise
23                the remaining source code of the containing function will be
24                displayed.
25      -b [num]  modify the pre-calculated number of encoded bytes to skip after
26                a kernel BUG ("ud2a") instruction; with no argument, displays
27                the current number of bytes being skipped. (x86 and x86_64 only)
28       address  starting hexadecimal text address.
29        symbol  symbol of starting text address.  On ppc64, the symbol
30                preceded by '.' is used.
31  (expression)  expression evaluating to a starting text address.
32         count  the number of instructions to be disassembled (default is 1).
33                If no count argument is entered, and the starting address
34                is entered as a text symbol, then the whole routine will be
35                disassembled.  The count argument is supported when used with
36                the -r and -f options.


  1  Disassemble the sys_signal() routine without, and then with, line numbers:
  3    crash> dis sys_signal
  4    0xc0112c88 <sys_signal>:        push   %ebp
  5    0xc0112c89 <sys_signal+1>:      mov    %esp,%ebp
  6    0xc0112c8b <sys_signal+3>:      sub    $0x28,%esp
  7    0xc0112c8e <sys_signal+6>:      mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax
  8    0xc0112c91 <sys_signal+9>:      mov    %eax,0xffffffec(%ebp)
  9    0xc0112c94 <sys_signal+12>:     movl   $0xc0000000,0xfffffff0(%ebp)
 10    0xc0112c9b <sys_signal+19>:     lea    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
 11    0xc0112c9e <sys_signal+22>:     push   %eax
 12    0xc0112c9f <sys_signal+23>:     lea    0xffffffec(%ebp),%eax
 13    0xc0112ca2 <sys_signal+26>:     push   %eax
 14    0xc0112ca3 <sys_signal+27>:     pushl  0x8(%ebp)
 15    0xc0112ca6 <sys_signal+30>:     call   0xc01124b8 <do_sigaction>
 16    0xc0112cab <sys_signal+35>:     test   %eax,%eax
 17    0xc0112cad <sys_signal+37>:     jne    0xc0112cb2 <sys_signal+42>
 18    0xc0112caf <sys_signal+39>:     mov    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
 19    0xc0112cb2 <sys_signal+42>:     leave
 20    0xc0112cb3 <sys_signal+43>:     ret
 22    crash> dis -l sys_signal
 23    /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/kernel/signal.c: 1074
 24    0xc0112c88 <sys_signal>:        push   %ebp
 25    0xc0112c89 <sys_signal+1>:      mov    %esp,%ebp
 26    0xc0112c8b <sys_signal+3>:      sub    $0x28,%esp
 27    0xc0112c8e <sys_signal+6>:      mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax
 28    /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/kernel/signal.c: 1078
 29    0xc0112c91 <sys_signal+9>:      mov    %eax,0xffffffec(%ebp)
 30    /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/kernel/signal.c: 1079
 31    0xc0112c94 <sys_signal+12>:     movl   $0xc0000000,0xfffffff0(%ebp)
 32    /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/kernel/signal.c: 1081
 33    0xc0112c9b <sys_signal+19>:     lea    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
 34    0xc0112c9e <sys_signal+22>:     push   %eax
 35    0xc0112c9f <sys_signal+23>:     lea    0xffffffec(%ebp),%eax
 36    0xc0112ca2 <sys_signal+26>:     push   %eax
 37    0xc0112ca3 <sys_signal+27>:     pushl  0x8(%ebp)
 38    0xc0112ca6 <sys_signal+30>:     call   0xc01124b8 <do_sigaction>
 39    /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/kernel/signal.c: 1083
 40    0xc0112cab <sys_signal+35>:     test   %eax,%eax
 41    0xc0112cad <sys_signal+37>:     jne    0xc0112cb2 <sys_signal+42>
 42    0xc0112caf <sys_signal+39>:     mov    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
 43    /usr/src/linux-2.2.5/kernel/signal.c: 1084
 44    0xc0112cb2 <sys_signal+42>:     leave
 45    0xc0112cb3 <sys_signal+43>:     ret
 47  Given a return address expression of "do_no_page+65", find out the
 48  function that do_no_page() calls by using the reverse flag:
 50    crash> dis -r (do_no_page+65)
 51    0xc011ea68 <do_no_page>:        push   %ebp
 52    0xc011ea69 <do_no_page+1>:      mov    %esp,%ebp
 53    0xc011ea6b <do_no_page+3>:      push   %edi
 54    0xc011ea6c <do_no_page+4>:      push   %esi
 55    0xc011ea6d <do_no_page+5>:      push   %ebx
 56    0xc011ea6e <do_no_page+6>:      mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx
 57    0xc011ea71 <do_no_page+9>:      mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx
 58    0xc011ea74 <do_no_page+12>:     mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi
 59    0xc011ea77 <do_no_page+15>:     mov    0x28(%ebx),%eax
 60    0xc011ea7a <do_no_page+18>:     test   %eax,%eax
 61    0xc011ea7c <do_no_page+20>:     je     0xc011ea85 <do_no_page+29>
 62    0xc011ea7e <do_no_page+22>:     mov    0x18(%eax),%ecx
 63    0xc011ea81 <do_no_page+25>:     test   %ecx,%ecx
 64    0xc011ea83 <do_no_page+27>:     jne    0xc011eab0 <do_no_page+72>
 65    0xc011ea85 <do_no_page+29>:     mov    $0xffffe000,%eax
 66    0xc011ea8a <do_no_page+34>:     and    %esp,%eax
 67    0xc011ea8c <do_no_page+36>:     decl   0x30(%eax)
 68    0xc011ea8f <do_no_page+39>:     jns    0xc011ea9a <do_no_page+50>
 69    0xc011ea91 <do_no_page+41>:     lock btrl $0x0,0xc022fb60
 70    0xc011ea9a <do_no_page+50>:     push   %edi
 71    0xc011ea9b <do_no_page+51>:     mov    0x18(%ebp),%esi
 72    0xc011ea9e <do_no_page+54>:     push   %esi
 73    0xc011ea9f <do_no_page+55>:     push   %ebx
 74    0xc011eaa0 <do_no_page+56>:     mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi
 75    0xc011eaa3 <do_no_page+59>:     push   %esi
 76    0xc011eaa4 <do_no_page+60>:     call   0xc011e9e4 <do_anonymous_page>
 77    0xc011eaa9 <do_no_page+65>:     jmp    0xc011eb47 <do_no_page+223>
 79  Disassemble 10 instructions starting at user virtual address 0x81ec624:
 81    crash> dis -u 81ec624 10
 82    0x81ec624:      push   %ebp
 83    0x81ec625:      mov    %esp,%ebp
 84    0x81ec627:      sub    $0x18,%esp
 85    0x81ec62a:      movl   $0x1,0x8(%ebp)
 86    0x81ec631:      mov    0x82f9040,%eax
 87    0x81ec636:      mov    0x10(%eax),%edx
 88    0x81ec639:      and    $0x100,%edx
 89    0x81ec63f:      mov    0x14(%eax),%ecx
 90    0x81ec642:      and    $0x0,%ecx
 91    0x81ec645:      mov    %ecx,%eax
 93  Override the current decimal output radix format:
 95    crash> dis sys_read 10 -x
 96    0xffffffff8001178f <sys_read>:  push   %r13
 97    0xffffffff80011791 <sys_read+0x2>:    mov    %rsi,%r13
 98    0xffffffff80011794 <sys_read+0x5>:    push   %r12
 99    0xffffffff80011796 <sys_read+0x7>:    mov    $0xfffffffffffffff7,%r12
100    0xffffffff8001179d <sys_read+0xe>:    push   %rbp
101    0xffffffff8001179e <sys_read+0xf>:    mov    %rdx,%rbp
102    0xffffffff800117a1 <sys_read+0x12>:   push   %rbx
103    0xffffffff800117a2 <sys_read+0x13>:   sub    $0x18,%rsp
104    0xffffffff800117a6 <sys_read+0x17>:   lea    0x14(%rsp),%rsi
105    0xffffffff800117ab <sys_read+0x1c>:   callq  0xffffffff8000b5b4 <fget_light>
107  Disassemble from vfs_read+320 until the end of the function:
109    crash> dis -f vfs_read+320
110    0xffffffff8119d4e0 <vfs_read+320>:  cmpq   $0x0,0x20(%rax)
111    0xffffffff8119d4e5 <vfs_read+325>:  jne    0xffffffff8119d3e8 <vfs_read+72>
112    0xffffffff8119d4eb <vfs_read+331>:  mov    $0xffffffffffffffea,%r12
113    0xffffffff8119d4f2 <vfs_read+338>:  jmp    0xffffffff8119d4c3 <vfs_read+291>
114    0xffffffff8119d4f4 <vfs_read+340>:  nopl   0x0(%rax)
115    0xffffffff8119d4f8 <vfs_read+344>:  callq  0xffffffff8119cc40 <do_sync_read>
116    0xffffffff8119d4fd <vfs_read+349>:  mov    %rax,%r12
117    0xffffffff8119d500 <vfs_read+352>:  jmpq   0xffffffff8119d44c <vfs_read+172>
118    0xffffffff8119d505 <vfs_read+357>:  nopl   (%rax)
119    0xffffffff8119d508 <vfs_read+360>:  mov    $0xfffffffffffffff7,%r12
120    0xffffffff8119d50f <vfs_read+367>:  jmp    0xffffffff8119d4c3 <vfs_read+291>
121    0xffffffff8119d511 <vfs_read+369>:  mov    $0xfffffffffffffff2,%r12
122    0xffffffff8119d518 <vfs_read+376>:  jmp    0xffffffff8119d4c3 <vfs_read+291>
123    0xffffffff8119d51a <vfs_read+378>:  nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
125  Display the source code listing of the mmput() function:
127    crash> dis -s mmput
128    FILE: kernel/fork.c
129    LINE: 617
131      612
132      613   /*
133      614    * Decrement the use count and release all resources for an mm.
134      615    */
135      616   void mmput(struct mm_struct *mm)
136    * 617   {
137      618           might_sleep();
138      619
139      620           if (atomic_dec_and_test(&mm->mm_users)) {
140      621                   uprobe_clear_state(mm);
141      622                   exit_aio(mm);
142      623                   ksm_exit(mm);
143      624                   khugepaged_exit(mm); /* must run before exit_mmap */
144      625                   exit_mmap(mm);
145      626                   set_mm_exe_file(mm, NULL);
146      627                   if (!list_empty(&mm->mmlist)) {
147      628                           spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
148      629                           list_del(&mm->mmlist);
149      630                           spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
150      631                   }
151      632                   if (mm->binfmt)
152      633                           module_put(mm->binfmt->module);
153      634                   mmdrop(mm);
154      635           }
155      636   }
157  The disassembly of dentry_kill() shows an indirect call to a function
158  whose address is contained within a register.  Display the source code
159  associated with the indirect function call:
161    crash> dis dentry_kill
162    ...
163    0xffffffff811dcfb4 <dentry_kill+324>:	callq  *%rax
164    ...
165    crash> dis -s 0xffffffff811dcfb4
166    FILE: fs/dcache.c
167    LINE: 276
169      271                   spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
170      272                   spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
171      273                   if (!inode->i_nlink)
172      274                           fsnotify_inoderemove(inode);
173      275                   if (dentry->d_op && dentry->d_op->d_iput)
174    * 276                           dentry->d_op->d_iput(dentry, inode);
175      277                   else
176      278                           iput(inode);
177      279           } else {
178      280                   spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
179      281           }
180      282   }

9. eval - evaluate


1eval [-b][-l] (expression) | value


 1  This command evaluates an expression or numeric value, and displays its
 2  result in hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary. If the resultant value
 3  is an integral number of gigabytes, megabytes, or kilobytes, a short-hand
 4  translation of the number will also be shown next to the hexadecimal
 5  value.  If the most significant bit is set, the decimal display will show
 6  both unsigned and signed (negative) values.  Expressions must of the format
 7  (x operator y), where "x" and "y" may be either numeric values or
 8  symbols.  The list of operators are:
10                     +  -  &  |  ^  *  %  /  <<  >>
12  Enclosing the expression within parentheses is optional except when the
13  "|", "<<" or ">>" operators are used.  The single "value" argument may
14  be a number or symbol.  Number arguments must be hexadecimal or decimal.
15  A leading "0x" identifies a number as hexadecimal, but is not required
16  when obvious.  Numbers may be followed by the letters "k" or "K", "m"
17  or "M", and "g" or "G", which multiplies the value by a factor of 1024,
18  1 megabyte or 1 gigabyte, respectively.  Numeric arguments may be preceded
19  by the one's complement operator ~.
21    -b  Indicate which bit positions in the resultant value are set.
22    -l  Numeric arguments are presumed to be 64-bit values, and the result
23        will be expressed as a 64-bit value. (ignored on 64-bit processors)
24        However, if either operand or the resultant value are 64-bit values,
25        then the result will be also be expressed as a 64-bit value.
27 The -b and -l options must precede the expression or value arguments.


 1   crash> eval 128m
 2   hexadecimal: 8000000  (128MB)
 3       decimal: 134217728
 4         octal: 1000000000
 5        binary: 00001000000000000000000000000000
 7   crash> eval 128 * 1m
 8   hexadecimal: 8000000  (128MB)
 9       decimal: 134217728
10         octal: 1000000000
11        binary: 00001000000000000000000000000000
13   crash> eval (1 << 27)
14   hexadecimal: 8000000  (128MB)
15       decimal: 134217728
16         octal: 1000000000
17        binary: 00001000000000000000000000000000
19   crash> eval (1 << 32)
20   hexadecimal: 100000000  (4GB)
21       decimal: 4294967296
22         octal: 40000000000
23        binary: 0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000
25   crash> eval -b 41dc065
26   hexadecimal: 41dc065
27       decimal: 69058661
28         octal: 407340145
29        binary: 00000100000111011100000001100101
30      bits set: 26 20 19 18 16 15 14 6 5 2 0
32   crash> eval -lb 64g
33   hexadecimal: 1000000000  (64GB)
34       decimal: 68719476736
35         octal: 1000000000000
36        binary: 0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000
37      bits set: 36

10. exit - exit this session




1  Bail out of the current crash session.

10.3. NOTE

1  This command is equivalent to the "q" command.

11. extend - extend the crash command set


1extend [shared-object ...] | [-u [shared-object ...]]


 1  This command dynamically loads or unloads crash extension shared object
 2  libraries:
 4    shared-object     load the specified shared object file; more than one
 5                      one object file may be entered.
 6    -u shared-object  unload the specified shared object file; if no file
 7                      arguments are specified, unload all objects.
 9  If the shared-object filename is not expressed with a fully-qualified
10  pathname, the following directories will be searched in the order shown,
11  and the first instance of the file that is found will be selected:
13     1. the current working directory
14     2. the directory specified in the CRASH_EXTENSIONS environment variable
15     3. /usr/lib64/crash/extensions (64-bit architectures)
16     4. /usr/lib/crash/extensions
18  If no arguments are entered, the current set of shared object files and
19  a list of their commands will be displayed.  The registered commands
20  contained in each shared object file will appear automatically in the
21  "help" command screen.
23  An example of a shared object prototype file, and how to compile it
24  into a shared object, is appended below.


  1  Load two shared object files:
  3    crash> extend extlib1.so extlib2.so
  4    ./extlib1.so: shared object loaded
  5    ./extlib2.so: shared object loaded
  7  Display the current set of shared object files and their commands:
  9    crash> extend
 11    ./extlib1.so   echo util bin
 12    ./extlib2.so   smp show
 14  Unload one of the shared object files:
 16    crash> extend -u extlib1.so
 17    ./extlib1.so: shared object unloaded
 19  Unload all currently-loaded object files:
 21    crash> extend -u
 22    ./extlib2.so: shared object unloaded
 25  The extend command loads shared object files using dlopen(3), which in
 26  turn calls the shared object's constructor function.  The shared object's
 27  constructor function should register its command set by calling
 28  register_extension(), passing it a pointer to an array of one or more
 29  structures of the following type:
 31    struct command_table_entry {
 32            char *name;
 33            cmd_func_t func;
 34            char **help_data,
 35            ulong flags;
 36    };
 38  Each command_table_entry structure contains the ASCII name of a command,
 39  the command's function address, a pointer to an array of help data strings,
 40  and a flags field.  The help_data field is optional; if it is non-NULL, it
 41  should point to an array of character strings used by the "help"
 42  command, and during command failures.  The flags field currently has two
 43  available bit settings, REFRESH_TASK_TABLE, which should be set if it is
 44  preferable to reload the current set of running processes just prior to
 45  executing the command (on a live system) and MINIMAL, which should be
 46  set if the command should be available in minimal mode.  Terminate the array
 47  of command_table_entry structures with an entry with a NULL command name.
 49  Below is an example shared object file consisting of just one command,
 50  called "echo", which simply echoes back all arguments passed to it.
 51  Note the comments contained within it for further details.  Cut and paste
 52  the following output into a file, and call it, for example, "echo.c".
 53  Then compiled in either of two manners.  Either manually like so:
 55 gcc -shared -rdynamic -o echo.so echo.c -fPIC -D<machine-type> $(TARGET_CFLAGS)
 57  where <machine-type> must be one of the MACHINE_TYPE #define's in defs.h,
 58  and where $(TARGET_CFLAGS) is the same as it is declared in the top-level
 59  Makefile after a build is completed.  Or alternatively, the "echo.c" file
 60  can be copied into the "extensions" subdirectory, and compiled automatically
 61  like so:
 63  make extensions
 65  The echo.so file may be dynamically linked into crash during runtime, or
 66  during initialization by putting "extend echo.so" into a .crashrc file
 67  located in the current directory, or in the user's $HOME directory.
 69---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
 71#include "defs.h"      /* From the crash source top-level directory */
 73void echo_init(void);    /* constructor function */
 74void echo_fini(void);    /* destructor function (optional) */
 76void cmd_echo(void);     /* Declare the commands and their help data. */
 77char *help_echo[];
 79static struct command_table_entry command_table[] = {
 80        { "echo", cmd_echo, help_echo, 0},          /* One or more commands, */
 81        { NULL },                                     /* terminated by NULL, */
 85void __attribute__((constructor))
 86echo_init(void) /* Register the command set. */
 88        register_extension(command_table);
 92 *  This function is called if the shared object is unloaded.
 93 *  If desired, perform any cleanups here.
 94 */
 95void __attribute__((destructor))
 96echo_fini(void) { }
100 *  Arguments are passed to the command functions in the global args[argcnt]
101 *  array.  See getopt(3) for info on dash arguments.  Check out defs.h and
102 *  other crash commands for usage of the myriad of utility routines available
103 *  to accomplish what your task.
104 */
108        int c;
110        while ((c = getopt(argcnt, args, "")) != EOF) {
111                switch(c)
112                {
113                default:
114                        argerrs++;
115                        break;
116                }
117        }
119        if (argerrs)
120                cmd_usage(pc->curcmd, SYNOPSIS);
122        while (args[optind])
123                fprintf(fp, "%s ", args[optind++]);
125        fprintf(fp, "\n");
129 *  The optional help data is simply an array of strings in a defined format.
130 *  For example, the "help echo" command will use the help_echo[] string
131 *  array below to create a help page that looks like this:
132 *
133 *    NAME
134 *      echo - echoes back its arguments
135 *
136 *    SYNOPSIS
137 *      echo arg ...
138 *
140 *      This command simply echoes back its arguments.
141 *
142 *    EXAMPLE
143 *      Echo back all command arguments:
144 *
145 *        crash> echo hello, world
146 *        hello, world
147 *
148 */
150char *help_echo[] = {
151        "echo",                        /* command name */
152        "echoes back its arguments",   /* short description */
153        "arg ...",                     /* argument synopsis, or " " if none */
155        "  This command simply echoes back its arguments.",
156        "\nEXAMPLE",
157        "  Echo back all command arguments:\n",
158        "    crash> echo hello, world",
159        "    hello, world",
160        NULL

12. files - open files


1files [-d dentry] | [-p inode] | [-c] [-R reference] [pid | taskp] ...


 1  This command displays information about open files of a context.
 2  It prints the context's current root directory and current working
 3  directory, and then for each open file descriptor it prints a pointer
 4  to its file struct, a pointer to its dentry struct, a pointer to the
 5  inode, the file type, and the pathname.  If no arguments are entered,
 6  the current context is used.  The -R option, typically invoked from
 7  "foreach files", searches for references to a supplied number, address,
 8  or filename argument, and prints only the essential information leading
 9  up to and including the reference.  The -d option is not context
10  specific, and only shows the data requested.
12     -d dentry  given a hexadecimal dentry address, display its inode,
13                super block, file type, and full pathname.
14     -p inode   given a hexadecimal inode address, dump all of its pages
15                that are in the page cache.
16     -c         for each open file descriptor, prints a pointer to its
17                inode, a pointer to the inode's i_mapping address_space
18                structure, the number of pages of the inode that are in
19                the page cache, the file type, and the pathname.
20  -R reference  search for references to this file descriptor number,
21                filename, dentry, inode, address_space, or file structure
22                address.
23           pid  a process PID.
24         taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.


  1  Display the open files of the current context:
  3    crash> files
  4    PID: 720    TASK: c67f2000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "innd"
  5    ROOT: /    CWD: /var/spool/news/articles
  6     FD    FILE     DENTRY    INODE    TYPE  PATH
  7      0  c6b9c740  c7cc45a0  c7c939e0  CHR   /dev/null
  8      1  c6b9c800  c537bb20  c54d0000  REG   /var/log/news/news
  9      2  c6df9600  c537b420  c5c36360  REG   /var/log/news/errlog
 10      3  c74182c0  c6ede260  c6da3d40  PIPE
 11      4  c6df9720  c696c620  c69398c0  SOCK
 12      5  c6b9cc20  c68e7000  c6938d80  SOCK
 13      6  c6b9c920  c7cc45a0  c7c939e0  CHR   /dev/null
 14      7  c6b9c680  c58fa5c0  c58a1200  REG   /var/lib/news/history
 15      8  c6df9f00  c6ede760  c6da3200  PIPE
 16      9  c6b9c6e0  c58fa140  c5929560  REG   /var/lib/news/history.dir
 17     10  c7fa9320  c7fab160  c7fafd40  CHR   /dev/console
 18     11  c6b9c7a0  c58fa5c0  c58a1200  REG   /var/lib/news/history
 19     12  c377ec60  c58fa5c0  c58a1200  REG   /var/lib/news/history
 20     13  c4528aa0  c58fa6c0  c52fbb00  REG   /var/lib/news/history.pag
 21     14  c6df9420  c68e7700  c6938360  SOCK
 22     15  c6df9360  c68e7780  c6938120  SOCK
 23     16  c6b9c0e0  c68e7800  c6772000  SOCK
 24     17  c6b9c200  c6b5f9c0  c6b5cea0  REG   /var/lib/news/active
 25     21  c6b9c080  c6ede760  c6da3200  PIPE
 27  Display the files opened by the "crond" daemon, which is PID 462:
 29  crash> files 462
 30    PID: 462    TASK: f7220000  CPU: 2   COMMAND: "crond"
 31    ROOT: /    CWD: /var/spool
 32     FD    FILE     DENTRY    INODE    TYPE  PATH
 33      0  f7534ae0  f7538de0  f7518dc0  CHR   /dev/console
 34      1  f7368f80  f72c7a40  f72f27e0  FIFO  pipe:/[1456]
 35      2  f74f3c80  f72c79c0  f72f2600  FIFO  pipe:/[1457]
 36      3  f7368b60  f72a5be0  f74300c0  REG   /var/run/crond.pid
 37      4  f7534360  f73408c0  f72c2840  REG   /var/log/cron
 38      7  f7368ce0  f72c7940  f72f2420  FIFO  pipe:/[1458]
 39      8  f7295de0  f72c7940  f72f2420  FIFO  pipe:/[1458]
 40     21  f74f36e0  f747cdc0  f747e840  CHR   /dev/null
 42  The -R option is typically invoked from "foreach files".  This example
 43  shows all tasks that have "/dev/pts/4" open:
 45    crash> foreach files -R pts/4
 46    PID: 18633  TASK: c310a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
 47    ROOT: /    CWD: /home/CVS_pool/crash
 48     FD    FILE     DENTRY    INODE    TYPE  PATH
 49      0  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 50      1  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 51      2  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 53    PID: 18664  TASK: c2392000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "less"
 54    ROOT: /    CWD: /home/CVS_pool/crash
 55     FD    FILE     DENTRY    INODE    TYPE  PATH
 56      1  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 57      2  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 59    PID: 23162  TASK: c5088000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"
 60    ROOT: /    CWD: /home/CVS_pool/crash
 61     FD    FILE     DENTRY    INODE    TYPE  PATH
 62      0  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 63      1  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 64      2  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 65    255  c1412850  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 67    PID: 23159  TASK: c10fc000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "xterm"
 68    ROOT: /    CWD: /homes/anderson/
 69     FD    FILE     DENTRY    INODE    TYPE  PATH
 70      5  c1560da0  c2cb96d0  c2cad430  CHR   /dev/pts/4
 72  Display information about the dentry at address f745fd60:
 74    crash> files -d f745fd60
 76     f745fd60  f7284640  f73a3e00  REG   /var/spool/lpd/lpd.lock
 78  For each open file, display the number of pages that are in the page cache:
 80    crash> files -c 1954
 81    PID: 1954   TASK: f7a28000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "syslogd"
 82    ROOT: /    CWD: /
 84      0  cb3ae868   cb3ae910        0  SOCK  socket:/[4690]
 85      2  f2721c5c   f2721d04      461  REG   /var/log/messages
 86      3  cbda4884   cbda492c       47  REG   /var/log/secure
 87      4  e48092c0   e4809368       58  REG   /var/log/maillog
 88      5  f65192c0   f6519368       48  REG   /var/log/cron
 89      6  e4809e48   e4809ef0        0  REG   /var/log/spooler
 90      7  d9c43884   d9c4392c        0  REG   /var/log/boot.log
 92  For the inode at address f59b90fc, display all of its pages that are in
 93  the page cache:
 95    crash> files -p f59b90fc
 96     INODE    NRPAGES
 97    f59b90fc        6
100    ca3353e0  39a9f000  f59b91ac        0  2 82c referenced,uptodate,lru,private
101    ca22cb20  31659000  f59b91ac        1  2 82c referenced,uptodate,lru,private
102    ca220160  3100b000  f59b91ac        2  2 82c referenced,uptodate,lru,private
103    ca1ddde0  2eeef000  f59b91ac        3  2 82c referenced,uptodate,lru,private
104    ca36b300  3b598000  f59b91ac        4  2 82c referenced,uptodate,lru,private
105    ca202680  30134000  f59b91ac        5  2 82c referenced,uptodate,lru,private

13. foreach - display command data for multiple tasks in the system


1foreach [[pid | taskp | name | state | [kernel | user | gleader]] ...]
2          command [flag] [argument]


 1  This command allows for an examination of various kernel data associated
 2  with any, or all, tasks in the system, without having to set the context
 3  to each targeted task.
 5      pid  perform the command(s) on this PID.
 6    taskp  perform the command(s) on task referenced by this hexadecimal
 7           task_struct pointer.
 8     name  perform the command(s) on all tasks with this name.  If the
 9           task name can be confused with a foreach command name, then
10           precede the name string with a "\".  If the name string is
11           enclosed within "'" characters, then the encompassed string
12           must be a POSIX extended regular expression that will be used
13           to match task names.
14     user  perform the command(s) on all user (non-kernel) threads.
15  gleader  perform the command(s) on all user (non-kernel) thread group leaders.
16   kernel  perform the command(s) on all kernel threads.
17   active  perform the command(s) on the active thread on each CPU.
18    state  perform the command(s) on all tasks in the specified state, which
19           may be one of: RU, IN, UN, ST, ZO, TR, SW, DE, WA, PA, ID or NE.
21  If none of the task-identifying arguments above are entered, the command
22  will be performed on all tasks.
24  command  select one or more of the following commands to be run on the tasks
25           selected, or on all tasks:
27              bt  run the "bt" command  (optional flags: -r -t -l -e -R -f -F
28                  -o -s -x -d)
29              vm  run the "vm" command  (optional flags: -p -v -m -R -d -x)
30            task  run the "task" command  (optional flags: -R -d -x)
31           files  run the "files" command  (optional flag: -c -R)
32             net  run the "net" command  (optional flags: -s -S -R -d -x)
33             set  run the "set" command
34              ps  run the "ps" command  (optional flags: -G -s -p -c -t -l -a
35                  -g -r -y)
36             sig  run the "sig" command (optional flag: -g)
37            vtop  run the "vtop" command  (optional flags: -c -u -k)
39     flag  Pass this optional flag to the command selected.
40 argument  Pass this argument to the command selected.
42  A header containing the PID, task address, cpu and command name will be
43  pre-pended before the command output for each selected task.  Consult the
44  help page of each of the command types above for details.


 1  Display the stack traces for all tasks:
 3    crash> foreach bt
 4    PID: 4752   TASK: c7680000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "xterm"
 5     #0 [c7681edc] schedule at c01135f6
 6        (void)
 7     #1 [c7681f34] schedule_timeout at c01131ff
 8        (24)
 9     #2 [c7681f64] do_select at c0132838
10        (5, c7681fa4, c7681fa0)
11     #3 [c7681fbc] sys_select at c0132dad
12        (5, 8070300, 8070380, 0, 0)
13     #4 [bffffb0c] system_call at c0109944
14        EAX: 0000008e  EBX: 00000005  ECX: 08070300  EDX: 08070380
15        DS:  002b      ESI: 00000000  ES:  002b      EDI: 00000000
16        SS:  002b      ESP: bffffadc  EBP: bffffb0c
17        CS:  0023      EIP: 402259ee  ERR: 0000008e  EFLAGS: 00000246
19    PID: 557    TASK: c5600000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "nfsd"
20     #0 [c5601f38] schedule at c01135f6
21        (void)
22     #1 [c5601f90] schedule_timeout at c01131ff
23        (c5600000)
24     #2 [c5601fb8] svc_recv at c805363a
25        (c0096f40, c5602800, 7fffffff, 100, c65c9f1c)
26     #3 [c5601fec] (nfsd module) at c806e303
27        (c5602800, c5602800, c0096f40, 6c6e0002, 50)
28     #4 [c65c9f24] kernel_thread at c010834f
29        (0, 0, ext2_file_inode_operations)
31    PID: 824    TASK: c7c84000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "mingetty"
32    ...
34  Display the task_struct structure for each "bash" command:
36    crash> foreach bash task
37    ...
39  Display the open files for all tasks:
41    crash> foreach files
42    ...
44  Display the state of tasks whose name contains a match to "event.*":
46    crash> foreach 'event.*' task -R state
47    PID: 99     TASK: ffff8804750d5500  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "events/0"
48      state = 1,
50    PID: 100    TASK: ffff8804750d4ac0  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "events/1"
51      state = 1,
53    PID: 101    TASK: ffff8804750d4080  CPU: 2   COMMAND: "events/2"
54      state = 1,
55    ...
57  Display the stack traces for all blocked (TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) tasks:
59    crash> foreach UN bt
60    PID: 428    TASK: ffff880036b6c560  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "jbd2/dm-1-8"
61     #0 [ffff880035779a70] __schedule at ffffffff815df272
62     #1 [ffff880035779b08] schedule at ffffffff815dfacf
63     #2 [ffff880035779b18] io_schedule at ffffffff815dfb7f
64     #3 [ffff880035779b38] sleep_on_page at ffffffff81119a4e
65     #4 [ffff880035779b48] __wait_on_bit at ffffffff815e039f
66     #5 [ffff880035779b98] wait_on_page_bit at ffffffff81119bb8
67     #6 [ffff880035779be8] filemap_fdatawait_range at ffffffff81119ccc
68     #7 [ffff880035779cd8] filemap_fdatawait at ffffffff81119d8b
69     #8 [ffff880035779ce8] jbd2_journal_commit_transaction at ffffffff8123a99c
70     #9 [ffff880035779e58] kjournald2 at ffffffff8123ee7b
71    #10 [ffff880035779ee8] kthread at ffffffff8108fb9c
72    #11 [ffff880035779f48] kernel_thread_helper at ffffffff815ebaf4
73    ...

14. fuser - file users


1fuser [pathname | inode]


1  This command displays the tasks using specified files or sockets.
2  Tasks will be listed that reference the file as the current working
3  directory, root directory, an open file descriptor, or that mmap the
4  file.  If the file is held open in the kernel by the lockd server on
5  behalf of a client discretionary file lock, the client hostname is
6  listed.
8    pathname  the full pathname of the file.
9    inode     the hexadecimal inode address for the file.


1  Display the tasks using file /usr/lib/libkfm.so.2.0.0
3    crash> fuser /usr/lib/libkfm.so.2.0.0
4     PID    TASK    COMM            USAGE
5     779  c5e82000  "kwm"           mmap
6     808  c5a8e000  "krootwm"       mmap
7     806  c5b42000  "kfm"           mmap
8     809  c5dde000  "kpanel"        mmap

15. gdb - gdb command


1gdb command ...


1  This command passes its arguments directly to gdb for processing.
2  This is typically not necessary, but where ambiguities between crash and
3  gdb command names exist, this will force the command to be executed by gdb.
5  Alternatively, if "set gdb on" is entered, the session will be run in a
6  mode where all commands are passed directly to gdb.  When running in that
7  mode, native crash commands may be executed by preceding them with the
8  "crash" directive.  To restore native crash mode, enter "set gdb off".


 1    crash> gdb help
 2    List of classes of commands:
 4    aliases -- Aliases of other commands
 5    breakpoints -- Making program stop at certain points
 6    data -- Examining data
 7    files -- Specifying and examining files
 8    internals -- Maintenance commands
 9    obscure -- Obscure features
10    running -- Running the program
11    stack -- Examining the stack
12    status -- Status inquiries
13    support -- Support facilities
14    tracepoints -- Tracing of program execution without stopping the program
15    user-defined -- User-defined commands
17    Type "help" followed by a class name for a list of commands in that class.
18    Type "help" followed by command name for full documentation.
19    Command name abbreviations are allowed if unambiguous.

16. help - get help


1help [command | all] [-<option>]


 1  When entered with no argument, a list of all currently available crash
 2  commands is listed.  If a name of a crash command is entered, a man-like
 3  page for the command is displayed.  If "all" is entered, help pages
 4  for all commands will be displayed.  If neither of the above is entered,
 5  the argument string will be passed on to the gdb help command.
 7  A number of internal debug, statistical, and other dumpfile related
 8  data is available with the following options:
10    -a - alias data
11    -b - shared buffer data
12    -B - build data
13    -c - numargs cache
14    -d - device table
15    -D - dumpfile contents/statistics
16    -e - extension table data
17    -f - filesys table
18    -g - gdb data
19    -h - hash_table data
20    -H - hash_table data (verbose)
21    -k - kernel_table
22    -K - kernel_table (verbose)
23    -L - LKCD page cache environment
24    -M <num> machine specific
25    -m - machdep_table
26    -N - net_table
27    -n - dumpfile contents/statistics
28    -o - offset_table and size_table
29    -p - program_context
30    -r - dump registers from dumpfile header
31    -s - symbol table data
32    -t - task_table
33    -T - task_table plus context_array
34    -v - vm_table
35    -V - vm_table (verbose)
36    -x - text cache
37    -z - help options

17. ipcs - System V IPC facilities


1ipcs [-smMq] [-n pid|task] [id | addr]


 1  This command provides information on the System V IPC facilities.  With no
 2  arguments, the command will display kernel usage of all three factilities.
 4       -s  show semaphore arrays.
 5       -m  show shared memory segments.
 6       -M  show shared memory segments with additional details.
 7       -q  show message queues.
 8       id  show the data associated with this resource ID.
 9     addr  show the data associated with this virtual address of a
10           shmid_kernel, sem_array or msq_queue.
12  For kernels supporting namespaces, the -n option may be used to
13  display the IPC facilities with respect to the namespace of a
14  specified task:
16  -n pid   a process PID.
17  -n task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.


 1  Display all IPC facilities:
 3    crash> ipcs
 5    ffff880473a28310 00000000 0          0     666   90000      1
 6    ffff880473a28490 00000001 32769      0     666   90000      1
 7    ffff880473a28250 00000002 65538      0     666   90000      1
 9    SEM_ARRAY        KEY      SEMID      UID   PERMS NSEMS
10    ffff88047200f9d0 00000000 0          0     600   1
11    ffff88046f826910 00000000 32769      0     600   1
14    ffff8100036bb8d0 000079d7 0          3369  666   16640        104
15    ffff8100036bb3d0 000079d8 32769      3369  666   12960        81
16    ffff810026d751d0 000079d9 65538      3369  666   10880        68
18  Display shared memory usage with detailed information:
20    crash> ipcs -M
22    ffff880473a28310 00000000 0          0     666   90000      1
24    INODE: ffff88047239cd98
27    ffff880473a28490 00000001 32769      0     666   90000      1
29    INODE: ffff88047239c118
32    ffff880473a28250 00000002 65538      0     666   90000      1
34    INODE: ffff880470503758
36  Display the shared memory data associated with shmid_kernel ffff880473a28250:
38    crash> ipcs -M ffff880473a28250
40    ffff880473a28250 00000002 65538      0     666   90000      1
42    INODE: ffff880470503758

18. irq - IRQ data


1irq [[[index ...] | -u ] | -d | -b | -a | -s [-c cpu]]


 1  This command collaborates the data in an irq_desc_t, along with its
 2  associated hw_interrupt_type and irqaction structure data, into a
 3  consolidated per-IRQ display.  For kernel versions 2.6.37 and later
 4  the display consists of the irq_desc/irq_data address, its irqaction
 5  address(es), and the irqaction name strings.  Alternatively, the
 6  intel interrupt descriptor table, bottom half data, cpu affinity for
 7  in-use irqs, or kernel irq stats may be displayed.  If no index value
 8  argument(s) nor any options are entered, the IRQ data for all IRQs will
 9  be displayed.
11    index   a valid IRQ index.
12       -u   dump data for in-use IRQs only.
13       -d   dump the intel interrupt descriptor table.
14       -b   dump bottom half data.
15       -a   dump cpu affinity for in-use IRQs.
16       -s   dump the kernel irq stats; if no cpu specified with -c, the
17            irq stats of all cpus will be displayed.
18   -c cpu   only usable with the -s option, dump the irq stats of the
19            specified cpu[s]; cpu can be specified as "1,3,5", "1-3",
20            "1,3,5-7,10", "all", or "a" (shortcut for "all").


  1  Display the relevant data for IRQ 18 from a pre-2.6.37 kernel:
  3    crash> irq 18
  4        IRQ: 18
  5     STATUS: 0
  6    HANDLER: c02301e0  <ioapic_level_irq_type>
  7             typename: c01f9e0c  "IO-APIC-level"
  8              startup: c0110234  <unmask_IO_APIC_irq>
  9             shutdown: c01101cc  <mask_IO_APIC_irq>
 10               handle: c0110518  <do_level_ioapic_IRQ>
 11               enable: c0110234  <unmask_IO_APIC_irq>
 12              disable: c01101cc  <mask_IO_APIC_irq>
 13     ACTION: c009c6b0
 14              handler: c01ce818  <do_aic7xxx_isr>
 15                flags: 4000000  (SA_SHIRQ)
 16                 mask: 0
 17                 name: c0217780  "aic7xxx"
 18               dev_id: c0090078
 19                 next: c009c770
 20     ACTION: c009c770
 21              handler: c01ce818  <do_aic7xxx_isr>
 22                flags: 4000000  (SA_SHIRQ)
 23                 mask: 0
 24                 name: c0217780  "aic7xxx"
 25               dev_id: c0091078
 26                 next: 0
 27      DEPTH: 0
 29  Display the relevant data for IRQ 21 from a 2.6.37 kernel:
 31    crash> irq 21
 33     21   ffff88003787f780  ffff8800379a8b40  "ehci_hcd:usb2"
 34                            ffff8800379cbac0  "uhci_hcd:usb5"
 35                            ffff8800379cb140  "uhci_hcd:usb7"
 37  Display the intel interrupt descriptor table entries:
 39    crash> irq -d
 40      [0] divide_error
 41      [1] debug
 42      [2] nmi
 43      [3] int3
 44      [4] overflow
 45      [5] bounds
 46      [6] invalid_op
 47      [7] device_not_available
 48      [8] double_fault
 49      [9] coprocessor_segment_overrun
 50     [10] invalid_TSS
 51     [11] segment_not_present
 52     [12] stack_segment
 53     [13] general_protection
 54     [14] page_fault
 55     [15] spurious_interrupt_bug
 56     [16] coprocessor_error
 57     [17] alignment_check
 58     [18] ignore_int
 59     [19] ignore_int
 60     [20] ignore_int
 61     [21] ignore_int
 62    ...
 64    [250] IRQ0xda_interrupt
 65    [251] IRQ0xdb_interrupt
 66    [252] IRQ0xdc_interrupt
 67    [253] IRQ0xdd_interrupt
 68    [254] IRQ0xde_interrupt
 69    [255] spurious_interrupt
 71  Display the bottom half data:
 73    crash> irq -b
 75        [0]     ffffffff81068f60  <tasklet_hi_action>
 76        [1]     ffffffff81071b80  <run_timer_softirq>
 77        [2]     ffffffff813e6f30  <net_tx_action>
 78        [3]     ffffffff813ee370  <net_rx_action>
 79        [4]     ffffffff81211a60  <blk_done_softirq>
 80        [5]     ffffffff812122f0  <blk_iopoll_softirq>
 81        [6]     ffffffff81069090  <tasklet_action>
 82        [7]     ffffffff81058830  <run_rebalance_domains>
 83        [8]     ffffffff81087f00  <run_hrtimer_softirq>
 84        [9]     ffffffff810ca7a0  <rcu_process_callbacks>
 86  Display the cpu affinity for in-use IRQs:
 88    crash> irq -a
 89    IRQ NAME                 AFFINITY
 90      0 timer                0-23
 91      1 i8042                0-23
 92      8 rtc0                 0-23
 93      9 acpi                 0-23
 94     16 ehci_hcd:usb2,uhci_hcd:usb3,uhci_hcd:usb6 0,6,18
 95     17 uhci_hcd:usb4,uhci_hcd:usb7 0-23
 96     18 ehci_hcd:usb1,uhci_hcd:usb5,uhci_hcd:usb8,ioc0 0,11,23
 97     24 dmar0                0
 98     35 pciehp               0-23
 99     36 pciehp               0-23
100     37 pciehp               0-23
101     38 pciehp               0-23
102     39 megasas              0-5,12-17
103     40 lpfc:sp              0-5,12-17
104     41 lpfc:fp              0,6-11,18-23
105     42 lpfc:sp              0,6-11,18-23
106     43 lpfc:fp              0,6-11,18-23
107    ...
109     80 ioat-msix            0-23
110     81 ioat-msix            0-23
111     82 ioat-msix            0-23
112     83 ioat-msix            0-23
113     84 ioat-msix            0-23
114     85 ioat-msix            0-23
115     86 ioat-msix            0-23
116     87 ioat-msix            0-23
117     88 eth4                 0,17
119  Display the kernel irq stats:
121    crash>irq -c 0,2 -s
122               CPU0       CPU2
123      0: 2068161471          0 IR-IO-APIC-edge     timer
124      1:          9          0 IR-IO-APIC-edge     i8042
125      8:          1          0 IR-IO-APIC-edge     rtc0
126      9:          0          0 IR-IO-APIC-fasteoi  acpi
127     16:         36          0 IR-IO-APIC-fasteoi  ehci_hcd:usb2
128    ...
130     85:          3          0 IR-PCI-MSI-edge     ioat-msix
131     86:          3          0 IR-PCI-MSI-edge     ioat-msix
132     87:          3          0 IR-PCI-MSI-edge     ioat-msix
133     88:         24        295 IR-PCI-MSI-edge     eth4

19. kmem - kernel memory


1kmem [-f|-F|-c|-C|-i|-v|-V|-n|-z|-o|-h] [-p | -m member[,member]]
2       [[-s|-S|-r] [slab] [-I slab[,slab]]] [-g [flags]] [[-P] address]]


 1  This command displays information about the use of kernel memory.
 3        -f  displays the contents of the system free memory headers.
 4            also verifies that the page count equals nr_free_pages.
 5        -F  same as -f, but also dumps all pages linked to that header.
 6        -c  walks through the page_hash_table and verifies page_cache_size.
 7        -C  same as -c, but also dumps all pages in the page_hash_table.
 8        -i  displays general memory usage information
 9        -v  displays the mapped virtual memory regions allocated by vmalloc().
10        -V  displays the kernel vm_stat table if it exists, or in more recent
11            kernels, the vm_zone_stat, vm_node_stat and vm_numa_stat tables,
12            the cumulative page_states counter values if they exist, and/or
13            the cumulative, vm_event_states counter values if they exist.
14        -n  display memory node, memory section, and memory block data
15            and state; the state of each memory section state is encoded
16            as "P", "M", "O" and/or "E", meaning SECTION_MARKED_PRESENT,
18        -z  displays per-zone memory statistics.
19        -o  displays each cpu's offset value that is added to per-cpu symbol
20            values to translate them into kernel virtual addresses.
21        -h  display the address of hugepage hstate array entries, along with
22            their hugepage size, total and free counts, and name.
23        -p  displays basic information about each page structure in the system
24            mem_map[] array, made up of the page struct address, its associated
25            physical address, the page.mapping, page.index, page._count and
26            page.flags fields.
27 -m member  similar to -p, but displays page structure contents specified by
28            a comma-separated list of one or more struct page members.  The
29            "flags" member will always be expressed in hexadecimal format, and
30            the "_count" and "_mapcount" members will always be expressed
31            in decimal format.  Otherwise, all other members will be displayed
32            in hexadecimal format unless the output radix is 10 and the member
33            is a signed/unsigned integer.  Members that are data structures may
34            be specified either by the data structure's member name, or expanded
35            to specify a member of the data structure.  For example, "-m lru"
36            refers to a list_head data structure, and both the list_head.next
37            and list_head.prev pointer values will be displayed, whereas if
38            "-m lru.next" is specified, just the list_head.next value will
39            be displayed.
40        -s  displays basic kmalloc() slab data.
41        -S  displays all kmalloc() slab data, including all slab objects,
42            and whether each object is in use or is free.  If CONFIG_SLUB,
43            slab data for each per-cpu slab is displayed, along with the
44            address of each kmem_cache_node, its count of full and partial
45            slabs, and a list of all tracked slabs.
46        -r  displays the accumulated basic kmalloc() slab data of each
47            root slab cache and its children.  The kernel must contain the
48            "slab_root_caches" list_head. (currently only available if
49            CONFIG_SLUB)
50      slab  when used with -s, -S or -r, limits the command to only the slab
51            cache of name "slab".  If the slab argument is "list", then
52            all slab cache names and addresses are listed.
53   -I slab  when used with -s, -S or -r, one or more slab cache names in a
54            comma-separated list may be specified as slab caches to ignore.
55        -g  displays the enumerator value of all bits in the page structure's
56            "flags" field.
57     flags  when used with -g, translates all bits in this hexadecimal page
58            structure flags value into its enumerator values.
59        -P  declares that the following address argument is a physical address.
60   address  when used without any flag, the address can be a kernel virtual,
61            or physical address; a search is made through the symbol table,
62            the kmalloc() slab subsystem, the free list, the page_hash_table,
63            the vmalloc() region subsystem, the current set of task_structs
64            and kernel stacks, and the mem_map array.  If found in any of
65            those areas, the information will be dumped in the same manner as
66            if the location-specific flags were used; if contained within a
67            curent task_struct or kernel stack, that task's context will be
68            displayed.
69   address  when used with -s or -S, searches the kmalloc() slab subsystem
70            for the slab containing of this virtual address, showing whether
71            it is in use or free.
72   address  when used with -f, the address can be either a page pointer,
73            a physical address, or a kernel virtual address; the free_area
74            header containing the page (if any) is displayed.
75   address  when used with -p, the address can be either a page pointer, a
76            physical address, or a kernel virtual address; its basic mem_map
77            page information is displayed.
78   address  when used with -m, the address can be either a page pointer, a
79            physical address, or a kernel virtual address; the specified
80            members of the associated page struct are displayed.
81   address  when used with -c, the address must be a page pointer address;
82            the page_hash_table entry containing the page is displayed.
83   address  when used with -l, the address must be a page pointer address;
84            the page address is displayed if it is contained with the list.
85   address  when used with -v, the address can be a mapped kernel virtual
86            address or physical address; the mapped region containing the
87            address is displayed.
89  All address arguments above must be expressed in hexadecimal format.


  1  Display memory usage information:
  3    crash> kmem -i
  4                     PAGES        TOTAL      PERCENTAGE
  5        TOTAL MEM  1974231       7.5 GB         ----
  6             FREE   208962     816.3 MB   10% of TOTAL MEM
  7             USED  1765269       6.7 GB   89% of TOTAL MEM
  8           SHARED   365066       1.4 GB   18% of TOTAL MEM
  9          BUFFERS   111376     435.1 MB    5% of TOTAL MEM
 10           CACHED  1276196       4.9 GB   64% of TOTAL MEM
 11             SLAB   120410     470.4 MB    6% of TOTAL MEM
 13       TOTAL HUGE   524288         2 GB         ----
 14        HUGE FREE   524288         2 GB  100% of TOTAL HUGE
 16       TOTAL SWAP  2498559       9.5 GB         ----
 17        SWAP USED    81978     320.2 MB    3% of TOTAL SWAP
 18        SWAP FREE  2416581       9.2 GB   96% of TOTAL SWAP
 20     COMMIT LIMIT  3485674      13.3 GB         ----
 21        COMMITTED   850651       3.2 GB   24% of TOTAL LIMIT
 23  Display and verify free memory data:
 25    crash> kmem -f
 26    NODE
 27      0
 29      0   DMA         4096    3372  c4000040       0            0
 31      0     4k      c02eb004           2      2
 32      1     8k      c02eb010           3      6
 33      2    16k      c02eb01c           5     20
 34      3    32k      c02eb028           4     32
 35      4    64k      c02eb034           5     80
 36      5   128k      c02eb040           3     96
 37      6   256k      c02eb04c           3    192
 38      7   512k      c02eb058           1    128
 39      8  1024k      c02eb064           1    256
 40      9  2048k      c02eb070           5   2560
 43      1   Normal    225280  202269  c4044040    1000000        4096
 45      0     4k      c02eb0b8           1      1
 46      1     8k      c02eb0c4           2      4
 47      2    16k      c02eb0d0           0      0
 48      3    32k      c02eb0dc           1      8
 49      4    64k      c02eb0e8           1     16
 50      5   128k      c02eb0f4           0      0
 51      6   256k      c02eb100           0      0
 52      7   512k      c02eb10c           0      0
 53      8  1024k      c02eb118           0      0
 54      9  2048k      c02eb124         395 202240
 57      2   HighMem   819200  748686  c4ee0040    38000000      229376
 59      0     4k      c02eb16c          10     10
 60      1     8k      c02eb178           2      4
 61      2    16k      c02eb184           0      0
 62      3    32k      c02eb190           2     16
 63      4    64k      c02eb19c           1     16
 64      5   128k      c02eb1a8           1     32
 65      6   256k      c02eb1b4           1     64
 66      7   512k      c02eb1c0           0      0
 67      8  1024k      c02eb1cc           0      0
 68      9  2048k      c02eb1d8        1462 748544
 70    nr_free_pages: 954327  (verified)
 72  Dump all the base addresses of each free memory area from above:
 74    crash> kmem -F
 75    NODE
 76      0
 78      0   DMA         4096    3372  c4000040       0            0
 80      0     4k      c02eb004
 81    c400ded8
 82    c4042528
 84      1     8k      c02eb010
 85    c400de50
 86    c400cee8
 87    c40424a0
 89      2    16k      c02eb01c
 90    c400dd40
 91    c400cf70
 92    c40425b0
 93    c400f7d0
 94    c40028a0
 96      3    32k      c02eb028
 97    c4042280
 98    c400f8e0
 99    c4002680
100    c4000260
102      4    64k      c02eb034
103    c400d080
104    c4041e40
105    ...
107  Dump the mem_map[] array:
109    crash> kmem -p
111    f5c51200     10000         0         0  1 80 slab
112    f5c51220     11000         0         0  1 80 slab
113    f5c51240     12000         0         0  1 80 slab
114    f5c51260     13000         0         0  1 80 slab
115    f5c51280     14000         0         0  1 80 slab
116    f5c512a0     15000         0         0  1 80 slab
117    f5c512c0     16000         0         0  1 80 slab
118    f5c512e0     17000         0         0  1 80 slab
119    f5c51300     18000         0         0  1 80 slab
120    f5c51320     19000         0         0  1 80 slab
121    f5c51340     1a000         0         0  1 80 slab
122    f5c51360     1b000         0         0  1 80 slab
123    f5c51380     1c000  e6c6a754     13b67  2 868 uptodate,lru,active,private
124    f5c513a0     1d000         0         0  1 80 slab
125    f5c513c0     1e000         0         0  1 80 slab
126    f5c513e0     1f000         0         0  1 80 slab
127    f5c51400     20000  e6c6a754     13bbb  2 868 uptodate,lru,active,private
128    f5c51420     21000         0         0  1 80 slab
129    f5c51440     22000         0         0  1 80 slab
130    ...
132  Display the "page.lru" list_head structure member in each page:
134    crash> kmem -m lru
135         PAGE         lru
136    ffffea0000000000  0000000000000000,0000000000000000
137    ffffea0000000040  ffffea0000000060,ffffea0000000060
138    ffffea0000000080  ffffea00000000a0,ffffea00000000a0
139    ffffea00000000c0  ffffea00000000e0,ffffea00000000e0
140    ffffea0000000100  ffffea0000000120,ffffea0000000120
141    ffffea0000000140  ffffea0000000160,ffffea0000000160
142    ffffea0000000180  ffffea00000001a0,ffffea00000001a0
143    ffffea00000001c0  ffffea00000001e0,ffffea00000001e0
144    ffffea0000000200  ffffea0000000220,ffffea0000000220
145    ffffea0000000240  ffffea0000000260,ffffea0000000260
146    ffffea0000000280  ffffea00000002a0,ffffea00000002a0
147    ffffea00000002c0  ffffea00000002e0,ffffea00000002e0
148    ffffea0000000300  ffffea0000000320,ffffea0000000320
149    ffffea0000000340  ffffea0000000360,ffffea0000000360
150    ffffea0000000380  ffffea00000003a0,ffffea00000003a0
151    ffffea00000003c0  ffffea00000003e0,ffffea00000003e0
152    ffffea0000000400  ffff88021e5e41e8,ffffea0000002020
153    ffffea0000000440  dead000000100100,dead000000200200
154    ffffea0000000480  dead000000100100,dead000000200200
155    ffffea00000004c0  dead000000100100,dead000000200200
156    ...
158  Find the two pages that link to the page at ffffea0001dafb20
159  via their page.lru list_head's next and prev pointers:
161    crash> kmem -m lru | grep ffffea0001dafb20
162    ffffea000006b500  ffffea0001dafb20,ffffea0001eb4520
163    ffffea0000127d80  ffffea000152b620,ffffea0001dafb20
165  Find all of the combined slab/page structures that are used by
166  the kmalloc-8192 slab cache:
168    crash> kmem -s kmalloc-8192
170    ffff880215802e00     8192         65        80     20    32k  kmalloc-8192
171    crash> kmem -m slab_cache | grep ffff880215802e00
172    ffffea0004117800  ffff880215802e00
173    ffffea00041ca600  ffff880215802e00
174    ffffea00044ab200  ffff880215802e00
175    ffffea0004524000  ffff880215802e00
176    ffffea0004591600  ffff880215802e00
177    ffffea00047eac00  ffff880215802e00
178    ffffea0004875800  ffff880215802e00
179    ffffea0008357a00  ffff880215802e00
180    ffffea0008362a00  ffff880215802e00
181    ffffea00083b9400  ffff880215802e00
182    ffffea00083c1000  ffff880215802e00
183    ffffea00083c1e00  ffff880215802e00
184    ffffea00083c2000  ffff880215802e00
185    ffffea00083c2a00  ffff880215802e00
186    ffffea00083d2000  ffff880215802e00
187    ffffea00083d3e00  ffff880215802e00
188    ffffea0008407c00  ffff880215802e00
189    ffffea000848ce00  ffff880215802e00
190    ffffea0008491800  ffff880215802e00
191    ffffea00084bf800  ffff880215802e00
193  Use the commands above with a page pointer or a physical address argument:
195    crash> kmem -f c40425b0
196    NODE
197      0
199      0   DMA         4096    3372  c4000040       0            0
201      2    16k      c02eb01c
202    c40425b0  (c40425b0 is 1st of 4 pages)
204    crash> kmem -p c25a9c00
206    c25a9c00    1fe0000  f429d2e4   21fe3eb  2 800828 uptodate,lru,private
208    crash> kmem -p 1fe0000
210    c25a9c00    1fe0000  f429d2e4   21fe3eb  2 800828 uptodate,lru,private
212  Display the mapped memory regions allocated by vmalloc():
214    crash> kmem -v
216    f7048e00   f7048e40   f7dfe000 - f7e00000     8192
217    f7048ec0   f7048f00   f7e00000 - f7e05000    20480
218    f7151fc0   f7159540   f7e06000 - f7e08000     8192
219    f704da80   f704dac0   f7e0a000 - f7e0c000     8192
220    f704d980   f704d9c0   f7e0e000 - f7e10000     8192
221    f724f1c0   f724f200   f7e12000 - f7e14000     8192
222    f704d840   f704d880   f7e14000 - f7e17000    12288
223    f704d400   f704d440   f7e18000 - f7e1d000    20480
224    f73f5840   f73f5880   f7e1e000 - f7e2a000    49152
225    f6334480   f63344c0   f7e2c000 - f7e2e000     8192
226    f635d600   f635d640   f7e4a000 - f7e5b000    69632
227    f41b4700   f5771a40   f7e6e000 - f7e70000     8192
228    f622f6c0   f622f700   f7e71000 - f7e79000    32768
229    f63a9f00   f63a9f40   f7e84000 - f7e87000    12288
230    f63a9d00   f63a9d40   f7e8f000 - f7e91000     8192
231    f5546480   f39db800   f7eb8000 - f7ec2000    40960
232    f5ce9640   f5777e80   f7ec6000 - f7ed1000    45056
233    f63a9b00   f63a9b40   f7ed1000 - f7efd000   180224
234    f63a9800   f63a9840   f7f1d000 - f7f26000    36864
235    f63a9640   f63a9880   f7f43000 - f7f52000    61440
236    f5771f00   f4183840   f7f53000 - f7f64000    69632
237    f5ce9a00   f30c4a00   f7fcf000 - f801e000   323584
238    f63a93c0   f63a9400   f805d000 - f8132000   872448
239    f63a91c0   f63a95c0   f814b000 - f8150000    20480
240    f63a9140   f63a9180   f8151000 - f8352000  2101248
241    f624eb00   f624eb40   f8353000 - f8355000     8192
242    f563eb40   f563eb80   f8356000 - f835e000    32768
243    f63d5ec0   f63d5f00   f8360000 - f8371000    69632
244    f63d5cc0   f6287b80   f83c2000 - f84c3000  1052672
245    ...
247  Dump the virtual memory statistics:
249    crash> kmem -V
250      VM_ZONE_STAT:
251             NR_FREE_PAGES: 30085
253       NR_ZONE_ACTIVE_ANON: 338275
254     NR_ZONE_INACTIVE_FILE: 19760
255       NR_ZONE_ACTIVE_FILE: 12018
258                  NR_MLOCK: 0
259              NR_PAGETABLE: 1562
260        NR_KERNEL_STACK_KB: 1728
261                 NR_BOUNCE: 0
262         NR_FREE_CMA_PAGES: 0
264      VM_NODE_STAT:
265          NR_INACTIVE_ANON: 1985
266            NR_ACTIVE_ANON: 338275
267          NR_INACTIVE_FILE: 19760
268            NR_ACTIVE_FILE: 12018
269            NR_UNEVICTABLE: 0
270       NR_SLAB_RECLAIMABLE: 3111
272          NR_ISOLATED_ANON: 0
273          NR_ISOLATED_FILE: 0
277            NR_ANON_MAPPED: 338089
278            NR_FILE_MAPPED: 8102
279             NR_FILE_PAGES: 33949
280             NR_FILE_DIRTY: 4
281              NR_WRITEBACK: 0
282         NR_WRITEBACK_TEMP: 0
283                  NR_SHMEM: 2171
284             NR_SHMEM_THPS: 0
285        NR_SHMEM_PMDMAPPED: 0
286              NR_ANON_THPS: 86
287           NR_UNSTABLE_NFS: 0
288           NR_VMSCAN_WRITE: 0
290                NR_DIRTIED: 155
291                NR_WRITTEN: 75
293      VM_NUMA_STAT:
294                  NUMA_HIT: 575409
295                 NUMA_MISS: 0
296              NUMA_FOREIGN: 0
297       NUMA_INTERLEAVE_HIT: 12930
298                NUMA_LOCAL: 575409
299                NUMA_OTHER: 0
302                           PGPGIN: 282492
303                          PGPGOUT: 6773
304                           PSWPIN: 0
305                          PSWPOUT: 0
306                      PGALLOC_DMA: 0
307                    PGALLOC_DMA32: 693092
308                   PGALLOC_NORMAL: 0
309    ...
311  Display hugepage hstate information:
313    crash> kmem -h
314         HSTATE        SIZE    FREE   TOTAL  NAME
315    ffffffff81f7a800    2MB      10      64  hugepages-2048kB
317  Determine (and verify) the page cache size:
319    crash> kmem -c
320    page_cache_size: 18431 (verified)
322  Dump all pages in the page_hash_table:
324    crash> kmem -C
325    page_hash_table[0]
326    c0325b40
327    c03a0598
328    c03b4070
329    c0364c28
330    c0357690
331    c02ef338
332    c02d7c60
333    c02c11e0
334    c02a3d70
335    page_hash_table[1]
336    c0394ce8
337    c03c4218
338    c03b4048
339    c0364c00
340    c0357668
341    c02d6e50
342    c02d7dc8
343    c02c0cb8
344    c02db630
345    c02ebad0
346    page_hash_table[2]
347    c037e808
348    c034e248
349    c03b4020
350    c02ec868
351    c03baa60
352    ...
353    page_hash_table[2047]
354    c033a798
355    c0390b48
356    c03b4098
357    c0364890
358    c03576b8
359    c02d2c38
360    c02d7c88
361    c02de5d8
363    page_cache_size: 18437 (verified)
365  Find the page_hash_table entry containing page c03576b8:
367    crash> kmem -c c03576b8
368    page_hash_table[2047]
369    c03576b8
371  Display kmalloc() slab data:
373    crash> kmem -s
375    c02eadc0      232         58        68      4     4k  kmem_cache
376    f79c2888      128          0         0      0     4k  ip_vs_conn
377    f79c2970       96          0         0      0     4k  tcp_tw_bucket
378    f79c2a58       32         12       565      5     4k  tcp_bind_bucket
379    f79c2b40       64          0        59      1     4k  tcp_open_request
380    f79c2c28       64          1        59      1     4k  inet_peer_cache
381    f79c2d10       32         11       339      3     4k  ip_fib_hash
382    f79c2df8      160          8       120      5     4k  ip_dst_cache
383    f79c2ee0      128          1        30      1     4k  arp_cache
384    c8402970       96      30208     37800    945     4k  blkdev_requests
385    c8402a58      384          0         0      0     4k  nfs_read_data
386    c8402b40      384          0         0      0     4k  nfs_write_data
387    c8402c28       96          0         0      0     4k  nfs_page
388    c8402d10       20          0         0      0     4k  dnotify cache
389    c8402df8       92          3       336      8     4k  file lock cache
390    c8402ee0       16          0         0      0     4k  fasync cache
391    c84027a0       32          3       339      3     4k  uid_cache
392    c84026b8      160        320       624     26     4k  skbuff_head_cache
393    c84025d0      832         32       180     20     8k  sock
394    c84024e8      132          0       203      7     4k  sigqueue
395    c8402400       64         19       472      8     4k  cdev_cache
396    c8402318       64          8       236      4     4k  bdev_cache
397    c8402230       96         11       120      3     4k  mnt_cache
398    c8402148      480        817       848    106     4k  inode_cache
399    c8402060      128       1352      1470     49     4k  dentry_cache
400    c8403ee0       96        244       440     11     4k  filp
401    c8403df8     4096          0        12     12     4k  names_cache
402    c8403d10       96      14936     16000    400     4k  buffer_head
403    c8403c28      128         25       240      8     4k  mm_struct
404    c8403b40       64        393      1298     22     4k  vm_area_struct
405    c8403a58       64         30       472      8     4k  fs_cache
406    c8403970      416         30       135     15     4k  files_cache
407    c8403888     1312         32        99     33     4k  signal_act
408    c84037a0   131072          0         0      0   128k  size-131072(DMA)
409    c84036b8   131072          1         1      1   128k  size-131072
410    c84035d0    65536          0         0      0    64k  size-65536(DMA)
411    c84034e8    65536          0         0      0    64k  size-65536
412    c8403400    32768          0         0      0    32k  size-32768(DMA)
413    c8403318    32768          0         1      1    32k  size-32768
414    c8403230    16384          0         0      0    16k  size-16384(DMA)
415    c8403148    16384          0         0      0    16k  size-16384
416    c8403060     8192          0         0      0     8k  size-8192(DMA)
417    c8401ee0     8192          1         2      2     8k  size-8192
418    c8401df8     4096          0         0      0     4k  size-4096(DMA)
419    c8401d10     4096         30        30     30     4k  size-4096
420    c8401c28     2048          0         0      0     4k  size-2048(DMA)
421    c8401b40     2048         37       132     66     4k  size-2048
422    c8401a58     1024          0         0      0     4k  size-1024(DMA)
423    c8401970     1024        301       328     82     4k  size-1024
424    c8401888      512          0         0      0     4k  size-512(DMA)
425    c84017a0      512        141       168     21     4k  size-512
426    c84016b8      256          0         0      0     4k  size-256(DMA)
427    c84015d0      256         80       435     29     4k  size-256
428    c84014e8      128          0         0      0     4k  size-128(DMA)
429    c8401400      128        508       840     28     4k  size-128
430    c8401318       64          0         0      0     4k  size-64(DMA)
431    c8401230       64        978      1357     23     4k  size-64
432    c8401148       32          0         0      0     4k  size-32(DMA)
433    c8401060       32       1244      1808     16     4k  size-32
435  Display all slab data in the "arp_cache" cache:
437    crash> kmem -S arp_cache
439    f79c2ee0      128          1        30      1     4k  arp_cache
441    f729d000  f729d0a0     30          1    29
443       f729d0a0  (cpu 7 cache)
444       f729d120  (cpu 7 cache)
445       f729d1a0  (cpu 7 cache)
446       f729d220  (cpu 7 cache)
447       f729d2a0  (cpu 7 cache)
448       f729d320  (cpu 7 cache)
449       f729d3a0  (cpu 7 cache)
450       f729d420  (cpu 7 cache)
451       f729d4a0  (cpu 7 cache)
452       f729d520  (cpu 7 cache)
453       f729d5a0  (cpu 7 cache)
454       f729d620  (cpu 7 cache)
455       f729d6a0  (cpu 7 cache)
456       f729d720  (cpu 7 cache)
457       f729d7a0  (cpu 7 cache)
458       f729d820  (cpu 7 cache)
459       f729d8a0  (cpu 7 cache)
460       f729d920  (cpu 7 cache)
461       f729d9a0  (cpu 7 cache)
462       f729da20  (cpu 7 cache)
463       f729daa0  (cpu 7 cache)
464       f729db20  (cpu 7 cache)
465       f729dba0  (cpu 7 cache)
466       f729dc20  (cpu 7 cache)
467       f729dca0  (cpu 7 cache)
468       f729dd20  (cpu 7 cache)
469       f729dda0  (cpu 7 cache)
470       f729de20  (cpu 7 cache)
471       f729dea0  (cpu 3 cache)
472      [f729df20]
474  Search the kmalloc() slab subsystem for address c3fbdb60:
476    crash> kmem -s c3fbdb60
478    c8402970       96      30208     37800    945     4k  blkdev_requests
480    c3fbd020  c3fbd0e0     40         40     0
482      [c3fbdb60]
484  Make a generic search (no flags) for the same address c3fbdb60:
486    crash> kmem c3fbdb60
488    c8402970       96      30208     37800    945     4k  blkdev_requests
490    c3fbd020  c3fbd0e0     40         40     0
492      [c3fbdb60]
495    c410ee74    3fbd000         0         0  1 slab
497  Display memory node data (if supported):
499    crash> kmem -n
501      0    262095   ffff88003d52a000        ----        ffff88003d52a000
502                                                        ffff88003d52a740
503                                                        ffff88003d52ae80
504                                                        ffff88003d52b5c0
505        MEM_MAP          START_PADDR    START_MAPNR
506    ffffea0000000040        1000             1
509      0   DMA          4095  ffffea0000000040         1000            1
510      1   DMA32      258000  ffffea0000040000      1000000         4096
511      2   Normal          0                 0            0            0
512      3   Movable         0                 0            0            0
514    -------------------------------------------------------------------
516    NR      SECTION        CODED_MEM_MAP        MEM_MAP       STATE PFN
517     0  ffff88003d4d9000  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000000000   PM   0
518     1  ffff88003d4d9020  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000200000   PM   32768
519     2  ffff88003d4d9040  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000400000   PM   65536
520     3  ffff88003d4d9060  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000600000   PM   98304
521     4  ffff88003d4d9080  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000800000   PM   131072
522     5  ffff88003d4d90a0  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000a00000   PM   163840
523     6  ffff88003d4d90c0  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000c00000   PM   196608
524     7  ffff88003d4d90e0  ffffea0000000000  ffffea0000e00000   PM   229376
527     ffff88003a707c00  memory0          0 -  7ffffff ONLINE  0
528     ffff88003a6e0000  memory1    8000000 -  fffffff ONLINE  1
529     ffff88003a6e1000  memory2   10000000 - 17ffffff ONLINE  2
530     ffff88003a6e1400  memory3   18000000 - 1fffffff ONLINE  3
531     ffff88003a6e1800  memory4   20000000 - 27ffffff ONLINE  4
532     ffff88003a6e0400  memory5   28000000 - 2fffffff ONLINE  5
533     ffff88003a6e0800  memory6   30000000 - 37ffffff ONLINE  6
534     ffff88003a6e0c00  memory7   38000000 - 3fffffff ONLINE  7
536  Translate a page structure's flags field contents:
538    crash> kmem -g 4080
539    FLAGS: 4080
540      PAGE-FLAG        BIT  VALUE
541      PG_slab            7  0000080
542      PG_head           14  0004000
543    crash>

20. list - linked list


1list [[-o] offset][-e end][-[s|S] struct[.member[,member] [-l offset]] -[x|d]]
2       [-r|-B] [-h|-H] start


  2  This command dumps the contents of a linked list.  The entries in a linked
  3  list are typically data structures that are tied together in one of two
  4  formats:
  6  1. A starting address points to a data structure; that structure contains
  7     a member that is a pointer to the next structure, and so on.  This type
  8     of a singly-linked list typically ends when a "next" pointer value
  9     contains one of the following:
 11       (a) a NULL pointer.
 12       (b) a pointer to the start address.
 13       (c) a pointer to the first item pointed to by the start address.
 14       (d) a pointer to its containing structure.
 16  2. Most Linux lists of data structures are doubly-linked using "list_head"
 17     structures that are embedded members of the data structures in the list:
 19       struct list_head {
 20           struct list_head *next, *prev;
 21       };
 23     The linked list is typically headed by an external, standalone list_head,
 24     which is simply initialized to point to itself, signifying that the list
 25     is empty:
 27       #define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }
 28       #define LIST_HEAD(name) struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
 30     In the case of list_head-linked lists, the "list_head.next" pointer is
 31     the address of a list_head structure that is embedded in the next data
 32     structure in the list, and not the address of the next data structure
 33     itself.  The starting point of the list may be:
 35       (a) an external, standalone, LIST_HEAD().
 36       (b) a list_head that is embedded within a data structure of the same
 37           type as the whole linked list.
 38       (c) a list_head that is embedded within a data structure that is
 39           different than the type of structures in the the linked list.
 41     The list typically ends when the embedded "list_head.next" pointer of
 42     a data structure in the linked list points back to the LIST_HEAD()
 43     address.  However, some list_head-linked lists have no defined starting
 44     point, but just link back onto themselves in a circular manner.
 46  This command can handle both types of linked list; in both cases the list
 47  of addresses that are dumped are the addresses of the data structures
 48  themselves.
 50  Alternatively, the address of a list_head, or other similar list linkage
 51  structure whose first member points to the next linkage structure, may be
 52  used as the starting address.  The caveat with this type of usage is that
 53  the list may pass through, and display the address of, an external standalone
 54  list head which is not an address of a list linkage structure that is embedded
 55  within the data structure of interest.
 57  The arguments are as follows:
 59  [-o] offset  The offset within the structure to the "next" pointer
 60               (default is 0).  If non-zero, the offset may be entered
 61               in either of two manners:
 63               1. In "structure.member" format; the "-o" is not necessary.
 64               2. A number of bytes; the "-o" is only necessary on processors
 65                  where the offset value could be misconstrued as a kernel
 66                  virtual address.
 68       -e end  If the list ends in a manner unlike the typical manners that
 69               are described above, an explicit ending address value may be
 70               entered.
 71    -s struct  For each address in list, format and print as this type of
 72               structure; use the "struct.member" format in order to display
 73               a particular member of the structure.  To display multiple
 74               members of a structure, use a comma-separated list of members.
 75               If any structure member contains an embedded structure or is an
 76               array, the output may be restricted to the embedded structure
 77               or an array element by expressing the struct argument as
 78               "struct.member.member" or "struct.member[index]"; embedded
 79               member specifications may extend beyond one level deep by
 80               expressing the argument as "struct.member.member.member...".
 81    -S struct  Similar to -s, but instead of parsing gdb output, member values
 82               are read directly from memory, so the command works much faster
 83               for 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte members.
 84    -l offset  Only used in conjunction with -s, if the start address argument
 85               is a pointer to an embedded list head (or any other similar list
 86               linkage structure whose first member points to the next linkage
 87               structure), the offset to the embedded member may be entered
 88               in either of the following manners:
 90                 1. in "structure.member" format.
 91                 2. a number of bytes.
 93           -x  Override the default output format with hexadecimal format.
 94           -d  Override the default output format with decimal format.
 95           -r  For a list linked with list_head structures, traverse the list
 96               in the reverse order by using the "prev" pointer instead
 97               of "next".
 98           -B  Use the algorithm from R. P. Brent to detect loops instead of
 99               using a hash table.  This algorithm uses a tiny fixed amount of
100               memory and so is especially helpful for longer lists.  The output
101               is slightly different than the normal list output as it will
102               print the length of the loop, the start of the loop, and the
103               first duplicate in the list.
105  The meaning of the "start" argument, which can be expressed symbolically,
106  in hexadecimal format, or an expression evaluating to an address, depends
107  upon whether the -h or -H option is pre-pended:
109      start  The address of the first data structure in the list.
110      start  When both the -s and -l options are used, the address of an
111             embedded list_head or similar linkage structure whose first
112             member points to the next linkage structure.
113   -H start  The address of a list_head structure, typically that of an
114             external, standalone LIST_HEAD().  The list typically ends
115             when the embedded "list_head.next" of a data structure in
116             the linked list points back to this "start" address.
117   -h start  The address of a data structure which contains an embedded
118             list_head.  The list typically ends when the embedded
119             "list_head.next" of a data structure in the linked list
120             points back to the embedded list_head contained in the data
121             structure whose address is this "start" argument.
124  When the "-h start" option is used, it is possible that the list_head-linked
125  list will:
127    1. pass through an external standalone LIST_HEAD(), or
128    2. pass through a list_head that is the actual starting list_head, but is
129       contained within a data structure that is not the same type as all of
130       the other data structures in the list.
132  When that occurs, the data structure address displayed for that list_head
133  will be incorrect, because the "-h start" option presumes that all
134  list_head structures in the list are contained within the same type of
135  data structure.  Furthermore, if the "-s struct[.member[,member]" option
136  is used, it will display bogus data for that particular list_head.
138  A similar issue may be encountered when the "start" address is an embedded
139  list_head or similar linkage structure whose first member points to the next
140  linkage structure.  When that occurs, the address of any external list head
141  will not be distinguishable from the addresses that are embedded in the data
142  structure of interest.  Furthermore, if the "-s" and "-l" options are used,
143  it will display bogus structure data when passing through any external list
144  head structure that is not embedded in the specified data structure type.


  1  Note that each task_struct is linked to its parent's task_struct via the
  2  p_pptr member:
  4    crash> struct task_struct.p_pptr
  5    struct task_struct {
  6       [136] struct task_struct *p_pptr;
  7    }
  9  That being the case, given a task_struct pointer of c169a000, show its
 10  parental hierarchy back to the "init_task" (the "swapper" task):
 12    crash> list task_struct.p_pptr c169a000
 13    c169a000
 14    c0440000
 15    c50d0000
 16    c0562000
 17    c0d28000
 18    c7894000
 19    c6a98000
 20    c009a000
 21    c0252000
 23  Given that the "task_struct.p_pptr" offset is 136 bytes, the same
 24  result could be accomplished like so:
 26    crash> list 136 c169a000
 27    c169a000
 28    c0440000
 29    c50d0000
 30    c0562000
 31    c0d28000
 32    c7894000
 33    c6a98000
 34    c009a000
 35    c0252000
 37  The list of currently-registered file system types are headed up by a
 38  struct file_system_type pointer named "file_systems", and linked by
 39  the "next" field in each file_system_type structure.  The following
 40  sequence displays the structure address followed by the name and
 41  fs_flags members of each registered file system type:
 43    crash> p file_systems
 44    file_systems = $1 = (struct file_system_type *) 0xc03adc90
 45    crash> list file_system_type.next -s file_system_type.name,fs_flags c03adc90
 46    c03adc90
 47      name = 0xc02c05c8 "rootfs",
 48      fs_flags = 0x30,
 49    c03abf94
 50      name = 0xc02c0319 "bdev",
 51      fs_flags = 0x10,
 52    c03acb40
 53      name = 0xc02c07c4 "proc",
 54      fs_flags = 0x8,
 55    c03e9834
 56      name = 0xc02cfc83 "sockfs",
 57      fs_flags = 0x10,
 58    c03ab8e4
 59      name = 0xc02bf512 "tmpfs",
 60      fs_flags = 0x20,
 61    c03ab8c8
 62      name = 0xc02c3d6b "shm",
 63      fs_flags = 0x20,
 64    c03ac394
 65      name = 0xc02c03cf "pipefs",
 66      fs_flags = 0x10,
 67    c03ada74
 68      name = 0xc02c0e6b "ext2",
 69      fs_flags = 0x1,
 70    c03adc74
 71      name = 0xc02c0e70 "ramfs",
 72      fs_flags = 0x20,
 73    c03ade74
 74      name = 0xc02c0e76 "hugetlbfs",
 75      fs_flags = 0x20,
 76    c03adf8c
 77      name = 0xc02c0f84 "iso9660",
 78      fs_flags = 0x1,
 79    c03aec14
 80      name = 0xc02c0ffd "devpts",
 81      fs_flags = 0x8,
 82    c03e93f4
 83      name = 0xc02cf1b9 "pcihpfs",
 84      fs_flags = 0x28,
 85    e0831a14
 86      name = 0xe082f89f "ext3",
 87      fs_flags = 0x1,
 88    e0846af4
 89      name = 0xe0841ac6 "usbdevfs",
 90      fs_flags = 0x8,
 91    e0846b10
 92      name = 0xe0841acf "usbfs",
 93      fs_flags = 0x8,
 94    e0992370
 95      name = 0xe099176c "autofs",
 96      fs_flags = 0x0,
 97    e2dcc030
 98      name = 0xe2dc8849 "nfs",
 99      fs_flags = 0x48000,
101  In some kernels, the system run queue is a linked list headed up by the
102  "runqueue_head", which is defined like so:
104    static LIST_HEAD(runqueue_head);
106  The run queue linking is done with the "run_list" member of the task_struct:
108    crash> struct task_struct.run_list
109    struct task_struct {
110        [60] struct list_head run_list;
111    }
113  Therefore, to view the list of task_struct addresses in the run queue,
114  either of the following commands will work:
116    crash> list task_struct.run_list -H runqueue_head
117    f79ac000
118    f7254000
119    f7004000
120    crash> list 60 -H runqueue_head
121    f79ac000
122    f7254000
123    f7004000
125  In some kernel versions, the vfsmount structures of the mounted
126  filesystems are linked by the LIST_HEAD "vfsmntlist", which uses the
127  mnt_list list_head of each vfsmount structure in the list.  To dump each
128  vfsmount structure in the list, append the -s option:
130    crash> list -H vfsmntlist vfsmount.mnt_list -s vfsmount
131    c3fc9e60
132    struct vfsmount {
133      mnt_hash = {
134        next = 0xc3fc9e60,
135        prev = 0xc3fc9e60
136      },
137      mnt_parent = 0xc3fc9e60,
138      mnt_mountpoint = 0xc3fc5dc0,
139      mnt_root = 0xc3fc5dc0,
140      mnt_instances = {
141        next = 0xc3f60a74,
142        prev = 0xc3f60a74
143      },
144      mnt_sb = 0xc3f60a00,
145      mnt_mounts = {
146        next = 0xf7445e08,
147        prev = 0xf7445f88
148      },
149      mnt_child = {
150        next = 0xc3fc9e88,
151        prev = 0xc3fc9e88
152      },
153      mnt_count = {
154        counter = 209
155      },
156      mnt_flags = 0,
157      mnt_devname = 0xc8465b20 "/dev/root",
158      mnt_list = {
159        next = 0xf7445f9c,
160        prev = 0xc02eb828
161      },
162      mnt_owner = 0
163    }
164    f7445f60
165    struct vfsmount {
166    ...
168  The task_struct of every task in the system is linked into a circular list
169  by its embedded "tasks" list_head.  Show the task_struct addresses and the
170  pids of all tasks in the system using "-h" option, starting with the
171  task_struct at ffff88012b98e040:
173    crash> list task_struct.tasks -s task_struct.pid -h ffff88012b98e040
174    ffff88012b98e040
175      pid = 14187
176    ffff8801277be0c0
177      pid = 14248
178    ffffffff81a2d020
179      pid = 0
180    ffff88012d7dd4c0
181      pid = 1
182    ffff88012d7dca80
183      pid = 2
184    ffff88012d7dc040
185      pid = 3
186    ffff88012d7e9500
187      pid = 4
188    ...
189    ffff88012961a100
190      pid = 14101
191    ffff880129017580
192      pid = 14134
193    ffff8801269ed540
194      pid = 14135
195    ffff880128256080
196      pid = 14138
197    ffff88012b8f4100
198      pid = 14183
200  Similar to the above, display the embedded sched_entity structure's on_rq
201  member from each task_struct in the system:
203    crash> list task_struct.tasks -s task_struct.se.on_rq -h ffff8800b66a0000
204    ffff8800b66a0000
205      se.on_rq = 1,
206    ffff8800b66a0ad0
207      se.on_rq = 0,
208    ffff8800b66a15a0
209      se.on_rq = 0,
210    ffff8800b66a2070
211      se.on_rq = 0,
212    ffff8800b66a2b40
213      se.on_rq = 0,
214    ffff8800b67315a0
215      se.on_rq = 0,
216    ffff8800b6732b40
217      se.on_rq = 0,
218    ...
220  The task_struct.tasks example above requires that the -h option be given
221  the address of a task_struct.  Alternatively, the -l option can be given
222  the address of a list_head or similar linkage structure whose first member
223  points to the next linkage structure.  Again using the task_struct.tasks
224  embedded list_head, dump the "comm" member of all tasks by using -l in
225  conjunction with -s option:
227    crash> task -R tasks.next
228    PID: 7044   TASK: ffff88005ac10000  CPU: 2   COMMAND: "crash"
229      tasks.next = 0xffff880109b8e3d0,
230    crash> list 0xffff880109b8e3d0 -l task_struct.tasks -s task_struct.comm
231    ffff880109b8e3d0
232      comm = "kworker/1:2"
233    ffff880109b8be00
234      comm = "bash"
235    ffff88019d26c590
236      comm = "cscope"
237    ffff880109b8b670
238      comm = "kworker/0:1"
239    ffff880109b8cd20
240      comm = "kworker/1:0"
241    ffff88005ac15c40
242      comm = "vi"
243    ffff88005ac11fc0
244      comm = "sleep"
245    ffffffff81c135c0
246      comm = "swapper/0"
247    ffff880212828180
248      comm = "systemd"
249    ...
250    ffff8801288d1830
251      comm = "chrome"
252    ffff8801534dd4b0
253      comm = "kworker/0:0"
254    ffff8801534d8180
255      comm = "kworker/1:1"
256    ffff88010902b670
257      comm = "kworker/2:2"
258    ffff880109b8a750
259      comm = "sudo"
260    ffff88005ac10180
261      comm = "crash"

21. log - dump system message buffer


1log [-tdma]


 1  This command dumps the kernel log_buf contents in chronological order.  The
 2  command supports the older log_buf formats, which may or may not contain a
 3  timestamp inserted prior to each message, as well as the newer variable-length
 4  record format, where the timestamp is contained in each log entry's header.
 6    -t  Display the message text without the timestamp; only applicable to the
 7        variable-length record format.
 8    -d  Display the dictionary of key/value pair properties that are optionally
 9        appended to a message by the kernel's dev_printk() function; only
10        applicable to the variable-length record format.
11    -m  Display the message log level in brackets preceding each message.  For
12        the variable-length record format, the level will be displayed in
13        hexadecimal, and depending upon the kernel version, also contains the
14        facility or flags bits.
15    -a  Dump the audit logs remaining in kernel audit buffers that have not
16        been copied out to the user-space audit daemon.


  1  Dump the kernel message buffer:
  3    crash> log
  4    Linux version 2.2.5-15smp (root@mclinux1) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990
  5    314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #1 SMP Thu Aug 26 11:04:37 EDT 1999
  6    Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
  7        Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
  8    OEM ID: DELL     Product ID: WS 410       APIC at: 0xFEE00000
  9    Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 10    Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 11    I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
 12    Processors: 2
 13    mapped APIC to ffffe000 (fee00000)
 14    mapped IOAPIC to ffffd000 (fec00000)
 15    Detected 447696347 Hz processor.
 16    Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
 17    Calibrating delay loop... 445.64 BogoMIPS
 18    ...
 19      8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.
 20      MII transceiver found at address 24, status 782d.
 21      Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
 22    Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 okir@monad.swb.de).
 23    nfsd_init: initialized fhcache, entries=256
 24    ...
 26  Do the same thing, but also show the log level preceding each message:
 28    crash> log -m
 29    <4>Linux version 2.2.5-15smp (root@mclinux1) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990
 30    314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #1 SMP Thu Aug 26 11:04:37 EDT 1999
 31    <4>Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
 32    <4>    Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
 33    <4>OEM ID: DELL     Product ID: WS 410       APIC at: 0xFEE00000
 34    <4>Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 35    <4>Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 36    <4>I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
 37    <4>Processors: 2
 38    <4>mapped APIC to ffffe000 (fee00000)
 39    <4>mapped IOAPIC to ffffd000 (fec00000)
 40    <4>Detected 447696347 Hz processor.
 41    <4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
 42    <4>Calibrating delay loop... 445.64 BogoMIPS
 43    ...
 44    <6>  8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.
 45    <6>  MII transceiver found at address 24, status 782d.
 46    <6>  Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
 47    <6>Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 okir@monad.swb.de).
 48    <7>nfsd_init: initialized fhcache, entries=256
 49    ...
 51  On a system with the variable-length record format, and whose log_buf has been
 52  filled and wrapped around, display the log with timestamp data:
 54    crash> log
 55    [    0.467730] pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2c10] type 00 class 0x060000
 56    [    0.467749] pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2c11] type 00 class 0x060000
 57    [    0.467769] pci 0000:ff:02.4: [8086:2c14] type 00 class 0x060000
 58    [    0.467788] pci 0000:ff:02.5: [8086:2c15] type 00 class 0x060000
 59    [    0.467809] pci 0000:ff:03.0: [8086:2c18] type 00 class 0x060000
 60    [    0.467828] pci 0000:ff:03.1: [8086:2c19] type 00 class 0x060000
 61    ...
 63  Display the same message text as above, without the timestamp data:
 65    crash> log -t
 66    pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2c10] type 00 class 0x060000
 67    pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2c11] type 00 class 0x060000
 68    pci 0000:ff:02.4: [8086:2c14] type 00 class 0x060000
 69    pci 0000:ff:02.5: [8086:2c15] type 00 class 0x060000
 70    pci 0000:ff:03.0: [8086:2c18] type 00 class 0x060000
 71    pci 0000:ff:03.1: [8086:2c19] type 00 class 0x060000
 72    ...
 74  Display the same message text as above, with appended dictionary data:
 76    crash> log -td
 77    pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2c10] type 00 class 0x060000
 78    SUBSYSTEM=pci
 79    DEVICE=+pci:0000:ff:02.0
 80    pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2c11] type 00 class 0x060000
 81    SUBSYSTEM=pci
 82    DEVICE=+pci:0000:ff:02.1
 83    pci 0000:ff:02.4: [8086:2c14] type 00 class 0x060000
 84    SUBSYSTEM=pci
 85    DEVICE=+pci:0000:ff:02.4
 86    pci 0000:ff:02.5: [8086:2c15] type 00 class 0x060000
 87    SUBSYSTEM=pci
 88    DEVICE=+pci:0000:ff:02.5
 89    pci 0000:ff:03.0: [8086:2c18] type 00 class 0x060000
 90    SUBSYSTEM=pci
 91    DEVICE=+pci:0000:ff:03.0
 92    pci 0000:ff:03.1: [8086:2c19] type 00 class 0x060000
 93    SUBSYSTEM=pci
 94    DEVICE=+pci:0000:ff:03.1
 95    ...
 97  Dump the kernel audit logs:
 99    crash> log -a
100    type=1320 audit(1489384479.809:4342):
101    type=1300 audit(1489384479.809:4343): arch=c000003e syscall=0 success=yes
102    exit=0 a0=4 a1=7f84154a2000 a2=400 a3=22 items=0 ppid=2560 pid=2591 auid=0
103    uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=ttyS0 ses=1
104    comm="pidof" exe="/usr/sbin/killall5"
105    subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
106    type=1320 audit(1489384479.809:4343):
107    type=1300 audit(1489384479.809:4344): arch=c000003e syscall=3 success=yes
108    exit=0 a0=4 a1=1 a2=8 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2560 pid=2591 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0
109    euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=ttyS0 ses=1 comm="pidof"
110    exe="/usr/sbin/killall5"
111    subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
112    type=1320 audit(1489384479.809:4344):
113    type=1300 audit(1489384479.809:4345): arch=c000003e syscall=11
114    success=yes exit=0 a0=7f84154a2000 a1=1000 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2560
115    pid=2591 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0
116    tty=ttyS0 ses=1 comm="pidof" exe="/usr/sbin/killall5"
117    subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
118    type=1320 audit(1489384479.809:4345):
119    type=1300 audit(1489384479.809:4346): arch=c000003e syscall=2 success=yes
120    exit=4 a0=7ffcfd20f5a0 a1=0 a2=1b6 a3=24 items=1 ppid=2560 pid=2591 auid=0
121    uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=ttyS0 ses=1
122    comm="pidof" exe="/usr/sbin/killall5"
123    subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
124    type=1307 audit(1489384479.809:4346):  cwd="/proc"
125    ...

22. mach - machine specific data


1mach [-m | -c -[xd] | -o]


1  This command displays data specific to a machine type.
3    -m  Display the physical memory map (x86, x86_64 and ia64 only).
4    -c  Display each cpu's cpuinfo structure (x86, x86_64 and ia64 only).
5        Display each cpu's x8664_pda structure (x86_64 only),
6        Display the hwrpb_struct, and each cpu's percpu_struct (alpha only).
7    -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
8    -d  override default output format with decimal format.
9    -o  Display the OPAL console log (ppc64 only).


 1    crash> mach
 2           MACHINE TYPE: i686
 3            MEMORY SIZE: 512 MB
 4                   CPUS: 2
 5             HYPERVISOR: KVM
 6        PROCESSOR SPEED: 1993 Mhz
 7                     HZ: 100
 8              PAGE SIZE: 4096
 9    KERNEL VIRTUAL BASE: c0000000
10    KERNEL VMALLOC BASE: e0800000
11      KERNEL STACK SIZE: 8192
13  Display the system physical memory map:
15    crash> mach -m
17    0000000000000000 - 00000000000a0000  E820_RAM
18    00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000  E820_RESERVED
19    0000000000100000 - 000000001ff75000  E820_RAM
20    000000001ff75000 - 000000001ff77000  E820_NVS
21    000000001ff77000 - 000000001ff98000  E820_ACPI
22    000000001ff98000 - 0000000020000000  E820_RESERVED
23    00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec90000  E820_RESERVED
24    00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee10000  E820_RESERVED
25    00000000ffb00000 - 0000000100000000  E820_RESERVED
27  Display the OPAL console log:
29    crash> mach -o
30    [   65.219056911,5] SkiBoot skiboot-5.4.0-218-ge0225cc-df9a248 starting...
31    [   65.219065872,5] initial console log level: memory 7, driver 5
32    [   65.219068917,6] CPU: P8 generation processor(max 8 threads/core)
33    [   65.219071681,7] CPU: Boot CPU PIR is 0x0060 PVR is 0x004d0200
34    [   65.219074685,7] CPU: Initial max PIR set to 0x1fff
35    [   65.219607955,5] FDT: Parsing fdt @0xff00000
36    [  494.026291523,7] BT: seq 0x25 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: Message sent to host
37    [  494.027636927,7] BT: seq 0x25 netfn 0x0a cmd 0x48: IPMI MSG done

23. mod - module information and loading of symbols and debugging data


1mod -s module [objfile] | -d module | -S [directory] [-D|-t|-r|-R|-o|-g]


 1  With no arguments, this command displays basic information of the currently
 2  installed modules, consisting of the module address, name, size, the
 3  object file name (if known), and whether the module was compiled with
 6  The arguments are concerned with with the loading or deleting of symbolic
 7  and debugging data from a module's object file.  A modules's object file
 8  always contains symbolic data (symbol names and addresses), but contains
 9  debugging data only if the module was compiled with the -g CFLAG.  In
10  addition, the module may have compiled with CONFIG_KALLSYMS, which means
11  that the module's symbolic data will have been loaded into the kernel's
12  address space when it was installed.  If the module was not compiled with
13  CONFIG_KALLSYMS, then only the module's exported symbols will be loaded
14  into the kernel's address space.  Therefore, for the purpose of this
15  command, it should noted that a kernel module may have been compiled in
16  one of following manners:
18  1. If the module was built without CONFIG_KALLSYMS and without the -g CFLAG,
19     then the loading of the module's additional non-exported symbols can
20     be accomplished with this command.
21  2. If the module was built with CONFIG_KALLSYMS, but without the -g CFLAG,
22     then there is no benefit in loading the symbols from the module object
23     file, because all of the module's symbols will have been loaded into the
24     kernel's address space when it was installed.
25  3. If the module was built with CONFIG_KALLSYMS and with the the -g CFLAG,
26     then the loading of the module's debugging data can be accomplished
27     with this command.
28  4. If the module was built without CONFIG_KALLSYMS but with the -g CFLAG,
29     then the loading of the both module's symbolic and debugging data can
30     be accomplished with this command.
32  -s module [objfile]  Loads symbolic and debugging data from the object file
33                       for the module specified.  If no objfile argument is
34                       appended, a search will be made for an object file
35                       consisting of the module name with a .o or .ko suffix,
36                       starting at the /lib/modules/<release> directory on
37                       the host system, or if not found there, starting at the
38                       directory containing the kernel namelist file.  If an
39                       objfile argument is appended, then that file will be
40                       used.
41            -d module  Deletes the symbolic and debugging data of the module
42                       specified.
43       -S [directory]  Load symbolic and debugging data from the object file
44                       for all loaded modules.  For each module, a search
45                       will be made for an object file consisting of the
46                       module name with a .o or .ko suffix, starting at the
47                       /lib/modules/<release> directory of the host system,
48                       or if not found there, starting at the directory
49                       containing the kernel namelist file.  If a directory
50                       argument is appended, then the search will be restricted
51                       to that directory.
52                   -D  Deletes the symbolic and debugging data of all modules.
53                   -t  Display the contents of the module's "taints" bitmask
54                       if it is non-zero.  When possible, the "taints" bits
55                       are translated to symbolic letters of the taint type;
56                       otherwise the hexadecimal value is shown.  In older
57                       kernels, the contents of the "license_gplok" field is
58                       displayed in hexadecimal; the field may be either a
59                       bitmask or a boolean, depending upon the kernel version.
60                       The relevant kernel sources should be consulted for the
61                       meaning of the letter(s) or hexadecimal bit value(s).
62                       For modules that have a "gpgsig_ok" field that is zero
63                       (unsigned), the notation "(U)" is shown.
64                   -r  Passes the -readnow flag to the embedded gdb module,
65                       which will override the two-stage strategy that it uses
66                       for reading symbol tables from module object files.
67                   -R  Reinitialize module data. All currently-loaded symbolic
68                       and debugging data will be deleted, and the installed
69                       module list will be updated (live system only).
70                   -g  When used with -s or -S, add a module object's section
71                       start and end addresses to its symbol list.
72                   -o  Load module symbols with old mechanism.
74  If the crash session was invoked with the "--mod <directory>" option, or
75  a CRASH_MODULE_PATH environment variable exists, then /lib/modules/<release>
76  will be overridden as the default directory tree that is searched for module
77  object files.
79  After symbolic and debugging data have been loaded, backtraces and text
80  disassembly will be displayed appropriately.  Depending upon the processor
81  architecture, data may also printed symbolically with the "p" command;
82  at a minimum, the "rd" command may be used with module data symbols.
84  If crash can recognize that the set of modules has changed while running a
85  session on a live kernel, the module data will be reinitialized the next
86  time this command is run; the -r option forces the reinitialization.


  1  Display the currently-installed modules:
  3    crash> mod
  5    c8019000  soundcore    2788  (not loaded)
  6    c801b000  soundlow      336  (not loaded)
  7    c801d000  sound       59864  (not loaded)
  8    c802d000  ad1848      15728  (not loaded)
  9    c8032000  uart401      6000  (not loaded)
 10    c8035000  cs4232       2472  (not loaded)
 11    c8043000  opl3        11048  (not loaded)
 12    c8047000  3c59x       18152  (not loaded)
 13    c804d000  sunrpc      53796  (not loaded)
 14    c805c000  lockd       31528  (not loaded)
 15    c8065000  nfsd       151896  (not loaded)
 16    c8092000  nfs         29752  (not loaded)
 18  Display the currently-installed modules on a system where all modules were
 19  compiled with CONFIG_KALLSYMS:
 21    crash> mod
 22     MODULE   NAME              SIZE  OBJECT FILE
 23    e080d000  jbd              57016  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 24    e081e000  ext3             92360  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 25    e0838000  usbcore          83168  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 26    e0850000  usb-uhci         27532  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 27    e085a000  ehci-hcd         20904  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 28    e0865000  input             6208  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 29    e086a000  hid              22404  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 30    e0873000  mousedev          5688  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 31    e0878000  keybdev           2976  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 32    e08fd000  cdrom            34144  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 33    e0909000  ide-cd           35776  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 34    e0915000  scsi_mod        117928  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 35    e0935000  ide-scsi         12752  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 36    e093c000  microcode         5248  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 37    e0943000  sr_mod           18136  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 38    e0956000  floppy           59056  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 39    e0966000  sg               38060  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 40    e0971000  ip_tables        16544  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 41    e097d000  iptable_filter    2412  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 42    e097f000  e1000            76096  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 43    e09ba000  autofs           13780  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 44    e09c1000  parport          39072  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 45    e09ce000  lp                9220  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 46    e09d4000  parport_pc       19204  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 47    e09e2000  agpgart          59128  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 48    e0a1a000  radeon          117156  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 49    e2dc7000  sunrpc           91996  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 50    e2de1000  lockd            60624  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 51    e2df3000  nfs              96880  (not loaded)  [CONFIG_KALLSYMS]
 53  Load the symbolic and debugging data of all modules:
 55    crash> mod -S
 57    c8019000  soundcore    2788  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/soundcore.o
 58    c801b000  soundlow      336  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/soundlow.o
 59    c801d000  sound       59864  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sound.o
 60    c802d000  ad1848      15728  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/ad1848.o
 61    c8032000  uart401      6000  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/uart401.o
 62    c8035000  cs4232       2472  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/cs4232.o
 63    c8043000  opl3        11048  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/opl3.o
 64    c8047000  3c59x       18152  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/net/3c59x.o
 65    c804d000  sunrpc      53796  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sunrpc.o
 66    c805c000  lockd       31528  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/fs/lockd.o
 67    c8065000  nfsd       151896  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/fs/nfsd.o
 68    c8092000  nfs         29752  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/fs/nfs.o
 70  Load the symbolic and debugging data of the soundcore module from its
 71  known location:
 73    crash> mod -s soundcore
 75    c8019000  soundcore    2788  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/soundcore.o
 77  Delete the current symbolic and debugging data of the soundcore module,
 78  and then re-load it from a specified object file:
 80    crash> mod -d soundcore
 81    crash> mod -s soundcore /tmp/soundcore.o
 83    c8019000  soundcore    2788  /tmp/soundcore.o
 85  After installing a new kernel module on a live system, reinitialize the
 86  installed module list:
 88    crash> !insmod mdacon
 89    crash> mod
 90    mod: NOTE: modules have changed on this system -- reinitializing
 92    c8019000  soundcore    2788  (not loaded)
 93    c801b000  soundlow      336  (not loaded)
 94    c801d000  sound       59864  (not loaded)
 95    c802d000  ad1848      15728  (not loaded)
 96    c8032000  uart401      6000  (not loaded)
 97    c8035000  cs4232       2472  (not loaded)
 98    c8043000  opl3        11048  (not loaded)
 99    c8047000  3c59x       18152  (not loaded)
100    c804d000  sunrpc      53796  (not loaded)
101    c805c000  lockd       31528  (not loaded)
102    c8065000  nfs         29752  (not loaded)
103    c806e000  autofs       9316  (not loaded)
104    c8072000  nfsd       151896  (not loaded)
105    c80a1000  mdacon       3556  (not loaded)
107  Display modules that are "tainted", where in this case
108  where they are proprietary and unsigned:
110    crash> mod -t
111    NAME      TAINT
112    vxspec    P(U)
113    vxportal  P(U)
114    fdd       P(U)
115    vxfs      P(U)
116    vxdmp     P(U)
117    vxio      P(U)
118    vxglm     P(U)
119    vxgms     P(U)
120    vxodm     P(U)

24. mount - mounted filesystem data


1mount [-f][-i] [-n pid|task] [mount|vfsmount|superblock|dev|dir|dentry|inode]


 1  This command displays basic information about the currently-mounted
 2  filesystems.  The per-filesystem dirty inode list or list of open
 3  files for the filesystem may also be displayed.
 5     -f  dump dentries and inodes for open files in each filesystem; only
 6         supported on kernels prior to Linux 3.13.
 7     -i  dump all dirty inodes associated with each filesystem; only
 8         supported on kernels prior to Linux 2.6.32.
10  For kernels supporting namespaces, the -n option may be used to
11  display the mounted filesystems with respect to the namespace of a
12  specified task:
14     -n pid   a process PID.
15     -n task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
17  Specific filesystems may be selected using the following forms:
19    vfsmount  hexadecimal address of a filesystem vfsmount structure.
20       mount  hexadecimal address of a filesystem mount structure (Linux 3.3
21              and later).
22  superblock  hexadecimal address of a filesystem super_block structure.
23         dev  device name of a filesystem.
24         dir  directory where a filesystem is mounted.
25      dentry  hexadecimal address of an open dentry of a filesystem.
26       inode  hexadecimal address of an open inode of a filesystem.
28  The first column of the command output displays the filesystem's vfsmount
29  structure address for kernels prior to Linux 3.3.  For Linux 3.3 and later
30  kernels, the first column displays the filesystem's mount structure address,
31  which contains an embedded vfsmount structure.


 1  Display mounted filesystem data:
 3    crash> mount
 5    c0089ea0 c0088a00 ext2   /dev/root /
 6    c0089cf0 c0088c00 proc   /proc     /proc
 7    c0089e10 c0088800 ext2   /dev/sda5 /boot
 8    c0089d80 c0088600 ext2   /dev/sda6 /usr
 9    c0089f30 c0088400 devpts none      /dev/pts
10    c3f4b010 c0088200 ext2   /dev/sda1 /home
12  On Linux 3.3 and later kernels, the filesystem's mount structure address
13  is shown:
15    crash> mount
16         MOUNT           SUPERBLK     TYPE   DEVNAME   DIRNAME
17    ffff880212fb8200 ffff880212fc0800 rootfs rootfs    /
18    ffff88020ffbea00 ffff880212fc2000 proc   proc      proc
19    ffff880211db7f00 ffff88020e01a800 sysfs  sysfs     /sys
20    ffff88020ffe1300 ffff880212a40000 devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
21    ffff88020ff15000 ffff880212bbc800 devpts devpts    /dev/pts
22    ffff88020e542800 ffff88020e62b800 tmpfs  tmpfs     /dev/shm
23    ...
25  Display the open files associated with each mounted filesystem:
27    crash> mount -f
29    c7fb2b80 c7fb3200 ext2   /dev/root /
32    c6d02200  c6d0f7a0  REG   usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6.1
33    c6d02100  c6d0f9e0  REG   usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so.6.3
34    c6d02000  c6d0fc20  REG   usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6.3
35    c6d02680  c6d0f320  REG   usr/X11R6/bin/xfs
36    c7106580  c70c5440  CHR   dev/psaux
37    ...
39  Display the dirty inodes associated with each mounted filesystem:
41    crash> mount -i
43    c0089ea0 c0088a00 ext2   /dev/root /
45    c7ad4008
46    c2233438
47    c72c4008
48    c7d6b548
49    c3af1a98
50    c7d6b768
51    c3c4e228
52    ...
54  Display the mounted filesystem containing inode c5000aa8:
56    crash> mount c5000aa8
58    c0089f30 c0088600 ext2   /dev/sda6 /usr
60  Display the mounted filesystem containing inode ffff8801f4245e40:
62    crash> mount ffff8801f4245e40
63         MOUNT           SUPERBLK     TYPE   DEVNAME  DIRNAME
64    ffff88020ffbea00 ffff880212fc2000 proc   proc     /proc

25. net - network command


1net [[-s | -S] [-xd] [-R ref] [pid | task]] [-a] [ -n [pid | task]] [-N addr]


 1  Displays various network related data.
 3  If no arguments are entered, the list of network devices, names and IP
 4  addresses are displayed.  For kernels supporting namespaces, the -n option
 5  may be used to display the list of network devices with respect to the
 6  network namespace of a current context or a task specified by pid or task:
 8        -n  the namespace of the current context.
 9    -n pid  a process PID.
10   -n task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
12  The -s and -S options display data with respect to the current context, but
13  may be appended with an argument to show the socket data with respect
14  to a specified task:
16        -s  display open network socket/sock addresses, their family and type,
17            and for INET and INET6 families, their source and destination
18            addresses and ports.
19    -s pid  same as above, for task with process PID pid.
20   -s task  same as above, for task with hexadecimal task_struct pointer task.
22        -S  displays open network socket/sock addresses followed by a dump
23            of both data structures.
24    -S pid  same as above, with respect to process PID.
25   -S task  same as above, with respect to hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
27  The -R option, typically invoked from "foreach net", and in conjunction
28  with the -s or -S options, searches for references to a socket address,
29  sock address, or a file descriptor; if found, only the referenced fd, socket
30  or sock data will be displayed:
32    -R ref  socket or sock address, or file descriptor.
34  Other options:
36        -a  display the ARP cache.
37   -N addr  translates an IPv4 address expressed as a decimal or hexadecimal
38            value into a standard numbers-and-dots notation.
39        -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
40        -d  override default output format with decimal format.


  1  Display the system's network device list:
  3    crash> net
  5    ffff8803741c0000  lo
  6    fff88037059c0000  eth0
  7    ffff8803705c0000  eth1
  8    ffff880374ad6000  usb0
 10  Display the network device list with respect to the network namespace
 11  of PID 2618:
 13    crash> net -n 2618
 15    ffff880456ee7020  lo
 16    ffff8804516a1020  eth0
 18  Dump the ARP cache:
 20    crash> net -a
 22    f38d1b00    ETHER     00:16:3e:4b:a5:4a  eth1    STALE
 23    f38d1080        UNKNOWN   00 00 00 00 00 00  lo      NOARP
 24    f38d1bc0   ETHER     00:00:0c:07:ac:00  eth1    REACHABLE
 25    f38d1200    ETHER     00:16:3e:51:d8:09  eth1    REACHABLE
 27  Display the sockets for PID 2517, using both -s and -S output formats:
 29    crash> net -s 2517
 30    PID: 2517   TASK: c1598000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "rlogin"
 32     3  c57375dc  c1ff1850  INET:STREAM
 34    crash> net -S 2517
 35    PID: 2517   TASK: c1598000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "rlogin"
 36    FD   SOCKET     SOCK
 37     3  c57375dc  c1ff1850
 39    struct socket {
 40      state = SS_CONNECTED,
 41      flags = 131072,
 42      ops = 0xc023f820,
 43      inode = 0xc5737540,
 44      fasync_list = 0x0,
 45      file = 0xc58892b0,
 46      sk = 0xc1ff1850,
 47      wait = 0xc14d9ed4,
 48      type = 1,
 49      passcred = 0 '\000',
 50      tli = 0 '\000'
 51    }
 52    struct sock {
 53      sklist_next = 0xc1ff12f0,
 54      sklist_prev = 0xc216bc00,
 55      bind_next = 0x0,
 56      bind_pprev = 0xc0918448,
 57      daddr = 1041236234,
 58      rcv_saddr = 336068874,
 59      dport = 258,
 60      num = 1023,
 61      bound_dev_if = 0,
 62      next = 0x0,
 63      pprev = 0xc0286dd4,
 64      state = 1 '\001',
 65      zapped = 0 '\000',
 66      sport = 65283,
 67      family = 2,
 68      reuse = 0 '\000',
 69      ...
 70   Translate the rcv_saddr from above into dotted-decimal notation:
 72    crash> net -N 1041236234
 75  From "foreach", find all tasks with references to socket c08ea3cc:
 77    crash> foreach net -s -R c08ea3cc
 78    PID: 2184   TASK: c7026000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "klines.kss"
 80     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
 82    PID: 2200   TASK: c670a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kpanel"
 84     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
 86    PID: 2201   TASK: c648a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kbgndwm"
 88     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
 90    PID: 19294  TASK: c250a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "prefdm"
 92     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
 94    PID: 2194   TASK: c62dc000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kaudioserver"
 96     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
 98    PID: 2195   TASK: c6684000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "maudio"
100     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
102    PID: 2196   TASK: c6b58000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kwmsound"
104     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
106    PID: 2197   TASK: c6696000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kfm"
108     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
110    PID: 2199   TASK: c65ec000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "krootwm"
112     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
114    PID: 694    TASK: c1942000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "prefdm"
116     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
118    PID: 698    TASK: c6a2c000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "X"
120     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM
122    PID: 2159   TASK: c4a5a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kwm"
124     5  c08ea3cc  c50d3c80  INET:STREAM

26. p - print the value of an expression


1p [-x|-d][-u] [expression | symbol[:cpuspec]]


 1  This command passes its arguments on to gdb "print" command for evaluation.
 3    expression  an expression to be evaluated.
 4        symbol  a kernel symbol.
 5      :cpuspec  CPU specification for a per-cpu symbol:
 6                  :             CPU of the currently selected task.
 7                  :a[ll]        all CPUs.
 8                  :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
 9                                or "1,3,5-7,10".
10            -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
11            -d  override default output format with decimal format.
12            -u  the expression evaluates to a user address reference.
14  The default output format is decimal, but that can be changed at any time
15  with the two built-in aliases "hex" and "dec".  Alternatively, there
16  are two other built-in aliases, "px" and "pd", which force the command
17  output to be displayed in hexadecimal or decimal, without changing the
18  default mode.


 1  Print the contents of jiffies:
 3    crash> p jiffies
 4    jiffies = $6 = 166532620
 5    crash> px jiffies
 6    jiffies = $7 = 0x9ed174b
 7    crash> pd jiffies
 8    jiffies = $8 = 166533160
10  Print the contents of the vm_area_struct "init_mm":
12    crash> p init_mm
13    init_mm = $5 = {
14      mmap = 0xc022d540,
15      mmap_avl = 0x0,
16      mmap_cache = 0x0,
17      pgd = 0xc0101000,
18      count = {
19        counter = 0x6
20      },
21      map_count = 0x1,
22      mmap_sem = {
23        count = {
24          counter = 0x1
25        },
26        waking = 0x0,
27        wait = 0x0
28      },
29      context = 0x0,
30      start_code = 0xc0000000,
31      end_code = 0xc022b4c8,
32      start_data = 0x0,
33      end_data = 0xc0250388,
34      start_brk = 0x0,
35      brk = 0xc02928d8,
36      start_stack = 0x0,
37      arg_start = 0x0,
38      arg_end = 0x0,
39      env_start = 0x0,
40      env_end = 0x0,
41      rss = 0x0,
42      total_vm = 0x0,
43      locked_vm = 0x0,
44      def_flags = 0x0,
45      cpu_vm_mask = 0x0,
46      swap_cnt = 0x0,
47      swap_address = 0x0,
48      segments = 0x0
49    }
51  If a per-cpu symbol is entered as a argument, its data type
52  and all of its per-cpu addresses are displayed:
54    crash> p irq_stat
56      irq_cpustat_t irq_stat;
58      [0]: ffff88021e211540
59      [1]: ffff88021e251540
60      [2]: ffff88021e291540
61      [3]: ffff88021e2d1540
63  To display the contents a per-cpu symbol for CPU 1, append
64  a cpu-specifier:
66    crash> p irq_stat:1
67    per_cpu(irq_stat, 1) = $29 = {
68      __softirq_pending = 0,
69      __nmi_count = 209034,
70      apic_timer_irqs = 597509876,
71      irq_spurious_count = 0,
72      icr_read_retry_count = 2,
73      x86_platform_ipis = 0,
74      apic_perf_irqs = 209034,
75      apic_irq_work_irqs = 0,
76      irq_resched_count = 264922233,
77      irq_call_count = 7036692,
78      irq_tlb_count = 4750442,
79      irq_thermal_count = 0,
80      irq_threshold_count = 0
81    }

27. ps - display process status information


1ps [-k|-u|-G|-y policy] [-s] [-p|-c|-t|-[l|m][-C cpu]|-a|-g|-r|-S|-A]
2     [pid | task | command] ...


 1  This command displays process status for selected, or all, processes
 2  in the system.  If no arguments are entered, the process data is
 3  is displayed for all processes.  Specific processes may be selected
 4  by using the following identifier formats:
 6       pid  a process PID.
 7      task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
 8   command  a command name.  If a command name is made up of letters that
 9            are all numerical values, precede the name string with a "\".
10            If the command string is enclosed within "'" characters, then
11            the encompassed string must be a POSIX extended regular expression
12            that will be used to match task names.
14  The process list may be further restricted by the following options:
16        -k  restrict the output to only kernel threads.
17        -u  restrict the output to only user tasks.
18        -G  display only the thread group leader in a thread group.
19 -y policy  restrict the output to tasks having a specified scheduling policy
20            expressed by its integer value or by its (case-insensitive) name;
21            multiple policies may be entered in a comma-separated list:
22              0 or NORMAL
23              1 or FIFO
24              2 or RR
25              3 or BATCH
26              4 or ISO
27              5 or IDLE
28              6 or DEADLINE
30  The process identifier types may be mixed.  For each task, the following
31  items are displayed:
33    1. the process PID.
34    2. the parent process PID.
35    3. the CPU number that the task ran on last.
36    4. the task_struct address or the kernel stack pointer of the process.
37       (see -s option below)
38    5. the task state (RU, IN, UN, ZO, ST, TR, DE, SW, WA, PA, ID, NE).
39    6. the percentage of physical memory being used by this task.
40    7. the virtual address size of this task in kilobytes.
41    8. the resident set size of this task in kilobytes.
42    9. the command name.
44  The default output shows the task_struct address of each process under a
45  column titled "TASK".  This can be changed to show the kernel stack
46  pointer under a column titled "KSTACKP".
48       -s  replace the TASK column with the KSTACKP column.
50  On SMP machines, the active task on each CPU will be highlighted by an
51  angle bracket (">") preceding its information.  If the crash variable
52  "offline" is set to "hide", the active task on an offline CPU will
53  be highlighted by a "-" preceding its information.
55  Alternatively, information regarding parent-child relationships,
56  per-task time usage data, argument/environment data, thread groups,
57  or resource limits may be displayed:
59       -p  display the parental hierarchy of selected, or all, tasks.
60       -c  display the children of selected, or all, tasks.
61       -t  display the task run time, start time, and cumulative user
62           and system times.
63       -l  display the task's last-run timestamp value, using either the
64           task_struct's last_run value, the task_struct's timestamp value
65           or the task_struct's sched_entity last_arrival value, whichever
66           applies, of selected, or all, tasks; the list is sorted with the
67           most recently-run task (with the largest timestamp) shown first,
68           followed by the task's current state.
69       -m  similar to -l, but the timestamp value is translated into days,
70           hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds since the task was
71           last run on a cpu.
72  -C cpus  only usable with the -l or -m options, dump the timestamp data
73           in per-cpu blocks, where the cpu[s] can be specified as "1,3,5",
74           "1-3", "1,3,5-7,10", "all", or "a" (shortcut for "all").
75       -a  display the command line arguments and environment strings of
76           selected, or all, user-mode tasks.
77       -g  display tasks by thread group, of selected, or all, tasks.
78       -r  display resource limits (rlimits) of selected, or all, tasks.
79       -S  display a summary consisting of the number of tasks in a task state.
80       -A  display only the active task on each cpu.


  1  Show the process status of all current tasks:
  3    crash> ps
  4       PID    PPID  CPU   TASK    ST  %MEM   VSZ   RSS  COMM
  5    >     0      0   3  c024c000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
  6    >     0      0   0  c0dce000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
  7          0      0   1  c0fa8000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
  8    >     0      0   2  c009a000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
  9          1      0   1  c0098000  IN   0.0  1096   476  init
 10          2      1   1  c0090000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kflushd]
 11          3      1   1  c000e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kpiod]
 12          4      1   3  c000c000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kswapd]
 13          5      1   1  c0008000  IN   0.0     0     0  [mdrecoveryd]
 14        253      1   2  fbc4c000  IN   0.0  1088   376  portmap
 15        268      1   2  fbc82000  IN   0.1  1232   504  ypbind
 16        274    268   2  fa984000  IN   0.1  1260   556  ypbind
 17        321      1   1  fabf6000  IN   0.1  1264   608  syslogd
 18        332      1   1  fa9be000  RU   0.1  1364   736  klogd
 19        346      1   2  fae88000  IN   0.0  1112   472  atd
 20        360      1   2  faeb2000  IN   0.1  1284   592  crond
 21        378      1   2  fafd6000  IN   0.1  1236   560  inetd
 22        392      1   0  fb710000  IN   0.1  2264  1468  named
 23        406      1   3  fb768000  IN   0.1  1284   560  lpd
 24        423      1   1  fb8ac000  IN   0.1  1128   528  rpc.statd
 25        434      1   2  fb75a000  IN   0.0  1072   376  rpc.rquotad
 26        445      1   2  fb4a4000  IN   0.0  1132   456  rpc.mountd
 27        460      1   1  fa938000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 28        461      1   1  faa86000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 29        462      1   0  fac48000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 30        463      1   0  fb4ca000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 31        464      1   0  fb4c8000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 32        465      1   2  fba6e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 33        466      1   1  fba6c000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 34        467      1   2  fac04000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
 35        468    461   2  fa93a000  IN   0.0     0     0  [lockd]
 36        469    468   2  fa93e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [rpciod]
 37        486      1   0  fab54000  IN   0.1  1596   880  amd
 38        523      1   2  fa84e000  IN   0.1  1884  1128  sendmail
 39        538      1   0  fa82c000  IN   0.0  1112   416  gpm
 40        552      1   3  fa70a000  IN   0.1  2384  1220  httpd
 41        556    552   3  fa776000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 42        557    552   2  faba4000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 43        558    552   1  fa802000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 44        559    552   3  fa6ee000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 45        560    552   3  fa700000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 46        561    552   0  fa6f0000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 47        562    552   3  fa6ea000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 48        563    552   0  fa67c000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 49        564    552   3  fa674000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 50        565    552   3  fa66a000  IN   0.1  2572  1352  httpd
 51        582      1   2  fa402000  IN   0.2  2968  1916  xfs
 52        633      1   2  fa1ec000  IN   0.2  5512  2248  innd
 53        636      1   3  fa088000  IN   0.1  2536   804  actived
 54        676      1   0  fa840000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
 55        677      1   1  fa590000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
 56        678      1   2  fa3b8000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
 57        679      1   0  fa5b8000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
 58        680      1   1  fa3a4000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
 59        681      1   2  fa30a000  IN   0.0  1060   384  mingetty
 60        683      1   3  fa5d8000  IN   0.0  1052   280  update
 61        686    378   1  fa3aa000  IN   0.1  2320  1136  in.rlogind
 62        687    686   2  f9e52000  IN   0.1  2136  1000  login
 63        688    687   0  f9dec000  IN   0.1  1732   976  bash
 64    >   700    688   1  f9d62000  RU   0.0  1048   256  gen12
 66  Display the parental hierarchy of the "crash" process on a live system:
 68    crash> ps -p 4249
 69    PID: 0      TASK: c0252000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "swapper"
 70     PID: 1      TASK: c009a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "init"
 71      PID: 632    TASK: c73b6000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "prefdm"
 72       PID: 637    TASK: c5a4a000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "prefdm"
 73        PID: 649    TASK: c179a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kwm"
 74         PID: 683    TASK: c1164000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kfm"
 75          PID: 1186   TASK: c165a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "xterm"
 76           PID: 1188   TASK: c705e000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"
 77            PID: 4249   TASK: c6b9a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
 79  Display all children of the "kwm" window manager:
 81    crash> ps -c kwm
 82      PID: 649    TASK: c179a000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kwm"
 83      PID: 682    TASK: c2d58000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kwmsound"
 84      PID: 683    TASK: c1164000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kfm"
 85      PID: 685    TASK: c053c000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "krootwm"
 86      PID: 686    TASK: c13fa000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "kpanel"
 87      PID: 687    TASK: c13f0000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "kbgndwm"
 89  Display all threads in a firefox session:
 91    crash> ps firefox
 92       PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM     VSZ    RSS  COMM
 93      21273  21256   6  ffff81003ec15080  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
 94      21276  21256   6  ffff81003f49e7e0  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
 95      21280  21256   0  ffff81003ec1d7e0  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
 96      21286  21256   6  ffff81000b0d1820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
 97      21287  21256   2  ffff81000b0d10c0  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
 98      26975  21256   5  ffff81003b5c1820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
 99      26976  21256   5  ffff810023232820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
100      26977  21256   4  ffff810021a11820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
101      26978  21256   5  ffff810003159040  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
102      26979  21256   5  ffff81003a058820  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
104  Display only the thread group leader in the firefox session:
106    crash> ps -G firefox
107       PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM     VSZ    RSS  COMM
108      21273  21256   0  ffff81003ec15080  IN  46.3 1138276 484364  firefox
110  Show the time usage data for pid 10318:
112    crash> ps -t 10318
113    PID: 10318  TASK: f7b85550  CPU: 5   COMMAND: "bash"
114        RUN TIME: 1 days, 01:35:32
115      START TIME: 5209
116           UTIME: 95
117           STIME: 57
119  Show the process status of PID 1, task f9dec000, and all nfsd tasks:
121    crash> ps 1 f9dec000 nfsd
122       PID    PPID  CPU   TASK    ST  %MEM   VSZ   RSS  COMM
123          1      0   1  c0098000  IN   0.0  1096   476  init
124        688    687   0  f9dec000  IN   0.1  1732   976  bash
125        460      1   1  fa938000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
126        461      1   1  faa86000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
127        462      1   0  fac48000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
128        463      1   0  fb4ca000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
129        464      1   0  fb4c8000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
130        465      1   2  fba6e000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
131        466      1   1  fba6c000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
132        467      1   2  fac04000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
134  Show all kernel threads:
136    crash> ps -k
137       PID    PPID  CPU   TASK    ST  %MEM   VSZ   RSS  COMM
138          0      0   1  c0fac000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
139          0      0   0  c0252000  RU   0.0     0     0  [swapper]
140          2      1   1  c0fa0000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kflushd]
141          3      1   1  c03de000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kpiod]
142          4      1   1  c03dc000  IN   0.0     0     0  [kswapd]
143          5      1   0  c0092000  IN   0.0     0     0  [mdrecoveryd]
144        336      1   0  c4a9a000  IN   0.0     0     0  [rpciod]
145        337      1   0  c4830000  IN   0.0     0     0  [lockd]
146        487      1   1  c4ba6000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
147        488      1   0  c18c6000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
148        489      1   0  c0cac000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
149        490      1   0  c056a000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
150        491      1   0  c0860000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
151        492      1   1  c0254000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
152        493      1   0  c0a86000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
153        494      1   0  c0968000  IN   0.0     0     0  [nfsd]
155  Display a summary consisting of the number of tasks in a task state:
157    crash> ps -S
158      RU: 5
159      IN: 259
160      UN: 31
161      ZO: 1
163  Display only the active task, on each cpu:
165    crash> ps -A
166        PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM    VSZ    RSS  COMM
167     >    10      2   1  ffff880212969710  IN   0.0      0      0   [migration/1]
168     >     0      0   3  ffff884026d43520  RU   0.0      0      0   [swapper]
169     >  6582      1   2  ffff880f49c52040  RU   0.0 42202472  33368  oracle
170     >  9497      1   0  ffff880549ec2ab0  RU   0.0 42314692 138664  oracle
172  Show all tasks sorted by their task_struct's last_run, timestamp, or
173  sched_entity last_arrival timestamp value, whichever applies:
175    crash> ps -l
176    [20811245123] [IN] PID: 37    TASK: f7153030  CPU: 2  COMMAND: "events/2"
177    [20811229959] [IN] PID: 1756  TASK: f2a5a570  CPU: 2  COMMAND: "ntpd"
178    [20800696644] [IN] PID: 1456  TASK: f2b1f030  CPU: 4  COMMAND: "irqbalance"
179    [20617047229] [IN] PID: 2324  TASK: f57f9570  CPU: 5  COMMAND: "flush-253:0"
180    [20617029209] [IN] PID: 49    TASK: f7167030  CPU: 4  COMMAND: "bdi-default"
181    [20438025365] [IN] PID: 345   TASK: f55c7ab0  CPU: 3  COMMAND: "mpt_poll_0"
182    [20103026046] [IN] PID: 728   TASK: f72ba570  CPU: 3  COMMAND: "edac-poller"
183    [20000189409] [IN] PID: 35    TASK: f7153ab0  CPU: 0  COMMAND: "events/0"
184    [20000179905] [IN] PID: 48    TASK: f7167570  CPU: 0  COMMAND: "sync_supers"
185    [19997120354] [IN] PID: 36    TASK: f7153570  CPU: 1  COMMAND: "events/1"
186    [19991059209] [IN] PID: 38    TASK: f715fab0  CPU: 3  COMMAND: "events/3"
187    [19988091608] [IN] PID: 39    TASK: f715f570  CPU: 4  COMMAND: "events/4"
188    [19985076530] [IN] PID: 40    TASK: f715f030  CPU: 5  COMMAND: "events/5"
189    [19982019106] [IN] PID: 41    TASK: f7161ab0  CPU: 6  COMMAND: "events/6"
190    [19982016294] [IN] PID: 29    TASK: f7109ab0  CPU: 6  COMMAND: "ksoftirqd/6"
191    [19838402345] [RU] PID: 2331  TASK: f297f570  CPU: 7  COMMAND: "bash"
192    [19837129436] [IN] PID: 2326  TASK: f2ad5030  CPU: 6  COMMAND: "sshd"
193    [19289476417] [IN] PID: 1772  TASK: f5665570  CPU: 5  COMMAND: "sendmail"
194    ...
196  Show the most-recently run tasks on cpu 0 using both the -l and the -m
197  options:
199    crash> ps -m -C0
200    CPU: 0
201    [ 0 00:00:00.003] [RU] PID: 1205 TASK: dee03f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "insmod"
202    [ 0 00:00:00.006] [RU] PID: 770  TASK: df9e9940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "rsyslogd"
203    [ 0 00:00:00.009] [IN] PID: 603  TASK: df9bcbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
204    [ 0 00:00:00.010] [IN] PID: 348  TASK: df9ecbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
205    [ 0 00:00:00.013] [IN] PID: 934  TASK: df9171a0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "hald"
206    [ 0 00:00:00.023] [IN] PID: 6    TASK: df443f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "events/0"
207    [ 0 00:00:00.029] [IN] PID: 15   TASK: df46b280 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "kblockd/0"
208    [ 0 00:00:00.101] [IN] PID: 1168 TASK: dee01940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "bash"
209    [ 0 00:00:01.404] [IN] PID: 272  TASK: dfa48ca0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "flush-8:0"
210    ...
212    crash> ps -l -C0
213    CPU: 0
214    [137146164748] [RU] PID: 1205 TASK: dee03f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "insmod"
215    [137142534372] [RU] PID: 770  TASK: df9e9940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "rsyslogd"
216    [137140168469] [IN] PID: 603  TASK: df9bcbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
217    [137138826427] [IN] PID: 348  TASK: df9ecbc0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "udevd"
218    [137135214599] [IN] PID: 934  TASK: df9171a0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "hald"
219    [137125651275] [IN] PID: 6    TASK: df443f20 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "events/0"
220    [137119564815] [IN] PID: 15   TASK: df46b280 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "kblockd/0"
221    [137047715027] [IN] PID: 1168 TASK: dee01940 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "bash"
222    [135744209052] [IN] PID: 272  TASK: dfa48ca0 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "flush-8:0"
223    ...
225  Show the kernel stack pointer of each user task:
227    crash> ps -us
229          1      0   0  c009bedc  IN   0.0  1096    52  init
230        239      1   0  c15e7ed8  IN   0.2  1332   224  pump
231        280      1   1  c7cbdedc  IN   0.2  1092   208  portmap
232        295      1   0  c7481edc  IN   0.0  1232     0  ypbind
233        301    295   0  c7c7bf28  IN   0.1  1260   124  ypbind
234        376      1   1  c5053f28  IN   0.0  1316    40  automount
235        381      1   0  c34ddf28  IN   0.2  1316   224  automount
236        391      1   1  c2777f28  IN   0.2  1316   224  automount
237    ...
239  Display the argument and environment data for the automount task:
241    crash> ps -a automount
242    PID: 3948   TASK: f722ee30  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "automount"
243    ARG: /usr/sbin/automount --timeout=60 /net program /etc/auto.net
245         CONSOLE=/dev/console
246         TERM=linux
247         INIT_VERSION=sysvinit-2.85
248         PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
249         LC_MESSAGES=en_US
250         RUNLEVEL=3
251         runlevel=3
252         PWD=/
253         LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
254         PREVLEVEL=N
255         previous=N
256         HOME=/
257         SHLVL=2
258         _=/usr/sbin/automount
260  Display the tasks in the thread group containing task c20ab0b0:
262    crash> ps -g c20ab0b0
263    PID: 6425   TASK: f72f50b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
264      PID: 6516   TASK: f71bf1b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
265      PID: 6518   TASK: d394b930  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
266      PID: 6520   TASK: c20aa030  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
267      PID: 6523   TASK: c20ab0b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
268      PID: 6614   TASK: f1f181b0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "firefox-bin"
270  Display the tasks in the thread group for each instance of the
271  program named "multi-thread":
273    crash> ps -g multi-thread
274    PID: 2522   TASK: 1003f0dc7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
275      PID: 2523   TASK: 10037b13030       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
276      PID: 2524   TASK: 1003e064030       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
277      PID: 2525   TASK: 1003e13a7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
279    PID: 2526   TASK: 1002f82b7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
280      PID: 2527   TASK: 1003e1737f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
281      PID: 2528   TASK: 10035b4b7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
282      PID: 2529   TASK: 1003f0c37f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
283      PID: 2530   TASK: 10035597030       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
284      PID: 2531   TASK: 100184be7f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "multi-thread"
286  Display the resource limits of "bash" task 13896:
288    crash> ps -r 13896
289    PID: 13896  TASK: cf402000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
290       RLIMIT     CURRENT       MAXIMUM
291          CPU   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
292        FSIZE   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
293         DATA   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
294        STACK    10485760     (unlimited)
295         CORE   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
296          RSS   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
297        NPROC      4091          4091
298       NOFILE      1024          1024
299      MEMLOCK      4096          4096
300           AS   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
301        LOCKS   (unlimited)   (unlimited)
303  Search for task names matching a POSIX regular expression:
305     crash> ps 'migration*'
306        PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM    VSZ    RSS  COMM
307           8      2   0  ffff8802128a2e20  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/0]
308          10      2   1  ffff880212969710  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/1]
309          15      2   2  ffff880212989710  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/2]
310          20      2   3  ffff8802129a9710  IN   0.0      0      0  [migration/3]

28. pte - translate a page table entry


1pte contents ...


1  This command translates the hexadecimal contents of a PTE into its physical
2  page address and page bit settings.  If the PTE references a swap location,
3  the swap device and offset are displayed.


2    crash> pte d8e067
4    d8e067   d8e000   (PRESENT|RW|USER|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
6    crash> pte 13f600
7     PTE      SWAP     OFFSET
8    13f600  /dev/hda2   5104

29. ptob - page to bytes


1ptob page_number ...


1  This command translates a page frame number to its byte value.


1    crash> ptob 512a
2    512a: 512a000

30. ptov - physical to virtual

     per-cpu to virtual


1ptov [address | offset:cpuspec]


 1  This command translates a hexadecimal physical address into a kernel
 2  virtual address.  Alternatively, a hexadecimal per-cpu offset and
 3  cpu specifier will be translated into kernel virtual addresses for
 4  each cpu specified.
 6         address  a physical address
 7  offset:cpuspec  a per-cpu offset with a CPU specifier:
 8                    :             CPU of the currently selected task.
 9                    :a[ll]        all CPUs.
10                    :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
11                                or "1,3,5-7,10".


 1  Translate physical address 56e000 into a kernel virtual address:
 3    crash> ptov 56e000
 4    VIRTUAL           PHYSICAL
 5    ffff88000056e000  56e000
 7  Translate per-cpu offset b0c0 into a kernel virtual address for
 8  all cpus:
10    crash> ptov b0c0:a
11    PER-CPU OFFSET: b0c0
12      CPU    VIRTUAL
13      [0]  ffff88021e20b0c0
14      [1]  ffff88021e24b0c0
15      [2]  ffff88021e28b0c0
16      [3]  ffff88021e2cb0c0

31. q - exit this session




1  Bail out of the current crash session.

31.3. NOTE

1  This command is equivalent to the "exit" command.

32. rd - read memory


1rd [-adDsSupxmfNR][-8|-16|-32|-64][-o offs][-e addr][-r file][address|symbol]
2     [count]


 1  This command displays the contents of memory, with the output formatted
 2  in several different manners.  The starting address may be entered either
 3  symbolically or by address.  The default output size is the size of a long
 4  data type, and the default output format is hexadecimal.  When hexadecimal
 5  output is used, the output will be accompanied by an ASCII translation.
 7       -p  address argument is a physical address.
 8       -u  address argument is a user virtual address; only required on
 9           processors with common user and kernel virtual address spaces.
10       -m  address argument is a xen host machine address.
11       -f  address argument is a dumpfile offset.
12       -d  display output in signed decimal format (default is hexadecimal).
13       -D  display output in unsigned decimal format (default is hexadecimal).
14       -s  displays output symbolically when appropriate.
15    -S[S]  displays output symbolically when appropriate; if the memory
16           contents reference a slab cache object, the name of the slab cache
17           will be displayed in brackets.  If -S is entered twice, and the
18           memory contents reference a slab cache object, both the memory
19           contents and the name of the slab cache will be displayed in
20           brackets.
21       -x  do not display ASCII translation at end of each line.
22       -8  display output in 8-bit values.
23      -16  display output in 16-bit values.
24      -32  display output in 32-bit values (default on 32-bit machines).
25      -64  display output in 64-bit values (default on 64-bit machines).
26       -a  display output in ASCII characters if the memory contains printable
27           ASCII characters; if no count argument is entered, stop at the first
28           non-printable character.
29       -N  display output in network byte order (only valid for 16- and 32-bit
30           values)
31       -R  display memory in reverse order; memory will be displayed up to and
32           including the address argument, requiring the count argument to be
33           greater than 1 in order to display memory before the specified
34           address.
35  -o offs  offset the starting address by offs.
36  -e addr  display memory until reaching specified ending hexadecimal address.
37  -r file  dumps raw data to the specified output file; the number of bytes that
38           are copied to the file must be specified either by a count argument
39           or by the -e option.
40  address  starting hexadecimal address:
41             1  the default presumes a kernel virtual address.
42             2. -p specifies a physical address.
43             3. -u specifies a user virtual address, but is only necessary on
44                processors with common user and kernel virtual address spaces.
45   symbol  symbol of starting address to read.
46    count  number of memory locations to display; if entered, it must be the
47           last argument on the command line; if not entered, the count defaults
48           to 1, or unlimited for -a; when used with the -r option, it is the
49           number of bytes to be written to the file.


 1  Display the kernel's version string:
 3    crash> rd -a linux_banner
 4    c082a020:  Linux version 2.6.32-119.el6.i686 (mockbuild@hs20-bc2-4.buil
 5    c082a05c:  d.redhat.com) (gcc version 4.4.4 20100726 (Red Hat 4.4.4-13)
 6    c082a098:   (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Mar 1 18:16:57 EST 2011
 8  Display the same block of memory, first without symbols, again
 9  with symbols, and then with symbols and slab cache references:
11    crash> rd f6e31f70 28
12    f6e31f70:  f6e31f6c f779c180 c04a4032 00a9dd40   l.....y.2@J.@...
13    f6e31f80:  00000fff c0472da0 f6e31fa4 f779c180   .....-G.......y.
14    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f f6e31000 c04731ee   .............1G.
15    f6e31fa0:  f6e31fa4 00000000 00000000 00000000   ................
16    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 c0404f17 00000000   ....@....O@.....
17    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f   @.......@.......
18    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda c040007b 0000007b   .'......{.@.{...
19    crash> rd -s f6e31f70 28
20    f6e31f70:  f6e31f6c f779c180 kmsg_read 00a9dd40
21    f6e31f80:  00000fff vfs_read+159 f6e31fa4 f779c180
22    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f f6e31000 sys_read+60
23    f6e31fa0:  f6e31fa4 00000000 00000000 00000000
24    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 syscall_call+7 00000000
25    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f
26    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda startup_32+123 0000007b
27    crash> rd -S f6e31f70 28
28    f6e31f70:  [size-4096] [filp]   kmsg_read 00a9dd40
29    f6e31f80:  00000fff vfs_read+159 [size-4096] [filp]
30    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f [size-4096] sys_read+60
31    f6e31fa0:  [size-4096] 00000000 00000000 00000000
32    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 syscall_call+7 00000000
33    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f
34    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda startup_32+123 0000007b
35    crash> rd -SS f6e31f70 28
36    f6e31f70:  [f6e31f6c:size-4096] [f779c180:filp] kmsg_read 00a9dd40
37    f6e31f80:  00000fff vfs_read+159 [f6e31fa4:size-4096] [f779c180:filp]
38    f6e31f90:  fffffff7 00a9b70f [f6e31000:size-4096] sys_read+60
39    f6e31fa0:  [f6e31fa4:size-4096] 00000000 00000000 00000000
40    f6e31fb0:  00000000 00a9dd40 syscall_call+7 00000000
41    f6e31fc0:  00a9dd40 00000fff 00a9dd40 00a9b70f
42    f6e31fd0:  bf9e2718 ffffffda startup_32+123 0000007b
44  Read jiffies in hexadecimal and decimal format:
46    crash> rd jiffies
47    c0213ae0:  0008cc3a                              :...
49    crash> rd -d jiffies
50    c0213ae0:        577376
52  Access the same memory in different sizes:
54    crash> rd -64 kernel_version
55    c0226a6c:  35312d352e322e32                    2.2.5-15
57    crash> rd -32 kernel_version 2
58    c0226a6c:  2e322e32 35312d35                     2.2.5-15
60    crash> rd -16 kernel_version 4
61    c0226a6c:  2e32 2e32 2d35 3531                       2.2.5-15
63    crash> rd -8 kernel_version 8
64    c0226a6c:  32 2e 32 2e 35 2d 31 35                           2.2.5-15
66  Read the range of memory from c009bf2c to c009bf60:
68    crash> rd c009bf2c -e c009bf60
69    c009bf2c:  c009bf64 c01328c3 c009bf64 c0132838   d....(..d...8(..
70    c009bf3c:  0000002a 00000004 c57d77e8 00000104   *........w}.....
71    c009bf4c:  0000000b c009a000 7fffffff 00000000   ................
72    c009bf5c:  00000000                              ....

33. repeat - repeat a command


1repeat [-seconds] command


1  This command repeats a command indefinitely, optionally delaying a given
2  number of seconds between each command execution.
4    -seconds   The number of seconds to delay between command executions.
5               This option must precede the command name to be executed.
7  Command execution may be stopped with CTRL-C, or if scrolling is in effect,
8  by entering "q".  This command is meant for use on a live system; it is
9  hard to conceive of a reason to use it when debugging a crash dump.


 1  Display the value of jiffies once per second:
 3    crash> repeat -1 p jiffies
 4    jiffies = $1 = 155551079
 5    jiffies = $2 = 155551180
 6    jiffies = $3 = 155551281
 7    jiffies = $4 = 155551382
 8    jiffies = $5 = 155551483
 9    jiffies = $6 = 155551584
10    jiffies = $7 = 155551685
11    jiffies = $8 = 155551786
12    jiffies = $9 = 155551887
13    jiffies = $10 = 155551988
14    jiffies = $11 = 155552089
15    jiffies = $12 = 155552190
16    jiffies = $13 = 155552291
17    jiffies = $14 = 155552392
18    jiffies = $15 = 155552493
19    jiffies = $16 = 155552594
20    jiffies = $17 = 155552695
21    jiffies = $18 = 155552796
22    ...

34. runq - run queue


1runq [-t] [-T] [-m] [-g] [-c cpu(s)]


 1  With no argument, this command displays the tasks on the run queues
 2  of each cpu.
 4     -t  Display the timestamp information of each cpu's runqueue, which is the
 5         rq.clock, rq.most_recent_timestamp or rq.timestamp_last_tick value,
 6         whichever applies; following each cpu timestamp is the last_run or
 7         timestamp value of the active task on that cpu, whichever applies,
 8         along with the task identification.
 9     -T  Display the time lag of each CPU relative to the most recent runqueue
10         timestamp.
11     -m  Display the amount of time that the active task on each cpu has been
12         running, expressed in a format consisting of days, hours, minutes,
13         seconds and milliseconds.
14     -g  Display tasks hierarchically by task_group.  The task_group line shows
15         the task_group address, the cfs_rq or rt_rq address, the task_group
16         name (if any), and whether the task_group is throttled.
17 -c cpu  restrict the output to the run queue data of one or more CPUs,
18         which can be specified using the format "3", "1,8,9", "1-23",
19         or "1,8,9-14".


 1 Display the tasks on an O(1) scheduler run queue:
 3    crash> runq
 4    CPU 0 RUNQUEUE: ffff880001cdb460
 5      CURRENT: PID: 2739   TASK: ffff8800320fa7e0  COMMAND: "bash"
 6      ACTIVE PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001cdb4d8
 7         [115] PID: 2739   TASK: ffff8800320fa7e0  COMMAND: "bash"
 8               PID: 1776   TASK: ffff88003217d820  COMMAND: "syslogd"
 9      EXPIRED PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001cdbdb8
10         [no tasks queued]
12    CPU 1 RUNQUEUE: ffff880001ce3460
13      CURRENT: PID: 1779   TASK: ffff88003207a860  COMMAND: "klogd"
14      ACTIVE PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001ce34d8
15         [115] PID: 1779   TASK: ffff88003207a860  COMMAND: "klogd"
16      EXPIRED PRIO_ARRAY: ffff880001ce3db8
17         [no tasks queued]
19 Display the tasks on a CFS run queue:
21    crash> runq
22    CPU 0 RUNQUEUE: ffff8800090436c0
23      CURRENT: PID: 588    TASK: ffff88007e4877a0  COMMAND: "udevd"
24      RT PRIO_ARRAY: ffff8800090437c8
25         [no tasks queued]
26      CFS RB_ROOT: ffff880009043740
27         [118] PID: 2110   TASK: ffff88007d470860  COMMAND: "check-cdrom.sh"
28         [118] PID: 2109   TASK: ffff88007f1247a0  COMMAND: "check-cdrom.sh"
29         [118] PID: 2114   TASK: ffff88007f20e080  COMMAND: "udevd"
31    CPU 1 RUNQUEUE: ffff88000905b6c0
32      CURRENT: PID: 2113   TASK: ffff88007e8ac140  COMMAND: "udevd"
33      RT PRIO_ARRAY: ffff88000905b7c8
34         [no tasks queued]
35      CFS RB_ROOT: ffff88000905b740
36         [118] PID: 2092   TASK: ffff88007d7a4760  COMMAND: "MAKEDEV"
37         [118] PID: 1983   TASK: ffff88007e59f140  COMMAND: "udevd"
38         [118] PID: 2064   TASK: ffff88007e40f7a0  COMMAND: "udevd"
39         [115] PID: 2111   TASK: ffff88007e4278a0  COMMAND: "kthreadd"
41 Display run queue timestamp data:
43    crash> runq -t
44    CPU 0: 2680990637359
45           2680986653330  PID: 28228  TASK: ffff880037ca2ac0  COMMAND: "loop"
46    CPU 1: 2680940618478
47           2680940618478  PID: 28167  TASK: ffff880078130040  COMMAND: "bash"
48    CPU 2: 2680990763425
49           2680986785772  PID: 28227  TASK: ffff8800787780c0  COMMAND: "loop"
50    CPU 3: 2680990954469
51           2680986059540  PID: 28226  TASK: ffff880078778b00  COMMAND: "loop"
53 Display the amount of time the active task on each cpu has been running:
55    crash> runq -m
56     CPU 0: [0 00:00:00.014]  PID: 5275  TASK: f5dbcaa0  COMMAND: "sh"
57     CPU 1: [0 00:00:00.002]  PID: 5203  TASK: f5c7baa0  COMMAND: "cat"
58     CPU 2: [0 00:00:00.014]  PID: 7971  TASK: f5c6c550  COMMAND: "khelper"
59     CPU 3: [0 00:00:00.002]  PID: 0     TASK: f4ccd000  COMMAND: "swapper"
61 Display tasks hierarchically by task_group:
63  crash> runq -g
64  CPU 0
65    CURRENT: PID: 14734  TASK: ffff88010626f500  COMMAND: "sh"
66    ROOT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81ed93e0  RT_RQ: ffff880028216808
67       [  0] TASK_GROUP: ffff88022c6bbc00 RT_RQ: ffff880139fc9800 (THROTTLED)
68            [  0] PID: 14750  TASK: ffff88013a4dd540  COMMAND: "rtloop99"
69            [  1] PID: 14748  TASK: ffff88013bbca040  COMMAND: "rtloop98"
70            [  1] TASK_GROUP: ffff88012b0fb400 RT_RQ: ffff880089029000
71                  [  1] PID: 14752  TASK: ffff880088abf500  COMMAND: "rtloop98"
72            [ 54] PID: 14749  TASK: ffff880037a4e080  COMMAND: "rtloop45"
73            [ 98] PID: 14746  TASK: ffff88012678c080  COMMAND: "rtloop1"
74    ROOT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81ed93e0  CFS_RQ: ffff8800282166e8
75       [120] PID: 14740  TASK: ffff88013b1e6080  COMMAND: "sh"
76       [120] PID: 14738  TASK: ffff88012678d540  COMMAND: "sh"
77       [120] PID: 14734  TASK: ffff88010626f500  COMMAND: "sh" [CURRENT]
78       TASK_GROUP: ffff884052bc9800 CFS_RQ: ffff8831e4a1b000 (THROTTLED)
79          [120] PID: 14732  TASK: ffff88013bbcb500  COMMAND: "sh"
80          [120] PID: 14728  TASK: ffff8800b3496080  COMMAND: "sh"
81          [120] PID: 14730  TASK: ffff880037833540  COMMAND: "sh"
82       TASK_GROUP: ffff884058f1d000 CFS_RQ: ffff88120a101600 (THROTTLED)
83          [120] PID: 14726  TASK: ffff880138d42aa0  COMMAND: "sh"
84  ...
86 Display tasks hierarchically by task_group for cpu 3 only:
88  crash> runq -g -c3
89  CPU 3
90    CURRENT: PID: 2948   TASK: ffff88022af2a100  COMMAND: "bash"
91    INIT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81e1a780  RT_RQ: ffff880028216148
92       [no tasks queued]
93    INIT_TASK_GROUP: ffffffff81e1a780  CFS_RQ: ffff880028216028
94       [120] PID: 2948   TASK: ffff88022af2a100  COMMAND: "bash" [CURRENT]
95       TASK_GROUP: ffff88012b880800  CFS_RQ: ffff88012c5d1000  <libvirt>
96          TASK_GROUP: ffff88012c078000  CFS_RQ: ffff88012c663e00  <qemu>
97             TASK_GROUP: ffff88022c7f4c00  CFS_RQ: ffff88012bb56000  <guest2>
98                TASK_GROUP: ffff88022b621400  CFS_RQ: ffff88012b012000  <vcpu0>
99                   [120] PID: 3248   TASK: ffff88012a9d4100  COMMAND: "qemu-kvm"

36. search - search memory


1search [-s start] [ -[kKV] | -u | -p | -t | -T ] [-e end | -l length] [-m mask]
2         [-x count] -[cwh] [value | (expression) | symbol | string] ...


 1  This command searches for a given value within a range of user virtual, kernel
 2  virtual, or physical memory space.  If no end nor length value is entered,
 3  then the search stops at the end of user virtual, kernel virtual, or physical
 4  address space, whichever is appropriate.
 6  An optional mask value may be entered to mask off "don't care" bits.
 8    -s start  Start the search at this hexadecimal user or kernel virtual
 9              address, physical address, or kernel symbol.  The start address
10              must be appropriate for the memory type specified; if no memory
11              type is specified, the default is kernel virtual address space.
12          -k  If no start address is specified, start the search at the base
13              of kernel virtual address space.  This option is the default.
14          -K  Same as -k, except that mapped kernel virtual memory that was
15              allocated by vmalloc(), module memory, or virtual mem_map regions
16              will not be searched.
17          -V  Same as -k, except that unity-mapped kernel virtual memory and
18              mapped kernel-text/static-data (x86_64 and ia64) will not be
19              searched.
20          -u  If no start address is specified, start the search at the base
21              of the current context's user virtual address space.  If a start
22              address is specified, then this option specifies that the start
23              address is a user virtual address.
24          -p  If no start address is specified, start the search at the base
25              of physical address space.  If a start address is specified,
26              then this option specifies that the start address is a physical
27              address.
28          -t  Search only the kernel stack pages of every task.  If one or more
29              matches are found in a task's kernel stack, precede the output
30              with a task-identifying header.
31          -T  Same as -t, except only the active task(s) are considered.
32      -e end  Stop the search at this hexadecimal user or kernel virtual
33              address, kernel symbol, or physical address.  The end address
34              must be appropriate for the memory type specified.
35   -l length  Length in bytes of address range to search.
36     -m mask  Ignore the bits that are set in the hexadecimal mask value.
37          -c  Search for character string values instead of unsigned longs.  If
38              the string contains any space(s), it must be encompassed by double
40          -w  Search for unsigned hexadecimal ints instead of unsigned longs.
41              This is only meaningful on 64-bit systems in order to search both
42              the upper and lower 32-bits of each 64-bit long for the value.
43          -h  Search for unsigned hexadecimal shorts instead of unsigned longs.
44    -x count  Display the memory contents before and after any found value.  The
45              before and after memory context will consist of "count" memory
46              items of the same size as the "value" argument.  This option is
47              not applicable with the -c option.
48       value  Search for this hexadecimal long, unless modified by the -c, -w,
49              or -h options.
50(expression)  Search for the value of this expression; the expression value must
51              not overflow the designated size when -h or -w are used; not
52              applicable when used with the -c option.
53      symbol  Search for this symbol value; the symbol value must not overflow
54              the designated size when -h or -w are used; not applicable when
55              used with the -c option.
56      string  Search for character string values; if the string contains any
57              space(s), it must be encompassed by double quotes; only applicable
58              with the -c option.
60  If -k, -K, -V, -u, -p or -t are not used, then the search defaults to kernel
61  virtual address space.  The starting address must be long-word aligned.
62  Address ranges that start in user space and end in kernel space are not
63  accepted.


  1  Search the current context's address space for all instances of 0xdeadbeef:
  3    crash> search -u deadbeef
  4    81aba5c: deadbeef
  5    81abaa8: deadbeef
  6    bfffc698: deadbeef
  7    bffff390: deadbeef
  9  Search all kernel memory above the kernel text space for all instances
 10  of 0xabcd occurring in the lower 16-bits of each 32-bit word:
 12    crash> search -s _etext -m ffff0000 abcd
 13    c071481c: abcd
 14    c0c2b0fc: 804abcd
 15    c0cf5e74: 7489abcd
 16    c17c0b44: c012abcd
 17    c1dac730: 3dbeabcd
 18    c226d0e8: ffffabcd
 19    c23ed5dc: abcd
 20    c3022544: 3dbeabcd
 21    c3069b58: 3dbeabcd
 22    c3e86e84: aabcd
 23    c3e88ed0: aabcd
 24    c3e8ee5c: aabcd
 25    c3e9df50: aabcd
 26    c3e9e930: aabcd
 27    c440a778: 804abcd
 28    c486eb44: 3dbeabcd
 29    c578f0fc: 804abcd
 30    c6394f90: 8ababcd
 31    c65219f0: 3abcd
 32    c661399c: abcd
 33    c68514ac: 8abcd
 34    c7e036bc: 3dbeabcd
 35    c7e12568: 5abcd
 36    c7e1256c: 5abcd
 38  Search the 4K page at c532c000 for all instances of 0xffffffff:
 40    crash> search -s c532c000 -l 4096 ffffffff
 41    c532c33c: ffffffff
 42    c532c3fc: ffffffff
 44  Search the static kernel data area for all instances of c2d400eb:
 46    crash> search -s _etext -e _edata c2d400eb
 47    c022b550: c2d400eb
 48    c022b590: c2d400eb
 49    c022b670: c2d400eb
 50    c022b6e0: c2d400eb
 51    c022b7b0: c2d400eb
 52    c022b7e0: c2d400eb
 53    c022b8b0: c2d400eb
 55  Search physical memory for all instances of 0xbabe occurring in the
 56  upper 16 bits of each 32-bit word:
 58    crash> search -p babe0000 -m ffff
 59    2a1dc4: babe671e
 60    2b6928: babe3de1
 61    2f99ac: babe0d54
 62    31843c: babe70b9
 63    3ba920: babeb5d7
 64    413ce4: babe7540
 65    482747c: babe2600
 66    48579a4: babe2600
 67    4864a68: babe2600
 68    ...
 70  Search physical memory for all instances of 0xbabe occurring in the
 71  upper 16 bits of each 32-bit word on a 64-bit system:
 73    crash> search -p babe0000 -m ffff -w
 74    102e248: babe1174
 75    11d2f90: babe813d
 76    122d3ad70: babe6b27
 77    124d8cd30: babe3dc8
 78    124d8eefc: babef981
 79    124d8f060: babe3dc8
 80    124d8f17c: babefc81
 81    ...
 83  Search kernel memory for all instances of 32-bit value 0xbabe1174
 84  on a 64-bit system:
 86    crash> search -k -w babe1174
 87    ffff88000102e248: babe1174
 88    ffffffff8102e248: babe1174
 90  Search kernel memory for two strings:
 92    crash> search -k -c "can't allocate memory" "Failure to"
 93    ffff8800013ddec1: can't allocate memory for key lists..<3>%s %s: error con
 94    ffff8801258be748: Failure to install fence: %d..<3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed
 95    ffff880125f07ec9: can't allocate memory..<3>ACPI: Invalid data..Too many d
 96    ffffffff813ddec1: can't allocate memory for key lists..<3>%s %s: error con
 98  Search the kernel stacks of all tasks for those that contain the inode
 99  address ffff81002c0a3050:
101    crash> search -t ffff81002c0a3050
102    PID: 4876   TASK: ffff81003e9f5860  CPU: 7   COMMAND: "automount"
103    ffff8100288fbe98: ffff81002c0a3050
105    PID: 4880   TASK: ffff81003ce967a0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "automount"
106    ffff81002c0fbdd8: ffff81002c0a3050
107    ffff81002c0fbe78: ffff81002c0a3050
109  When a kernel symbol or an (expression) is used an argument, both the
110  resultant value and the input string are displayed:
112    crash> search anon_inode_inode (__down_interruptible+191)
113    ffff81000222a728: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
114    ffff810005a1e918: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
115    ffff810005a1e9d0: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
116    ffff810005a1eb48: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
117    ffff81000b409c60: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
118    ffff81000c155b98: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
119    ffff8100194fac70: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
120    ffff81001daa1008: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
121    ffff810028b95830: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
122    ffff81002cea0c70: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
123    ffff810031327268: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
124    ffff810031327270: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
125    ffff810034b1ccd0: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
126    ffff8100399565a8: ffffffff80493d60 (anon_inode_inode)
127    ffff81003a278cd0: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)
128    ffff81003cc23e08: ffffffff800649d6 (__down_interruptible+191)

37. set - set a process context or internal crash variable


1set [[-a] [pid | taskp] | [-c cpu] | -p] | [crash_variable [setting]] | -v


 1  This command either sets a new context, or gets the current context for
 2  display.  The context can be set by the use of:
 4      pid  a process PID.
 5    taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
 6       -a  sets the pid or task as the active task on its cpu (dumpfiles only).
 7   -c cpu  sets the context to the active task on a cpu (dumpfiles only).
 8       -p  sets the context to the panic task, or back to the crash task on
 9           a live system.
10       -v  display the current state of internal crash variables.
12  If no argument is entered, the current context is displayed.  The context
13  consists of the PID, the task pointer, the CPU, and task state.  The task
14  state shows the bits found in both the task_struct state and exit_state
15  fields.
17  This command may also be used to set internal crash variables.  If no value
18  argument is entered, the current value of the crash variable is shown.  These
19  are the crash variables, acceptable arguments, and purpose:
21          scroll  on | off     controls output scrolling.
22          scroll  less         /usr/bin/less as the output scrolling program.
23          scroll  more         /bin/more as the output scrolling program.
24          scroll  CRASHPAGER   use CRASHPAGER environment variable as the
25                               output scrolling program.
26           radix  10 | 16      sets output radix to 10 or 16.
27         refresh  on | off     controls internal task list refresh.
28       print_max  number       set maximum number of array elements to print.
29     print_array  on | off     if on, set gdb's printing of arrays to "pretty"
30                               format, with one line per element.
31         console  device-name  sets debug console device.
32           debug  number       sets crash debug level.
33            core  on | off     if on, drops core when the next error message
34                               is displayed.
35            hash  on | off     controls internal list verification.
36          silent  on | off     turns off initialization messages; turns off
37                               crash prompt during input file execution.
38                               (scrolling is turned off if silent is on)
39            edit  vi | emacs   set line editing mode (from .crashrc file only).
40        namelist  filename     name of kernel (from .crashrc file only).
41   zero_excluded  on | off     controls whether excluded pages, or pages that
42                               are missing from an incomplete dumpfile, should
43                               return zero-filled memory when read.
44       null-stop  on | off     if on, gdb's printing of character arrays will
45                               stop at the first NULL encountered.
46             gdb  on | off     if on, the crash session will be run in a mode
47                               where all commands will be passed directly to
48                               gdb, and the command prompt will change to
49                               "gdb>"; when running in this mode, native crash
50                               commands may be executed by preceding them with
51                               the "crash" directive.
52           scope  text-addr    sets the text scope for viewing the definition
53                               of data structures; the "text-addr" argument
54                               must be a kernel or module text address, which
55                               may be expressed symbolically or as a hexadecimal
56                               value.
57         offline  show | hide  show or hide command output that is associated
58                               with offline cpus.
59         redzone  on | off     if on, CONFIG_SLUB object addresses displayed by
60                               the kmem command will point to the SLAB_RED_ZONE
61                               padding inserted at the beginning of the object.
62   error  default | redirect | filename   set the destination of error messages.
63                               "default": error messages are always displayed
64                                 on the console; if the output of a command is
65                                 piped to an external command or redirected
66                                 to a file, the error messages are also sent
67                                 to the pipe or file.
68                               "redirect": if the output of a command is piped
69                                 to an external command or redirected to a file,
70                                 error messages are only sent to the pipe or
71                                 file; otherwise they are displayed on the
72                                 console.
73                               "filename": error messages are only sent to the
74                                 specified filename; they are not displayed on
75                                 the console and are not sent to a pipe or file.
77  Internal variables may be set in four manners:
79    1. entering the set command in $HOME/.crashrc.
80    2. entering the set command in .crashrc in the current directory.
81    3. executing an input file containing the set command.
82    4. during runtime with this command.
84  During initialization, $HOME/.crashrc is read first, followed by the
85  .crashrc file in the current directory.  Set commands in the .crashrc file
86  in the current directory override those in $HOME/.crashrc.  Set commands
87  entered with this command or by runtime input file override those
88  defined in either .crashrc file.  Multiple set command arguments or argument
89  pairs may be entered in one command line.


 1  Set the current context to task c2fe8000:
 3    crash> set c2fe8000
 4         PID: 15917
 5     COMMAND: "bash"
 6        TASK: c2fe8000
 7         CPU: 0
10  Set the context back to the panicking task:
12    crash> set -p
13         PID: 698
14     COMMAND: "gen12"
15        TASK: f9d78000
16         CPU: 2
19  Turn off output scrolling:
21    crash> set scroll off
22    scroll: off (/usr/bin/less)
24  Show the current state of crash internal variables:
26    crash> set -v
27            scroll: on (/usr/bin/less)
28             radix: 10 (decimal)
29           refresh: on
30         print_max: 256
31       print_array: off
32           console: /dev/pts/2
33             debug: 0
34              core: off
35              hash: on
36            silent: off
37              edit: vi
38          namelist: vmlinux
39     zero_excluded: off
40         null-stop: on
41               gdb: off
42             scope: (not set)
43           offline: show
44           redzone: on
45             error: default
47  Show the current context:
49    crash> set
50         PID: 1525
51     COMMAND: "bash"
52        TASK: c1ede000
53         CPU: 0

38. sig - task signal handling


1sig [[-l] | [-s sigset]] | [-g] [pid | taskp] ...


 1  This command displays signal-handling data of one or more tasks.  Multiple
 2  task or PID numbers may be entered; if no arguments are entered, the signal
 3  handling data of the current context will be displayed.  The default display
 4  shows:
 6    1.  A formatted dump of the "sig" signal_struct structure referenced by
 7        the task_struct.  For each defined signal, it shows the sigaction
 8        structure address, the signal handler, the signal sigset_t mask
 9        (also expressed as a 64-bit hexadecimal value), and the flags.
10    2.  Whether the task has an unblocked signal pending.
11    3.  The contents of the "blocked" and "signal" sigset_t structures
12        from the task_struct/signal_struct, both of which are represented
13        as a 64-bit hexadecimal value.
14    4.  For each queued signal, private and/or shared, if any, its signal
15        number and associated siginfo structure address.
17  The -l option lists the signal numbers and their name(s).  The -s option
18  translates a 64-bit hexadecimal value representing the contents of a
19  sigset_t structure into the signal names whose bits are set.
21        pid  a process PID.
22      taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
23         -g  displays signal information for all threads in a task's
24             thread group.
25         -l  displays the defined signal numbers and names.
26  -s sigset  translates a 64-bit hexadecimal value representing a sigset_t
27             into a list of signal names associated with the bits set.


  1  Dump the signal-handling data of PID 8970:
  3    crash> sig 8970
  4    PID: 8970   TASK: f67d8560  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "procsig"
  5    SIGNAL_STRUCT: f6018680  COUNT: 1
  7     [1]  f7877684  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
  8     [2]  f7877698  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
  9    ...
 10     [8]  f7877710  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 11     [9]  f7877724  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 12    [10]  f7877738  804867a 0000000000000000 80000000 (SA_RESETHAND)
 13    [11]  f787774c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 14    [12]  f7877760  804867f 0000000000000000 10000004 (SA_SIGINFO|SA_RESTART)
 15    [13]  f7877774  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 16    ...
 17    [31]  f78778dc  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 18    [32]  f78778f0  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 19    [33]  f7877904  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 20    [34]  f7877918  804867f 0000000000000000 10000004 (SA_SIGINFO|SA_RESTART)
 21    [35]  f787792c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 22    [36]  f7877940  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 23    ...
 24    [58]  f7877af8  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 25    [59]  f7877b0c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 26    [60]  f7877b20  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 27    [61]  f7877b34  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 28    [62]  f7877b48  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 29    [63]  f7877b5c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 30    [64]  f7877b70  804867f 0000000000000000 10000004 (SA_SIGINFO|SA_RESTART)
 31   SIGPENDING: no
 32      BLOCKED: 8000000200000800
 34       SIGNAL: 0000000200000800
 36                 12  f51b9c84
 37                 34  f51b9594
 39       SIGNAL: 8000000000000800
 41                 12  f51b9188
 42                 64  f51b9d18
 43                 64  f51b9500
 45  Dump the signal-handling data for all tasks in the thread group containing
 46  PID 2578:
 48    crash> sig -g 2578
 49    PID: 2387   TASK: f617d020  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "slapd"
 50    SIGNAL_STRUCT: f7dede00  COUNT: 6
 52    [1]  c1f60c04   a258a7 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
 53    [2]  c1f60c18   a258a7 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
 54    [3]  c1f60c2c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 55    [4]  c1f60c40  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 56    [5]  c1f60c54   a258a7 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
 57    [6]  c1f60c68  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 58    [7]  c1f60c7c  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 59    [8]  c1f60c90  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 60    [9]  c1f60ca4  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 61   [10]  c1f60cb8   a25911 0000000000000000 10000000 (SA_RESTART)
 62   ...
 63   [64]  c1f610f0  SIG_DFL 0000000000000000 0
 65       SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
 66     SIGQUEUE: (empty)
 68     PID: 2387   TASK: f617d020  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "slapd"
 69     SIGPENDING: no
 70        BLOCKED: 0000000000000000
 72         SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
 73       SIGQUEUE: (empty)
 75     PID: 2392   TASK: f6175aa0  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "slapd"
 76     SIGPENDING: no
 77        BLOCKED: 0000000000000000
 79         SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
 80       SIGQUEUE: (empty)
 82     PID: 2523   TASK: f7cd4aa0  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "slapd"
 83     SIGPENDING: no
 84        BLOCKED: 0000000000000000
 86         SIGNAL: 0000000000000000
 87       SIGQUEUE: (empty)
 89     ...
 91  Translate the sigset_t mask value, cut-and-pasted from the signal handling
 92  data from signals 1 and 10 above:
 94    crash> sig -s 800A000000000201
 97  List the signal numbers and their names:
 99    crash> sig -l
100     [1] SIGHUP
101     [2] SIGINT
102     [3] SIGQUIT
103     [4] SIGILL
104     [5] SIGTRAP
105     [6] SIGABRT/SIGIOT
106     [7] SIGBUS
107     [8] SIGFPE
108     [9] SIGKILL
109    [10] SIGUSR1
110    [11] SIGSEGV
111    [12] SIGUSR2
112    [13] SIGPIPE
113    [14] SIGALRM
114    [15] SIGTERM
115    [16] SIGSTKFLT
116    [17] SIGCHLD/SIGCLD
117    [18] SIGCONT
118    [19] SIGSTOP
119    [20] SIGTSTP
120    [21] SIGTTIN
121    [22] SIGTTOU
122    [23] SIGURG
123    [24] SIGXCPU
124    [25] SIGXFSZ
125    [26] SIGVTALRM
126    [27] SIGPROF
127    [28] SIGWINCH
128    [29] SIGIO/SIGPOLL
129    [30] SIGPWR
130    [31] SIGSYS
131    [32] SIGRTMIN
132    [33] SIGRTMIN+1
133    [34] SIGRTMIN+2
134    [35] SIGRTMIN+3
135    [36] SIGRTMIN+4
136    [37] SIGRTMIN+5
137    [38] SIGRTMIN+6
138    [39] SIGRTMIN+7
139    [40] SIGRTMIN+8
140    [41] SIGRTMIN+9
141    [42] SIGRTMIN+10
142    [43] SIGRTMIN+11
143    [44] SIGRTMIN+12
144    [45] SIGRTMIN+13
145    [46] SIGRTMIN+14
146    [47] SIGRTMIN+15
147    [48] SIGRTMIN+16
148    [49] SIGRTMAX-15
149    [50] SIGRTMAX-14
150    [51] SIGRTMAX-13
151    [52] SIGRTMAX-12
152    [53] SIGRTMAX-11
153    [54] SIGRTMAX-10
154    [55] SIGRTMAX-9
155    [56] SIGRTMAX-8
156    [57] SIGRTMAX-7
157    [58] SIGRTMAX-6
158    [59] SIGRTMAX-5
159    [60] SIGRTMAX-4
160    [61] SIGRTMAX-3
161    [62] SIGRTMAX-2
162    [63] SIGRTMAX-1
163    [64] SIGRTMAX

39. struct - structure contents


1struct struct_name[.member[,member]][-o][-l offset][-rfuxdp]
2         [address | symbol][:cpuspec] [count | -c count]


 1  This command displays either a structure definition, or a formatted display
 2  of the contents of a structure at a specified address.  When no address is
 3  specified, the structure definition is shown along with the structure size.
 4  A structure member may be appended to the structure name in order to limit
 5  the scope of the data displayed to that particular member; when no address
 6  is specified, the member's offset and definition are shown.
 8    struct_name  name of a C-code structure used by the kernel.
 9        .member  name of a structure member; to display multiple members of a
10                 structure, use a comma-separated list of members.  If any
11                 member contains an embedded structure, or the member is an
12                 array, the output may be restricted to just the embedded
13                 structure or an array element by expressing the member argument
14                 as "member.member" or "member[index]"; embedded member
15                 specifications may extend beyond one level deep, by expressing
16                 the member argument as "member.member.member...".
17             -o  show member offsets when displaying structure definitions;
18                 if used with an address or symbol argument, each member will
19                 be preceded by its virtual address.
20      -l offset  if the address argument is a pointer to a structure member that
21                 is contained by the target data structure, typically a pointer
22                 to an embedded list_head, the offset to the embedded member may
23                 be entered in either of the following manners:
24                   1. in "structure.member" format.
25                   2. a number of bytes.
26             -r  raw dump of structure data.
27             -f  address argument is a dumpfile offset.
28             -u  address argument is a user virtual address in the current
29                 context.
30             -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
31             -d  override default output format with decimal format.
32             -p  if a structure member is a pointer value, show the member's
33                 data type on the output line; and on the subsequent line(s),
34                 dereference the pointer, display the pointer target's symbol
35                 value in brackets if appropriate, and if possible, display the
36                 target data; requires an address argument.
37        address  hexadecimal address of a structure; if the address points
38                 to an embedded list_head structure contained within the
39                 target data structure, then the "-l" option must be used.
40         symbol  symbolic reference to the address of a structure.
41       :cpuspec  CPU specification for a per-cpu address or symbol:
42                   :             CPU of the currently selected task.
43                   :a[ll]        all CPUs.
44                   :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
45                                 or "1,3,5-7,10".
46          count  count of structures to dump from an array of structures;
47                 if used, this must be the last argument entered.
48       -c count  "-c" is only required if "count" is not the last argument
49                 entered or if a negative number is entered; if a negative
50                 value is entered, the (positive) "count" structures that
51                 lead up to and include the target structure will be displayed.
53  Structure data, sizes, and member offsets are shown in the current output
54  radix unless the -x or -d option is specified.
56  Please note that in the vast majority of cases, the "struct" command
57  name may be dropped; if the structure name does not conflict with any crash
58  or gdb command name, then the "struct_name[.member]" argument will be
59  recognized as a structure name, and this command automatically executed.
60  See the NOTE below.


  1  Display the vm_area_struct at address c1e44f10:
  3    crash> struct vm_area_struct c1e44f10
  4    struct vm_area_struct {
  5      vm_mm = 0xc2857750,
  6      vm_start = 0x8048000,
  7      vm_end = 0x80a5000,
  8      vm_next = 0xc1e44a10,
  9      vm_page_prot = {
 10        pgprot = 0x25
 11      },
 12      vm_flags = 0x1875,
 13      vm_avl_height = 0x2,
 14      vm_avl_left = 0xc30fe200,
 15      vm_avl_right = 0xc30fed00,
 16      vm_next_share = 0x0,
 17      vm_pprev_share = 0xc1e44a30,
 18      vm_ops = 0xc0215ca0,
 19      vm_offset = 0x0,
 20      vm_file = 0xc0bfdc70,
 21      vm_pte = 0
 22    }
 24  Display the definition and size of a vm_area_struct structure.  This first
 25  example below displays just the structure and size.  The second example
 26  uses the -o option to also display member offsets.  Both examples were
 27  run with the output radix set to 10 (decimal):
 29    crash> struct vm_area_struct
 30    struct vm_area_struct {
 31        struct mm_struct *vm_mm;
 32        long unsigned int vm_start;
 33        long unsigned int vm_end;
 34        struct vm_area_struct *vm_next;
 35        pgprot_t vm_page_prot;
 36        short unsigned int vm_flags;
 37        short int vm_avl_height;
 38        struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_left;
 39        struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_right;
 40        struct vm_area_struct *vm_next_share;
 41        struct vm_area_struct **vm_pprev_share;
 42        struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
 43        long unsigned int vm_offset;
 44        struct file *vm_file;
 45        long unsigned int vm_pte;
 46    }
 47    SIZE: 56
 49    crash> struct vm_area_struct -o
 50    struct vm_area_struct {
 51       [0] struct mm_struct *vm_mm;
 52       [4] long unsigned int vm_start;
 53       [8] long unsigned int vm_end;
 54      [12] struct vm_area_struct *vm_next;
 55      [16] pgprot_t vm_page_prot;
 56      [20] short unsigned int vm_flags;
 57      [22] short int vm_avl_height;
 58      [24] struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_left;
 59      [28] struct vm_area_struct *vm_avl_right;
 60      [32] struct vm_area_struct *vm_next_share;
 61      [36] struct vm_area_struct **vm_pprev_share;
 62      [40] struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
 63      [44] long unsigned int vm_offset;
 64      [48] struct file *vm_file;
 65      [52] long unsigned int vm_pte;
 66    }
 67    SIZE: 56
 69  Display the definition and offset of the pgd member of an mm_struct:
 71    crash> struct mm_struct.pgd
 72    struct mm_struct {
 73       [80] pgd_t *pgd;
 74    }
 76  Display the pgd member of the mm_struct at address ffff810022e7d080:
 78    crash> struct mm_struct.pgd ffff810022e7d080
 79      pgd = 0xffff81000e3ac000
 81  Display the pgd_t pointed to by the mm_struct.pgd pointer above, forcing
 82  the output to be expressed in hexadecimal:
 84    crash> mm_struct.pgd ffff810022e7d080 -px
 85      pgd_t *pgd = 0xffff81000e3ac000
 86      -> {
 87           pgd = 0x2c0a6067
 88         }
 90  Display the thread_info structure pointed to by the thread_info
 91  member of the task_struct at ffff8100181190c0:
 93    crash> task_struct.thread_info ffff8100181190c0 -p
 94      struct thread_info *thread_info = 0xffff810023c06000
 95      -> {
 96           task = 0xffff8100181190c0,
 97           exec_domain = 0xffffffff802f78e0,
 98           flags = 128,
 99           status = 1,
100           cpu = 3,
101           preempt_count = 0,
102           addr_limit = {
103             seg = 18446604435732824064
104           },
105           restart_block = {
106             fn = 0xffffffff80095a52 <do_no_restart_syscall>,
107             arg0 = 0,
108             arg1 = 0,
109             arg2 = 0,
110             arg3 = 0
111           }
112         }
114  Display the flags and virtual members of 4 contigous page structures
115  in the mem_map page structure array:
117    crash> page.flags,virtual c101196c 4
118      flags = 0x8000,
119      virtual = 0xc04b0000
121      flags = 0x8000,
122      virtual = 0xc04b1000
124      flags = 0x8000,
125      virtual = 0xc04b2000
127      flags = 0x8000,
128      virtual = 0xc04b3000
130  Display the array of tcp_sl_timer structures declared by tcp_slt_array[]:
132    crash> struct tcp_sl_timer tcp_slt_array 4
133    struct tcp_sl_timer {
134      count = {
135        counter = 0x0
136      },
137      period = 0x32,
138      last = 0x1419e4,
139      handler = 0xc0164854  <tcp_syn_recv_timer>
140    }
141    struct tcp_sl_timer {
142      count = {
143        counter = 0x2
144      },
145      period = 0x753,
146      last = 0x14a6df,
147      handler = 0xc01645b0  <tcp_keepalive>
148    }
149    struct tcp_sl_timer {
150      count = {
151        counter = 0x0
152      },
153      period = 0x2ee,
154      last = 0x143134,
155      handler = 0xc016447c  <tcp_twkill>
156    }
157    struct tcp_sl_timer {
158      count = {
159        counter = 0x0
160      },
161      period = 0x64,
162      last = 0x143198,
163      handler = 0xc0164404  <tcp_bucketgc>
164    }
166  Without using the "struct" command name, display the the "d_child"
167  list_head member from a dentry structure:
169    crash> dentry.d_child 0xe813cb4
170      d_child = {
171        next = 0x3661344,
172        prev = 0xdea4bc4
173      },
175  Display the child dentry structure referenced by the "next" pointer above.
176  Since the "next" address of 0x3661344 above is a pointer to an embedded
177  list_head structure within the child dentry structure, the -l option
178  is required:
180    crash> dentry -l dentry.d_child 0x3661344
181    struct dentry {
182      d_count = {
183        counter = 1
184      },
185      d_flags = 0,
186      d_inode = 0xf9aa604,
187      d_parent = 0x11152b1c,
188      d_hash = {
189        next = 0x11fb3fc0,
190        prev = 0x11fb3fc0
191      },
192      d_lru = {
193        next = 0x366133c,
194        prev = 0x366133c
195      },
196      d_child = {
197        next = 0x36613cc,
198        prev = 0xe813cd4
199      },
200      d_subdirs = {
201        next = 0x366134c,
202        prev = 0x366134c
203      },
204      d_alias = {
205        next = 0xf9aa614,
206        prev = 0xf9aa614
207      },
208      d_mounted = 0,
209      d_name = {
210        name = 0x3661384 "boot.log",
211        len = 8,
212        hash = 1935169207
213      },
214      d_time = 1515870810,
215      d_op = 0x0,
216      d_sb = 0x11fc9c00,
217      d_vfs_flags = 0,
218      d_fsdata = 0x0,
219      d_extra_attributes = 0x0,
220      d_iname = "boot.log\000"
221    }
223  Display the virtual address of each member of the task_struct at
224  ffff8100145d2080:
226    crash> task_struct -o ffff8100145d2080
227    struct task_struct {
228      [ffff8100145d2080] volatile long int state;
229      [ffff8100145d2088] struct thread_info *thread_info;
230      [ffff8100145d2090] atomic_t usage;
231      [ffff8100145d2098] long unsigned int flags;
232      [ffff8100145d20a0] int lock_depth;
233      [ffff8100145d20a4] int load_weight;
234      [ffff8100145d20a8] int prio;
235      [ffff8100145d20ac] int static_prio;
236      [ffff8100145d20b0] int normal_prio;
237      [ffff8100145d20b8] struct list_head run_list;
238      [ffff8100145d20c8] struct prio_array *array;
239    ...
241  Display the embedded sched_entity structure's on_rq member and
242  the third pid_link structure in the embedded pids[] array of the
243  task_struct at ffff88011653e250:
245    crash> task_struct.se.on_rq,pids[2] ffff88011653e250
246      se.on_rq = 1,
247      pids[2] =   {
248        node = {
249          next = 0xffff88011653aff0,
250          pprev = 0xffff88011653a860
251        },
252        pid = 0xffff88010d07ed00
253      }
255  For an example of displaying per-cpu variables, consider the
256  struct hd_struct.dkstats member, which is a percpu pointer to
257  a disk_stats structure:
259    crash> struct hd_struct.dkstats
260    struct hd_struct {
261      [1232] struct disk_stats *dkstats;
262    }
264 Taking an hd_struct at address ffff8802450e2848, display all
265 of the per-cpu disk_stats structures that it references:
267    crash> struct hd_struct.dkstats ffff8802450e2848
268      dkstats = 0x60fdb48026c8
269    crash> struct disk_stats 0x60fdb48026c8:a
270    [0]: ffffe8fefe6026c8
271    struct disk_stats {
272      sectors = {451376, 80468},
273      ios = {6041, 971},
274      merges = {386, 390},
275      ticks = {194877, 56131},
276      io_ticks = 12371,
277      time_in_queue = 309163
278    }
279    [1]: ffffe8fefe8026c8
280    struct disk_stats {
281      sectors = {0, 0},
282      ios = {0, 0},
283      merges = {7, 242},
284      ticks = {0, 0},
285      io_ticks = 23,
286      time_in_queue = 581
287    }
288    [2]: ffffe8fefea026c8
289    struct disk_stats {
290      sectors = {0, 0},
291      ios = {0, 0},
292      merges = {4, 112},
293      ticks = {0, 0},
294      io_ticks = 11,
295      time_in_queue = 305
296    }
297    [3]: ffffe8fefec026c8
298    struct disk_stats {
299      sectors = {0, 0},
300      ios = {0, 0},
301      merges = {5, 54},
302      ticks = {0, 0},
303      io_ticks = 17,
304      time_in_queue = 41
305    }

39.4. NOTE

 1  If the structure name does not conflict with any crash command name, the
 2  "struct" command may be dropped.  Accordingly, the examples above could
 3  also have been accomplished like so:
 5    crash> vm_area_struct c1e44f10
 6    crash> vm_area_struct
 7    crash> vm_area_struct -o
 8    crash> mm_struct.pgd ffff810022e7d080
 9    crash> mm_struct.pgd
10    crash> tcp_sl_timer tcp_slt_array 4
12  Lastly, the short-cut "*" pointer-to command may also be used to negate
13  the need to enter the "struct" command name (enter "help *" for details).

40. swap - swap device information




1  This command displays information for each configured swap device.
4  crash> swap
6  ffff880153d45f40  PARTITION  7192568k   1200580k  16%   -1  /dev/dm-1

41. sym - translate a symbol to its virtual address, or vice-versa


1sym [-l] | [-M] | [-m module] | [-p|-n] | [-q string] | [symbol | vaddr]


 1  This command translates a symbol to its virtual address, or a static
 2  kernel virtual address to its symbol -- or to a symbol-plus-offset value,
 3  if appropriate.  Additionally, the symbol type is shown in parentheses,
 4  and if the symbol is a known text value, the file and line number are shown.
 6              -l  dumps all symbols and their values.
 7              -M  dumps the current set of module symbols.
 8       -m module  dumps the current set of symbols for a specified module.
 9              -p  display the target symbol and the previous symbol.
10              -n  display the target symbol and the next symbol.
11       -q string  searches for all symbols containing "string".
12          symbol  a kernel text or data symbol.
13           vaddr  a kernel virtual address.
15  If the "symbol", "vaddr" or "string" argument resolves to a module
16  symbol, then the module name will be displayed in brackets following the
17  symbol value.


  1  Translate data symbol jiffies to its value, and vice-versa:
  3    crash> sym jiffies
  4    c0213ae0 (D) jiffies
  6    crash> sym c0213ae0
  7    c0213ae0 (D) jiffies
  9  Translate a text address to its symbolic value and source file:
 11    crash> sym c0109944
 12    c0109944 (T) system_call+0x34  ../linux-2.2.5/arch/i386/kernel/signal.c: 723
 14  Dump the whole symbol table:
 16    crash> sym -l
 17    c0100000 (T) _stext
 18    c0100000 (A) _text
 19    c0100000 (t) startup_32
 20    c0100000 (T) stext
 21    c01000a4 (t) checkCPUtype
 22    c0100139 (t) is486
 23    c0100148 (t) is386
 24    c01001b1 (t) L6
 25    c01001b3 (t) ready
 26    c01001b4 (t) check_x87
 27    c01001da (t) setup_idt
 28    c01001f7 (t) rp_sidt
 29    c0100204 (T) stack_start
 30    c010020c (t) int_msg
 31    c0100220 (t) ignore_int
 32    c0100242 (t) idt_descr
 33    c0100244 (T) idt
 34    c010024a (t) gdt_descr
 35    c010024c (T) gdt
 36    c0101000 (T) swapper_pg_dir
 37    c0102000 (T) pg0
 38    c0103000 (T) empty_bad_page
 39    c0104000 (T) empty_bad_page_table
 40    c0105000 (T) empty_zero_page
 41    ...
 43  Find all symbols containing the string "pipe":
 45    crash> sym -q pipe
 46    c010ec60 (T) sys_pipe
 47    c012f660 (t) pipe_read
 48    c012f7b8 (t) pipe_write
 49    c012f9c0 (t) pipe_lseek
 50    c012f9d0 (t) bad_pipe_r
 51    c012f9dc (t) bad_pipe_w
 52    c012f9e8 (t) pipe_ioctl
 53    c012fa18 (t) pipe_poll
 54    c012fb00 (t) pipe_release
 55    c012fb48 (t) pipe_read_release
 56    c012fb5c (t) pipe_write_release
 57    c012fb70 (t) pipe_rdwr_release
 58    c012fba0 (t) pipe_read_open
 59    c012fbb0 (t) pipe_write_open
 60    c012fbc0 (t) pipe_rdwr_open
 61    c012fbec (t) get_pipe_inode
 62    c012fcc4 (T) do_pipe
 63    c023a920 (D) read_pipe_fops
 64    c023a960 (D) write_pipe_fops
 65    c023a9a0 (D) rdwr_pipe_fops
 66    c023a9e0 (D) pipe_inode_operations
 68  Dump the symbols of the uart401 module, both before, and then after,
 69  the complete set of symbols are loaded with the "mod -s" command:
 71    crash> sym -m uart401
 72    c8032000 MODULE START: uart401
 73    c8032138 (?) uart401intr
 74    c803235c (?) attach_uart401
 75    c8032638 (?) probe_uart401
 76    c80326d4 (?) unload_uart401
 77    c8033770 MODULE END: uart401
 78    crash> mod -s uart401
 80    c8032000  uart401      6000  /lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/uart401.o
 81    crash> sym -m uart401
 82    c8032000 MODULE START: uart401
 83    c8032050 (t) my_notifier_call
 84    c8032084 (t) uart401_status
 85    c8032098 (t) uart401_cmd
 86    c80320a8 (t) uart401_read
 87    c80320bc (t) uart401_write
 88    c80320cc (t) uart401_input_loop
 89    c8032138 (T) uart401intr
 90    c8032168 (t) uart401_open
 91    c80321c8 (t) uart401_close
 92    c80321f4 (t) uart401_out
 93    c80322ac (t) uart401_start_read
 94    c80322b4 (t) uart401_end_read
 95    c80322bc (t) uart401_kick
 96    c80322c4 (t) uart401_buffer_status
 97    c80322cc (t) enter_uart_mode
 98    c803235c (T) attach_uart401
 99    c803259c (t) reset_uart401
100    c8032638 (T) probe_uart401
101    c80326d4 (T) unload_uart401
102    c8032760 (T) init_module
103    c80327cc (T) cleanup_module
104    c8032b00 (d) sound_notifier
105    c8032b0c (d) detected_devc
106    c8032b20 (d) std_synth_info
107    c8032bc0 (d) std_midi_synth
108    c8033600 (d) uart401_operations
109    c80336c4 (D) io
110    c80336c8 (D) irq
111    c80336e0 (b) hw_info.508
112    c8033770 MODULE END: uart401
114  Display the value of jiffies, along with the next and previous symbols:
116    crash> sym -np jiffies
117    c023027c (D) prof_shift
118    c0230280 (D) jiffies
119    c02302a0 (D) task
121  Translate a symbol value to its name and module:
123    crash> sym f88878d1
124    f88878d1 (t) ext3_readdir [ext3]
125    crash>

42. sys - system data


1sys [-c [name|number]] [-t] [-i] config


 1  This command displays system-specific data.  If no arguments are entered,
 2  the same system data shown during crash invocation is shown.
 4    -c [name|number]  If no name or number argument is entered, dump all
 5                      sys_call_table entries.  If a name string is entered,
 6                      search the table for all entries containing the string.
 7                      If a number is entered, the table entry associated with
 8                      that number is displayed.  If the current output radix
 9                      has been set to 16, the system call numbers will be
10                      displayed in hexadecimal.
11    config            If the kernel was configured with CONFIG_IKCONFIG, then
12                      dump the in-kernel configuration data.
13    -t                Display kernel taint information.  If the "tainted_mask"
14                      symbol exists, show its hexadecimal value and translate
15                      each bit set to the symbolic letter of the taint type.
16                      On older kernels with the "tainted" symbol, only its
17                      hexadecimal value is shown.  The relevant kernel sources
18                      should be consulted for the meaning of the letter(s) or
19                      hexadecimal bit value(s).
20    -panic            Panic a live system.  Requires write permission to
21                      /dev/mem.  Results in the crash context causing an
22                      "Attempted to kill the idle task!" panic.  (The dump
23                      will indicate that the crash context has a PID of 0).
24    -i                Dump the DMI string data if available in the kernel.


 1  Display essential system information:
 3    crash> sys
 4          KERNEL: vmlinux.4
 5        DUMPFILE: lcore.cr.4
 6            CPUS: 4
 7            DATE: Mon Oct 11 18:48:55 1999
 8          UPTIME: 10 days, 14:14:39
 9    LOAD AVERAGE: 0.74, 0.23, 0.08
10           TASKS: 77
11        NODENAME: test.mclinux.com
12         RELEASE: 2.2.5-15smp
13         VERSION: #24 SMP Mon Oct 11 17:41:40 CDT 1999
14         MACHINE: i686  (500 MHz)
15          MEMORY: 1 GB
17  Dump the system configuration data (if CONFIG_IKCONFIG):
19    crash> sys config
20    #
21    # Automatically generated make config: don't edit
22    # Linux kernel version: 2.6.16
23    # Mon Apr 10 07:58:06 2006
24    #
25    CONFIG_X86_64=y
26    CONFIG_64BIT=y
27    CONFIG_X86=y
29    CONFIG_MMU=y
37    CONFIG_DMI=y
38    ...
40  Display the kernel taint information, in this case where both the
41  TAINT_WARN and TAINT_PROPRIETARY_MODULE bits have been set:
43    crash> sys -t
44    TAINTED_MASK: 201  PW
46  Dump the system call table:
48    crash> sys -c
50      0  sys_ni_syscall             ../kernel/sys.c: 48
51      1  sys_exit                   ../kernel/exit.c: 404
52      2  sys_fork                   ../arch/i386/kernel/process.c: 771
53      3  sys_read                   ../fs/read_write.c: 117
54      4  sys_write                  ../fs/read_write.c: 146
55      5  sys_open                   ../fs/open.c: 754
56      6  sys_close                  ../fs/open.c: 839
57      7  sys_waitpid                ../kernel/exit.c: 503
58      8  sys_creat                  ../fs/open.c: 789
59      9  sys_link                   ../fs/namei.c: 1213
60     10  sys_unlink                 ../fs/namei.c: 1074
61     11  sys_execve                 ../arch/i386/kernel/process.c: 806
62    ...
64  Find the system call number of the select system call:
66    crash> sys -c select
68     65  sys_select                 ../fs/select.c: 259
70    If the current output radix has been set to 16, the system call numbers
71    will be displayed in hexadecimal.
73  Dump the DMI string data:
75    crash> sys -i
77           DMI_BIOS_VERSION: G4ET37WW (1.12 )
78              DMI_BIOS_DATE: 05/29/2012
79             DMI_SYS_VENDOR: LENOVO
80           DMI_PRODUCT_NAME: 2429BQ1
81        DMI_PRODUCT_VERSION: ThinkPad T530
83           DMI_PRODUCT_UUID: 568DFA01-5180-11CB-B851-BD06085ADDB0
85             DMI_BOARD_NAME: 2429BQ1
86          DMI_BOARD_VERSION: Not Available
87           DMI_BOARD_SERIAL: 1ZLV127F17M
88        DMI_BOARD_ASSET_TAG: Not Available
90           DMI_CHASSIS_TYPE: 10
91        DMI_CHASSIS_VERSION: Not Available
93      DMI_CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG: RH0004111

43. task - task_struct and thread_info contents


1task [-R member[,member]] [-dx] [pid | taskp] ...


 1  This command dumps a formatted display of the contents of a task's
 2  task_struct and thread_info structures.  Multiple task or PID numbers
 3  may be entered; if no arguments are entered, the task_struct and
 4  thread_info structures of the current context are displayed.  The -R option,
 5  which may also be invoked indirectly via "foreach task", pares the output
 6  down to one or more structure members.
 8        pid  a process PID.
 9      taskp  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
10  -R member  a comma-separated list of one or more task_struct and/or
11             thread_info structure members.  If any member contains an embedded
12             structure, or is an array, the output may be restricted to the
13             embedded structure or an array element by expressing the member
14             argument as "member.member" or "member[index]"; embedded member
15             specifications may extend beyond one level deep, by expressing the
16             member argument as "member.member.member...".
17         -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
18         -d  override default output format with decimal format.


 1  Dump the task_struct and thread_info structures of the current context
 2  in hexadecimal format:
 4    crash> task -x
 5    PID: 3176   TASK: f2451550  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "memtest"
 6    struct task_struct {
 7      state = 0x0,
 8      stack = 0xf05b6000,
 9      usage = {
10        counter = 0x2
11      },
12      flags = 0x402040,
13      ptrace = 0x0,
14      lock_depth = 0xffffffff,
15      prio = 0x78,
16      static_prio = 0x78,
17      normal_prio = 0x78,
18      rt_priority = 0x0,
19    ...
20      perf_event_ctxp = {0x0, 0x0},
21      memcg_batch = {
22        do_batch = 0x0,
23        memcg = 0x0,
24        bytes = 0x0,
25        memsw_bytes = 0x0
26      }
27    }
29    struct thread_info {
30      task = 0xf2451550,
31      exec_domain = 0xc0a60860,
32      flags = 0x88,
33      status = 0x0,
34      cpu = 0x1,
35      preempt_count = 0x4010000,
36      addr_limit = {
37        seg = 0xc0000000
38      },
39      restart_block = {
40    ...
42  Display the ngroups and groups task_struct members for PID 2958:
44    crash> task -R ngroups,groups 2958
45    PID: 2958   TASK: c6718000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
46      ngroups = 6,
47      groups = {504, 8, 9, 1000, 1007, 1006, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
48        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
50  Display the embedded sched_entity structure's on_rq member:
52    crash> task -R se.on_rq
53    PID: 6529   TASK: ffff880116538790  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"
54      se.on_rq = 1,
56  Display the 3rd pid_link structure in the embedded pids[] array:
58  crash> task -R pids[2]
59  PID: 6529   TASK: ffff880116538790  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
60    pids[2] =   {
61    node = {
62      next = 0xffff8801165391b0,
63      pprev = 0xffff880209d011b0
64    },
65    pid = 0xffff8801f0876e00
66  }
68  NOTE: When this command is invoked directly (i.e., not from "foreach"), it
69  is not necessary to include the "-R" before the task_struct/thread_info
70  member name(s).

44. tree - display radix tree, XArray or red-black tree


1tree [-t [radix|xarray|rbtree]] [-r offset] [-[s|S] struct[.member[,member]]]
2       -[x|d] [-o offset] [-l] [-p] [-N] start


 1  This command dumps the contents of a radix tree, an XAarray, or a red-black
 2  tree.  The arguments are as follows:
 4    -t type  The type of tree to dump; the type string can be one of
 5             "radix", "rbtree", or "xarray", or alternatively, "ra",
 6             "rb" or "x" are acceptable.  If not specified, rbtree is the
 7             default type.
 8  -r offset  If the "start" argument is the address of a data structure that
 9             contains an radix_tree_root, xarray or rb_root structure, then this
10             is the offset to that structure member.  If the offset is non-zero,
11             then this option is required.  The offset may be entered in either
12             of two manners:
13               1. In "structure.member" format.
14               2. A number of bytes.
15  -o offset  For red-black trees only, the offset of the rb_node within its
16             containing data structure; if the offset is non-zero, then this
17             option is required.  The offset may be entered in either of two
18             manners:
19               1. In "structure.member" format.
20               2. A number of bytes.
21             This option is not applicable to radix trees.
22  -s struct  For each entry in a tree, format and print it as this type of data
23             structure; use the "struct.member" format in order to display a
24             particular member of the structure.  To display multiple members
25             of a structure, use a comma-separated list of members.  If any
26             structure member contains an embedded structure or is an array, the
27             the output may be restricted to the embedded structure or an array
28             element by expressing the member argument as "struct.member.member"
29             or "struct.member[index]"; embedded member specifications may
30             extend beyond one level deep by expressing the struct argument as
31             "struct.member.member.member...".
32  -S struct  Similar to -s, but instead of parsing gdb output, member values
33             are read directly from memory, so the command works much faster
34             for 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte members.
35         -l  For red-black trees, dump the tree sorted in linear order starting
36             with the leftmost node and progressing to the right.  This option
37             does not apply to radix trees.
38         -p  Display the node's position information, showing the relationship
39             between it and the root.  For red-black trees, a position that
40             indicates "root/l/r" means that the node is the right child
41             of the left child of the root node.  For radix trees and xarrays,
42             the index, the height, and the slot index values are shown with
43             respect to the root.
44         -x  Override default output format with hexadecimal format.
45         -d  Override default output format with decimal format.
47  The meaning of the "start" argument, which can be expressed either in
48  hexadecimal format or symbolically, depends upon whether the -N option
49  is prepended:
51      start  The address of a radix_tree_root, xarray or rb_root structure, or
52             the address of a structure containing the radix_tree_root, xarray
53             or rb_root structure; if the latter, then the "-r offset" option
54             must be used if the member offset of the root structure is
55             non-zero.
57   -N start  The address of a radix_tree_node, xa_node or rb_node structure,
58             bypassing the radix_tree_root, xarray, or rb_root that points
59             to it.


  1  The vmap_area_root is a standalone rb_root structure.  Display the
  2  virtual addresses of each vmap_area in its red-black tree:
  4    crash> whatis vmap_area_root
  5    struct rb_root vmap_area_root;
  6    crash> tree -t rbtree -o vmap_area.rb_node vmap_area_root
  7    ffff880128c508c0
  8    ffff88012cb68140
  9    ffff88012c9afec0
 10    ffff88012d65c440
 11    ...
 13  Display the vmap_area's va_start and va_end members of each of
 14  the entries above expressing the vmap_area.rb_node offset as a
 15  number of bytes:
 17    crash> tree -t rbtree -o 24 vmap_area_root -s vmap_area.va_start,va_end
 18    ffff880128c508c0
 19      va_start = 0xffffc90014900000
 20      va_end = 0xffffc90014921000
 21    ffff88012cb68140
 22      va_start = 0xffffc900110c0000
 23      va_end = 0xffffc900110d1000
 24    ffff88012c9afec0
 25      va_start = 0xffffc90000640000
 26      va_end = 0xffffc90000642000
 27    ffff88012d65c440
 28      va_start = 0xffffc90000620000
 29      va_end = 0xffffc90000622000
 30    ...
 32  Alternatively, use the -N option with the rb_node address contained
 33  in the vmap_area_root structure:
 35    crash> p vmap_area_root
 36    vmap_area_root = $8 = {
 37      rb_node = 0xffff880128c508d8
 38    }
 39    crash> tree -t rbtree -o vmap_area.rb_node -N 0xffff880128c508d8
 40    ffff880128c508c0
 41    ffff88012cb68140
 42    ffff88012c9afec0
 43    ffff88012d65c440
 45  Display the virtual address of each vm_area_struct in the red-black
 46  tree that has its root inside an mm_struct located at ffff880128b5a300.
 47  The vm_area_struct.vm_rb rb_node member has an offset of 0x38 bytes:
 49    crash> tree -t rbtree -r mm_struct.mm_rb ffff880128b5a300 -o 0x38
 50    ffff88012a0de080
 51    ffff880123e3ac78
 52    ffff880123e3a700
 53    ffff88012b2837c8
 54    ...
 55    ffff880128c02ed0
 56    ffff8801292e7958
 57    ffff880123e3a318
 58    ffff880123e3ad40
 60  Add the -p option to the command above to show position information:
 62    crash> tree -t rbtree -r mm_struct.mm_rb ffff880128b5a300 -o 0x38 -p
 63    ffff88012a0de080
 64      position: root
 65    ffff880123e3ac78
 66      position: root/l
 67    ffff880123e3a700
 68      position: root/l/l
 69    ffff88012b2837c8
 70      position: root/l/l/l
 71    ...
 72    ffff880128c02ed0
 73      position: root/r/r/l/r
 74    ffff8801292e7958
 75      position: root/r/r/l/r/r
 76    ffff880123e3a318
 77      position: root/r/r/r
 78    ffff880123e3ad40
 79      position: root/r/r/r/r
 81  Given an mm_struct address of 0xffff880074b5be80, list the VMA tree in linear
 82  order from the leftmost node progressing to the right using the -l option:
 84    crash> tree -ls vm_area_struct.vm_start -o vm_area_struct.vm_rb \
 85    -r mm_struct.mm_rb 0xffff880074b5be80 | paste - -
 86    ffff88001f2c50e0	  vm_start = 0x400000
 87    ffff88001f2c5290	  vm_start = 0xceb000
 88    ffff880074bfc6c0	  vm_start = 0xcec000
 89    ffff88001f2c4bd0	  vm_start = 0xd10000
 90    ffff880074bfc948	  vm_start = 0x1fe9000
 91    ffff880036e54510	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa296000
 92    ffff88001f2c5bd8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa298000
 93    ffff880036e54af8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa497000
 94    ffff880036e54f30	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa498000
 95    ffff88000e06aa20	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa499000
 96    ffff88000e06b368	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ab95f000
 97    ...
 98    ffff88001f2c5e60	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc1af000
 99    ffff88001f2c4ca8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc1b6000
100    ffff88001f2c5008	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc200000
101    ffff88001f2c5d88	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc205000
102    ffff880074bfd6c8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc206000
103    ffff88001f2c4288	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc207000
104    ffff88001f2c4510	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a5fc000
105    ffff88001f2c5b00	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a6d1000
107  Compared to the top/down root/leaves order:
109    crash> tree -s vm_area_struct.vm_start -o vm_area_struct.vm_rb \
110    -r mm_struct.mm_rb 0xffff880074b5be80 | paste - -
111    ffff88001f2c5a28	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bbbb9000
112    ffff88001f2c55f0	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bb252000
113    ffff88000e06a360	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ac6c3000
114    ffff88001f2c4bd0	  vm_start = 0xd10000
115    ffff88001f2c5290	  vm_start = 0xceb000
116    ffff88001f2c50e0	  vm_start = 0x400000
117    ffff880074bfc6c0	  vm_start = 0xcec000
118    ffff88000e06b368	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ab95f000
119    ffff88001f2c5bd8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa298000
120    ffff880074bfc948	  vm_start = 0x1fe9000
121    ffff880036e54510	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa296000
122    ffff880036e54f30	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa498000
123    ffff880036e54af8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa497000
124    ffff88000e06aa20	  vm_start = 0x7ff6aa499000
125    ffff88000e06ae58	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ac1df000
126    ffff88000e06ba28	  vm_start = 0x7ff6abefc000
127    ffff88000e06a6c0	  vm_start = 0x7ff6ac41b000
128    ffff88001f2c4000	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bac75000
129    ffff88000e06bd88	  vm_start = 0x7ff6b2d00000
130    ffff88000e06b440	  vm_start = 0x7ff6b28de000
131    ...
132    ffff880074bfd6c8	  vm_start = 0x7ff6bc206000
133    ffff88001f2c4510	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a5fc000
134    ffff88001f2c5b00	  vm_start = 0x7ffc7a6d1000
136  Display a list of the page structs in the radix tree of an address_space
137  structure located at ffff88012d364de0:
139    crash> tree -t radix -r address_space.page_tree ffff88012d364de0
140    ffffea00040d12c0
141    ffffea00040d9a60
142    ffffea00040d9b08
143    ffffea000407eda8
144    ffffea0004084288
145    ...
146    ffffea000407bc70
147    ffffea00040baf48
148    ffffea0004043f48
149    ffffea000407de58
151  Add the -p option to the command above to show position information:
153    crash> tree -t radix -r address_space.page_tree ffff88012d364de0 -p
154    ffffea00040d12c0
155      index: 0  position: root/0/0
156    ffffea00040d9a60
157      index: 1  position: root/0/1
158    ffffea00040d9b08
159      index: 2  position: root/0/2
160    ffffea000407eda8
161      index: 3  position: root/0/3
162    ffffea0004084288
163      index: 4  position: root/0/4
164    ...
165    ffffea000407bc70
166      index: 217  position: root/3/25
167    ffffea00040baf48
168      index: 218  position: root/3/26
169    ffffea0004043f48
170      index: 219  position: root/3/27
171    ffffea000407de58
172      index: 220  position: root/3/28
174  Alternatively, take the address of the radix_tree_node from the
175  radix_tree_root structure in the address_space structure above,
176  and display the tree with the -N option:
178    crash> struct address_space.page_tree ffff88012d364de0
179      page_tree = {
180        height = 0x2,
181        gfp_mask = 0x20,
182        rnode = 0xffff8801238add71
183      }
184    crash> tree -t radix -N 0xffff8801238add71
185    ffffea00040d12c0
186    ffffea00040d9a60
187    ffffea00040d9b08
188    ffffea000407eda8
189    ffffea0004084288
190    ffffea00040843a0
191    ...
193  Using the same radix tree as above, display the flags and _count
194  members of each page struct in the list, and force the output format
195  to be hexadecimal:
197    crash> tree -t radix -N 0xffff8801238add71 -s page.flags,_count -x
198    ffffea00040d12c0
199      flags = 0x4000000002006c
200      _count = {
201        counter = 0x7
202      }
203    ffffea00040d9a60
204      flags = 0x4000000002006c
205      _count = {
206        counter = 0x7
207      }
208    ffffea00040d9b08
209      flags = 0x4000000002006c
210      _count = {
211        counter = 0x7
212      }
213    ffffea000407eda8
214      flags = 0x4000000002006c
215      _count = {
216        counter = 0x7
217      }
218    ...
220  In more recent kernels, the XArray facility has replaced radix trees.
221  Display a list of the page structs in the XArray of an address_space
222  structure located at 0xffff94c235e76828, where the i_pages field is
223  an embedded xarray structure:
225    crash> tree -t xarray -r address_space.i_pages 0xffff94c235e76828
226    fffffcc005aa8380
227    fffffcc005cafa80
228    fffffcc005a79c80
229    fffffcc005ccad80
230    fffffcc005a72ec0
231    fffffcc005e27c00
232    fffffcc005ce3100
233    fffffcc005ff8dc0
234    fffffcc005c9a100
235    fffffcc005a49e40
236    fffffcc005c95a80
238  Add the -p option to the command above to show position information:
240    crash> tree -t xarray -r address_space.i_pages 0xffff94c235e76828 -p
241    fffffcc005aa8380
242      index: 90  position: root/1/26
243    fffffcc005cafa80
244      index: 91  position: root/1/27
245    fffffcc005a79c80
246      index: 92  position: root/1/28
247    fffffcc005ccad80
248      index: 93  position: root/1/29
249    fffffcc005a72ec0
250      index: 94  position: root/1/30
251    fffffcc005e27c00
252      index: 95  position: root/1/31
253    fffffcc005ce3100
254      index: 96  position: root/1/32
255    fffffcc005ff8dc0
256      index: 97  position: root/1/33
257    fffffcc005c9a100
258      index: 98  position: root/1/34
259    fffffcc005a49e40
260      index: 99  position: root/1/35
261    fffffcc005c95a80
262      index: 100  position: root/1/36
264  Alternatively, take the value found in the xa_head field from
265  the xarray structure, and display the tree with the -N option:
267    crash> address_space.i_pages 0xffff94c235e76828
268      i_pages = {
269        ... [ xa_lock field not shown ] ...
270        xa_flags = 1,
271        xa_head = 0xffff94c23c1566ca
272      }
273    crash> tree -t x -N 0xffff94c23c1566ca
274    fffffcc005aa8380
275    fffffcc005cafa80
276    fffffcc005a79c80
277    fffffcc005ccad80
278    fffffcc005a72ec0
279    fffffcc005e27c00
280    fffffcc005ce3100
281    fffffcc005ff8dc0
282    fffffcc005c9a100
283    fffffcc005a49e40
284    fffffcc005c95a80
286  Using the same xarray command as above, display the flags and _refcount
287  members of each page struct in the list, and force the output format
288  to be hexadecimal:
290    crash> tree -t x -N 0xffff94c23c1566ca -s page.flags,_refcount -x
291    fffffcc005aa8380
292      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
293      _refcount = {
294        counter = 0x1
295      }
296    fffffcc005cafa80
297      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
298      _refcount = {
299        counter = 0x1
300      }
301    fffffcc005a79c80
302      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
303      _refcount = {
304        counter = 0x1
305      }
306    fffffcc005ccad80
307      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
308      _refcount = {
309        counter = 0x1
310      }
311    fffffcc005a72ec0
312      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
313      _refcount = {
314        counter = 0x1
315      }
316    fffffcc005e27c00
317      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
318      _refcount = {
319        counter = 0x1
320      }
321    fffffcc005ce3100
322      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
323      _refcount = {
324        counter = 0x1
325      }
326    fffffcc005ff8dc0
327      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
328      _refcount = {
329        counter = 0x1
330      }
331    fffffcc005c9a100
332      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
333      _refcount = {
334        counter = 0x1
335      }
336    fffffcc005a49e40
337      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
338      _refcount = {
339        counter = 0x1
340      }
341    fffffcc005c95a80
342      flags = 0x57ffffc0000014
343      _refcount = {
344        counter = 0x1
345      }

45. timer - timer queue data


1timer [-r][-C cpu]


 1  This command displays the timer queue entries, both old- and new-style,
 2  in chronological order.  In the case of the old-style timers, the
 3  timer_table array index is shown; in the case of the new-style timers,
 4  the timer_list address is shown.  On later kernels, the timer data is
 5  per-cpu.
 7    -r  Display hrtimer timer queue entries, both old- and new-style, in
 8        chronological order.  In the case of the old-style hrtimers, the
 9        expiration time is a single value; in the new-style hrtimers, the
10        expiration time is a range.
11 -C cpu Restrict the output to one or more CPUs, where multiple cpu[s] can
12        be specified, for example, as "1,3,5", "1-3", or "1,3,5-7,10".


 1 Display the timer queue on an SMP system:
 3    crash> timer
 5    4296291038
 6    ...
 7    TIMER_BASES[1][BASE_STD]: ffff9801aba5aa00
 8      EXPIRES        TTE         TIMER_LIST     FUNCTION
 9      4296282997    -8041  ffff9801aba55ce0  ffffffff83a3bda0  <mce_timer_fn>
10      4296283104    -7934  ffff97fd84bd35e0  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
11      4296291061       23  ffffa6b283967de0  ffffffff83b29880  <process_timeout>
12      4296291112       74  ffff9800c9b62ad8  ffffffff83e6b550  <cursor_timer_handler>
13      4296291345      307  ffff980186d5ef88  ffffffff84146b80  <tcp_keepalive_timer>
14      4296291484      446  ffff9801a7c54740  ffffffff84147f50  <tcp_write_timer>
15      4296291997      959  ffffffffc073f880  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
16      4296296213     5175  ffffa6b28339be18  ffffffff83b29880  <process_timeout>
17      4296304383    13345  ffff980194ca72a8  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
18      4296305724    14686  ffff980194ca6918  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
19      4296306036    14998  ffff980194ca6d58  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
20      4296306883    15845  ffff980194ca7e58  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
21      4296307588    16550  ffff9801aaa27e58  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
22      4296307625    16587  ffff980194ca6a28  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
23      4296313542    22504  ffff980194ca7c38  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
24      4296317680    26642  ffff9800c9149c58  ffffffff840da870  <neigh_timer_handler>
25      4296317744    26706  ffff9801a5354468  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
26      4296343322    52284  ffff980194ca63c8  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
27      4296343581    52543  ffff980194ca7088  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
28      4296343597    52559  ffff9801aaa274c8  ffffffff8412e4e0  <tw_timer_handler>
29      4296714205   423167  ffffffff84caf3c0  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
30    TIMER_BASES[1][BASE_DEF]: ffff9801aba5bc80
31      EXPIRES        TTE         TIMER_LIST     FUNCTION
32      4296291264      226  ffffffff855eb238  ffffffff83c08fb0  <writeout_period>
33      4296319997    28959  ffffffffc06ede40  ffffffff83ac6b70  <delayed_work_timer_fn>
34      4296506084   215046  ffff9801aba629c8  ffffffff83ac5ea0  <idle_worker_timeout>
35    ...
37  Display a new-style hrtimer queue:
39    crash> timer -r
40    ...
41    CPU: 2  HRTIMER_CPU_BASE: ffff9801aba9cf00
42      CLOCK: 0  HRTIMER_CLOCK_BASE: ffff9801aba9cf40  [ktime_get]
43         CURRENT
44      1623742000000
45       SOFTEXPIRES      EXPIRES         TTE         HRTIMER           FUNCTION
46      1623741000000  1623741000000    -1000000  ffff9801aba9d540  ffffffff83b3c8e0  <tick_sched_timer>
47      1624024000000  1624024000000   282000000  ffff9801aba9d720  ffffffff83b7e7a0  <watchdog_timer_fn>
48      1626000939806  1626010929804  2268929804  ffffa6b28399fa40  ffffffff83b2c1e0  <hrtimer_wakeup>
49      1627576915615  1627576915615  3834915615  ffff9801a5727978  ffffffff83b365c0  <posix_timer_fn>
50      1627637194488  1627647194487  3905194487  ffffa6b283977db0  ffffffff83b2c1e0  <hrtimer_wakeup>
51      1629937423000  1629937423000  6195423000  ffff9801a9af2900  ffffffff83cf3d30  <timerfd_tmrproc>
53      CLOCK: 1  HRTIMER_CLOCK_BASE: ffff9801aba9cf80  [ktime_get_real]
54            CURRENT
55      1558362388334558243
56          SOFTEXPIRES            EXPIRES             TTE           HRTIMER           FUNCTION
57      1558362389331238000  1558362389331288000      996729757  ffffa6b28574bcf0  ffffffff83b2c1e0  <hrtimer_wakeup>
58      1558364372000000000  1558364372000000000  1983665441757  ffff9801a3513278  ffffffff83b365c0  <posix_timer_fn>
60      CLOCK: 2  HRTIMER_CLOCK_BASE: ffff9801aba9cfc0  [ktime_get_boottime]
61      (empty)
62    ...

46. union - union contents


1union union_name[.member[,member]] [-o][-l offset][-rfuxdp]
2         [address | symbol][:cpuspec] [count | -c count]


 1  This command displays either a union definition, or a formatted display
 2  of the contents of a union at a specified address.  When no address is
 3  specified, the union definition is shown along with the union size.
 4  A union member may be appended to the structure name in order to limit
 5  the scope of the data displayed to that particular member; when no address
 6  is specified, the member's offset (always 0) and definition are shown.
 8     union_name  name of a C-code union used by the kernel.
 9        .member  name of a union member; to display multiple members of a
10                 union, use a comma-separated list of members.  If any member
11                 contains an embedded structure, or the member is an array, the
12                 output may be restricted to just the embedded structure or an
13                 array element by expressing the argument as "member.member"
14                 or "member[index]"; embedded member specifications may extend
15                 beyond one level deep, by expressing the member argument as
16                 "member.member.member...".
17             -o  show member offsets when displaying union definitions; the
18                 offset is always 0 unless used with an address or symbol
19                 argument, in which case each member will be preceded by its
20                 virtual address.
21      -l offset  if the address argument is a pointer to a list_head structure
22                 that is embedded in the target union structure, the offset
23                 to the list_head member may be entered in either of the
24                 following manners:
25                   1. in "structure.member" format.
26                   2. a number of bytes.
27             -r  raw dump of union data.
28             -f  address argument is a dumpfile offset.
29             -x  override default output format with hexadecimal format.
30             -d  override default output format with decimal format.
31             -p  if a union member is a pointer value, show the member's
32                 data type on the output line; and on the subsequent line(s),
33                 dereference the pointer, display the pointer target's symbol
34                 value in brackets if appropriate, and if possible, display the
35                 target data; requires an address argument.
36             -u  address argument is a user virtual address in the current
37                 context.
38        address  hexadecimal address of a union; if the address points
39                 to an embedded list_head structure contained within the
40                 target union structure, then the "-l" option must be used.
41         symbol  symbolic reference to the address of a union.
42       :cpuspec  CPU specification for a per-cpu address or symbol:
43                   :             CPU of the currently selected task.
44                   :a[ll]        all CPUs.
45                   :#[-#][,...]  CPU list(s), e.g. "1,3,5", "1-3",
46                                or "1,3,5-7,10".
47          count  count of unions to dump from an array of unions; if used,
48                 this must be the last argument entered.
49       -c count  "-c" is only required if "count" is not the last argument
50                 entered or if a negative number is entered; if a negative
51                 value is entered, the (positive) "count" structures that
52                 lead up to and include the target structure will be displayed.
54  Union data, sizes, and member offsets are shown in the current output radix
55  unless the -x or -d option is specified.
57  Please note that in the vast majority of cases, the "union" command
58  name may be dropped; if the union name does not conflict with any crash
59  or gdb command name, then the "union_name[.member]" argument will be
60  recognized as a union name, and this command automatically executed.
61  See the NOTE below.


 2  Display the bdflush_param union definition, and then an instance of it:
 4    crash> union bdflush_param
 5    union bdflush_param {
 6        struct {
 7            int nfract;
 8            int ndirty;
 9            int nrefill;
10            int nref_dirt;
11            int dummy1;
12            int age_buffer;
13            int age_super;
14            int dummy2;
15            int dummy3;
16        } b_un;
17        unsigned int data[9];
18    }
20    SIZE: 36  (0x24)
22    crash> union bdflush_param bdf_prm
23    union bdflush_param {
24      b_un = {
25        nfract = 40,
26        ndirty = 500,
27        nrefill = 64,
28        nref_dirt = 256,
29        dummy1 = 15,
30        age_buffer = 3000,
31        age_super = 500,
32        dummy2 = 1884,
33        dummy3 = 2
34      },
35      data = {40, 500, 64, 256, 15, 3000, 500, 1884, 2}
36    }

46.4. NOTE

1  If the union name does not conflict with any crash command name, the
2  "union" command may be dropped.  Accordingly, the examples above could
3  also have been accomplished like so:
5    crash> bdflush_param
6    crash> bdflush_param bdf_prm
8  Lastly, the short-cut "*" (pointer-to) command may also be used to negate
9  the need to enter the "union" command name (enter "help *" for details).

47. vm - virtual memory


1vm [-p | -P vma | -M mm | -v | -m | -x | -d | [-R reference] [pid | task]]
2     [-f vm_flags]


 1  This command displays basic virtual memory information of a context,
 2  consisting of a pointer to its mm_struct and page dirctory, its RSS and
 3  total virtual memory size; and a list of pointers to each vm_area_struct,
 4  its starting and ending address, vm_flags value, and file pathname.  If no
 5  arguments are entered, the current context is used.  Additionally, the -p
 6  option translates each virtual page of each VM area to its physical address.
 7  The -R option, typically invoked from "foreach vm", searches for references
 8  to a supplied number, address, or filename argument, and prints only the
 9  essential information leading up to and including the reference.
10  Alternatively, the -m or -v options may be used to dump the task's mm_struct
11  or all of its vm_area_structs respectively.  The -p, -v, -m, -R and -f
12  options are all mutually exclusive.
14            -p  translate each virtual page to its physical address, or if
15                the page is not mapped, its swap device and offset, or
16                filename and offset.
17        -P vma  similar to -p, but only translate the pages belonging to the
18                specified VM area of a context.
19         -M mm  if the mm_struct address has been removed from the task_struct
20                of an exiting task, the virtual memory data cannot be displayed.
21                However, if the address can be determined from the kernel stack,
22                it can be entered manually in order to try to resurrect the
23                virtual memory data of the task.
24  -R reference  search for references to this number or filename.
25            -m  dump the mm_struct assocated with the task.
26            -v  dump all of the vm_area_structs associated with the task.
27            -x  override the default output format for the -m or -v options
28                with hexadecimal format.
29            -d  override the default output format for the -m or -v options
30                with decimal format.
31   -f vm_flags  translate the bits of a FLAGS (vm_flags) value.
32           pid  a process PID.
33          task  a hexadecimal task_struct pointer.


  1  Display the virtual memory data of the current context:
  3    crash> vm
  4    PID: 30986  TASK: c0440000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
  5       MM       PGD       RSS    TOTAL_VM
  6    c303fe20  c4789000    88k      1728k
  7      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
  8    c0d1f540   8048000   80ad000  1875   /bin/bash
  9    c0d1f400   80ad000   80b3000  1873   /bin/bash
 10    c0d1f880   80b3000   80ec000    77
 11    c0d1f0c0  40000000  40012000   875   /lib/ld-2.1.1.so
 12    c0d1f700  40012000  40013000   873   /lib/ld-2.1.1.so
 13    c0d1fe00  40013000  40014000    77
 14    c0d1f580  40014000  40016000    73
 15    c0d1f280  4001a000  4004b000    75   /usr/lib/libncurses.so.4.2
 16    c0d1f100  4004b000  40054000    73   /usr/lib/libncurses.so.4.2
 17    c0d1f600  40054000  40057000    73
 18    c0d1f9c0  40057000  40059000    75   /lib/libdl-2.1.1.so
 19    c0d1f800  40059000  4005a000    73   /lib/libdl-2.1.1.so
 20    c0d1fd00  4005a000  40140000    75   /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
 21    c0d1fe40  40140000  40145000    73   /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
 22    c0d1f780  40145000  40148000    73
 23    c0d1f140  40148000  40150000    75   /lib/libnss_files-2.1.1.so
 24    c0d1fa80  40150000  40151000    73   /lib/libnss_files-2.1.1.so
 25    c0d1fb00  40151000  4015a000    75   /lib/libnss_nisplus-2.1.1.so
 26    c5f754e0  4015a000  4015b000    73   /lib/libnss_nisplus-2.1.1.so
 27    c0d1fec0  4015b000  4016d000    75   /lib/libnsl-2.1.1.so
 28    c5f75460  4016d000  4016e000    73   /lib/libnsl-2.1.1.so
 29    c5f75420  4016e000  40170000    73
 30    c5f753e0  40170000  40178000    75   /lib/libnss_nis-2.1.1.so
 31    c5f753a0  40178000  40179000    73   /lib/libnss_nis-2.1.1.so
 32    c0d1f240  bfffc000  c0000000   177
 34  Display the virtual memory data along with page translations for PID 386:
 36    crash> vm -p 386
 37    PID: 386    TASK: c11cc000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "atd"
 38       MM       PGD       RSS    TOTAL_VM
 39    c7e30560  c10e5000    104k     1112k
 40      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
 41    c0fbe6a0   8048000   804b000  1875   /usr/sbin/atd
 43     8048000  20e1000
 44     8049000  17c6000
 45     804a000  1f6f000
 46      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
 47    c61e0ba0   804b000   804d000  1873   /usr/sbin/atd
 49     804b000  254d000
 50     804c000  6a9c000
 51      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
 52    c61e04e0   804d000   8050000    77
 54     804d000  219d000
 55     804e000  2617000
 56     804f000  SWAP: /dev/sda8  OFFSET: 24225
 57      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
 58    c61e0720  40000000  40012000   875   /lib/ld-2.1.1.so
 60    40000000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 0
 61    40001000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 1000
 62    40002000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 2000
 63    40003000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 3000
 64    40004000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 4000
 65    40005000  FILE: /lib/ld-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 5000
 66    ...
 68  Although the -R option is typically invoked from "foreach vm", it can be
 69  executed directly.  This example displays all VM areas with vm_flags of 75:
 71    crash> vm -R 75
 72    PID: 694    TASK: c0c76000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "crash"
 73       MM       PGD      RSS    TOTAL_VM
 74    c6c43110  c0fe9000  8932k    10720k
 75      VMA       START      END   FLAGS  FILE
 76    c322c0d0  40019000  4004a000    75  /usr/lib/libncurses.so.4.2
 77    c67537c0  40056000  40071000    75  /lib/libm-2.1.1.so
 78    c6753d00  40072000  40074000    75  /lib/libdl-2.1.1.so
 79    c6753540  40075000  40081000    75  /usr/lib/libz.so.1.1.3
 80    c6753740  40085000  4016b000    75  /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
 82  One reason to use -R directly is to pare down the output associated with
 83  the -p option on a task with a huge address space.  This example displays
 84  the page data associated with virtual address 40121000:
 86    crash> vm -R 40121000
 87    PID: 694    TASK: c0c76000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
 88       MM       PGD      RSS    TOTAL_VM
 89    c6c43110  c0fe9000  8928k    10720k
 90      VMA       START      END   FLAGS  FILE
 91    c6753740  40085000  4016b000    75  /lib/libc-2.1.1.so
 93    40121000  FILE: /lib/libc-2.1.1.so  OFFSET: 9c000
 95  Display the mm_struct for PID 4777:
 97    crash> vm -m 4777
 98    PID: 4777   TASK: c0896000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
 99    struct mm_struct {
100      mmap = 0xc6caa1c0,
101      mmap_avl = 0x0,
102      mmap_cache = 0xc6caabc0,
103      pgd = 0xc100a000,
104      count = {
105        counter = 0x1
106      },
107      map_count = 0x14,
108      mmap_sem = {
109        count = {
110          counter = 0x1
111        },
112        waking = 0x0,
113        wait = 0x0
114      },
115      context = 0x0,
116      start_code = 0x8048000,
117      end_code = 0x809c6f7,
118      start_data = 0x0,
119      end_data = 0x80a2090,
120      start_brk = 0x80a5420,
121      brk = 0x80b9000,
122      start_stack = 0xbffff9d0,
123      arg_start = 0xbffffad1,
124      arg_end = 0xbffffad7,
125      env_start = 0xbffffad7,
126      env_end = 0xbffffff2,
127      rss = 0xf6,
128      total_vm = 0x1a3,
129      locked_vm = 0x0,
130      def_flags = 0x0,
131      cpu_vm_mask = 0x0,
132      swap_cnt = 0x23d,
133      swap_address = 0x0,
134      segments = 0x0
135    }
137  Display all of the vm_area_structs for task c47d4000:
139    crash> vm -v c47d4000
140    PID: 4971   TASK: c47d4000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "login"
141    struct vm_area_struct {
142      vm_mm = 0xc4b0d200,
143      vm_start = 0x8048000,
144      vm_end = 0x804d000,
145      vm_next = 0xc3e3abd0,
146      vm_page_prot = {
147        pgprot = 0x25
148      },
149      vm_flags = 0x1875,
150      vm_avl_height = 0x1,
151      vm_avl_left = 0x0,
152      vm_avl_right = 0x0,
153      vm_next_share = 0x0,
154      vm_pprev_share = 0xc3e3abf0,
155      vm_ops = 0xc02392a0,
156      vm_offset = 0x0,
157      vm_file = 0xc1e23660,
158      vm_pte = 0x0
159    }
160    struct vm_area_struct {
161      vm_mm = 0xc4b0d200,
162      vm_start = 0x804d000,
163      vm_end = 0x804e000,
164      vm_next = 0xc3e3a010,
165      vm_page_prot = {
166        pgprot = 0x25
167      },
168      vm_flags = 0x1873,
169      vm_avl_height = 0x2,
170      vm_avl_left = 0xc3e3a810,
171      vm_avl_right = 0xc3e3a010,
172      vm_next_share = 0xc3e3a810,
173      vm_pprev_share = 0xc3699c14
174      ...
176  Translate a FLAGS value:
178    crash> vm -f 3875
181  Display the page translations of the VM area at address f5604f2c:
183    crash> vm -P f5604f2c
184    PID: 5508   TASK: f56a9570  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crond"
185      VMA       START      END    FLAGS  FILE
186    f5604f2c    f5b000    f67000 8000075  /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so
188    f5b000    3fec1000
189    f5c000    3d3a4000
190    f5d000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 2000
191    f5e000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 3000
192    f5f000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 4000
193    f60000    3fd31000
194    f61000    3fd32000
195    f62000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 7000
196    f63000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: 8000
197    f64000    3ff35000
198    f65000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: a000
199    f66000    FILE: /lib/libnss_files-2.12.so  OFFSET: b000

48. vtop - virtual to physical


1vtop [-c [pid | taskp]] [-u|-k] address ...


 1  This command translates a user or kernel virtual address to its physical
 2  address.  Also displayed is the PTE translation, the vm_area_struct data
 3  for user virtual addresses, the mem_map page data associated with the
 4  physical page, and the swap location or file location if the page is
 5  not mapped.  The -u and -k options specify that the address is a user
 6  or kernel virtual address; -u and -k are not necessary on processors whose
 7  virtual addresses self-define themselves as user or kernel.  User addresses
 8  are translated with respect to the current context unless the -c option
 9  is used.  Kernel virtual addresses are translated using the swapper_pg_dir
10  as the base page directory unless the -c option is used.
12   -u                 The address is a user virtual address; only required
13                      on processors with overlapping user and kernel virtual
14                      address spaces.
15   -k                 The address is a kernel virtual address; only required
16                      on processors with overlapping user and kernel virtual
17                      address spaces.
18   -c [pid | taskp]   Translate the virtual address from the page directory
19                      of the specified PID or hexadecimal task_struct pointer.
20                      However, if this command is invoked from "foreach vtop",
21                      the pid or taskp argument should NOT be entered; the
22                      address will be translated using the page directory of
23                      each task specified by "foreach".
24   address            A hexadecimal user or kernel virtual address.


 1  Translate user virtual address 80b4000:
 3    crash> vtop 80b4000
 5    80b4000   660f000
 7    PAGE DIRECTORY: c37f0000
 8      PGD: c37f0080 => e0d067
 9      PMD: c37f0080 => e0d067
10      PTE: c0e0d2d0 => 660f067
11     PAGE: 660f000
14    660f067   660f000  (PRESENT|RW|USER|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
16      VMA      START      END      FLAGS  FILE
17    c773daa0   80b4000   810c000    77
20    c0393258   660f000         0     17000  1  uptodate
22  Translate kernel virtual address c806e000, first using swapper_pg_dir
23  as the page directory base, and secondly, using the page table base
24  of PID 1359:
26    crash> vtop c806e000
28    c806e000  2216000
30    PAGE DIRECTORY: c0101000
31      PGD: c0101c80 => 94063
32      PMD: c0101c80 => 94063
33      PTE: c00941b8 => 2216063
34     PAGE: 2216000
37    2216063   2216000  (PRESENT|RW|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
40    c02e9370   2216000         0         0  1
42    crash> vtop -c 1359 c806e000
44    c806e000  2216000
46    PAGE DIRECTORY: c5caf000
47      PGD: c5cafc80 => 94063
48      PMD: c5cafc80 => 94063
49      PTE: c00941b8 => 2216063
50     PAGE: 2216000
53    2216063   2216000  (PRESENT|RW|ACCESSED|DIRTY)
56    c02e9370   2216000         0         0  1
58  Determine swap location of user virtual address 40104000:
60    crash> vtop 40104000
62    40104000  (not mapped)
64    PAGE DIRECTORY: c40d8000
65      PGD: c40d8400 => 6bbe067
66      PMD: c40d8400 => 6bbe067
67      PTE: c6bbe410 => 58bc00
69     PTE      SWAP     OFFSET
70    58bc00  /dev/sda8   22716
72      VMA      START      END     FLAGS  FILE
73    c7200ae0  40104000  40b08000    73
75    SWAP: /dev/sda8  OFFSET: 22716

49. waitq - list tasks queued on a wait queue


1waitq  [ symbol ] | [ struct.member struct_addr ] | [ address ]


1  This command walks the wait queue list displaying the tasks which
2  are blocked on the specified wait queue.  The command differentiates
3  between the old- and new-style wait queue structures used by the kernel.
4  It can be invoked with the following argument types:
6                     symbol  a global symbol of a wait queue.
7  struct.member struct_addr  a structure name and wait queue member combination
8                             followed by the structure's hexadecimal address.
9                    address  a hexadecimal wait queue pointer.


 2  Find out if any tasks are blocked on the "buffer_wait" wait queue:
 4    crash> waitq buffer_wait
 5    wait queue "buffer_wait" (c02927f0) is empty
 7  See who is blocked on the "wait_chldexit" queue of task c5496000:
 9    crash> waitq task_struct.wait_chldexit c5496000
10    PID: 30879  TASK: c5496000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "bash"
12  Display the task list waiting on a known task queue:
14    crash> waitq c3534098
15    PID: 13691  TASK: c3534000  CPU: 1   COMMAND: "bash"

50. whatis - search symbol table for data or type information


1whatis [[-o] [struct | union | typedef | symbol]] |
2         [[-r [size|range]] [-m member]]


 1  This command displays the definition of structures, unions, typedefs or
 2  text/data symbols:
 4    struct  a structure name. The output is the same as if the "struct"
 5            command was used.
 6     union  a union name. The output is the same as if the "union" command
 7            was used.
 8        -o  display the offsets of structure/union members.
 9   typedef  a typedef name. If the typedef translates to a structure or union
10            the output is the same as if the "struct" or "union" command
11            was used. If the typedef is a primitive datatype, the one-line
12            declaration is displayed.
13    symbol  a kernel symbol.
15  Alternatively, a search can be made for data structures of a given size or
16  size range, that contain a member of a given type, or contain a pointer to
17  given type.  The -r and -m options may be used alone or in conjunction with
18  one another:
20   -r size  search for structures of this exact size.
21  -r range  search for structures of a range of sizes, expressed as "low-high".
22 -m member  search for structures that contain a member of this data type, or
23            that contain a pointer to this data type; if a structure contains
24            another structure, the members of the embedded structure will also
25            be subject to the search. The member argument may also be expressed
26            as a substring of a member's data type.


  1   Display the definition of a linux_binfmt structure:
  3    crash> whatis linux_binfmt
  4    struct linux_binfmt {
  5        struct list_head lh;
  6        struct module *module;
  7        int (*load_binary)(struct linux_binprm *);
  8        int (*load_shlib)(struct file *);
  9        int (*core_dump)(struct coredump_params *);
 10        unsigned long min_coredump;
 11    }
 12    SIZE: 56
 14   Display the same structure with member offsets:
 16    crash> whatis -o linux_binfmt
 17    struct linux_binfmt {
 18       [0] struct list_head lh;
 19      [16] struct module *module;
 20      [24] int (*load_binary)(struct linux_binprm *);
 21      [32] int (*load_shlib)(struct file *);
 22      [40] int (*core_dump)(struct coredump_params *);
 23      [48] unsigned long min_coredump;
 24    }
 25    SIZE: 56
 27  Since a kmem_bufctl_t is typedef'd to be a kmem_bufctl_s structure, the
 28  output of the following two commands is identical:
 30    crash> whatis kmem_bufctl_s
 31    struct kmem_bufctl_s {
 32      union {
 33        struct kmem_bufctl_s  *buf_nextp;
 34        kmem_slab_t *buf_slabp;
 35        void *buf_objp;
 36      } u;
 37    };
 39    crash> whatis kmem_bufctl_t
 40    struct kmem_bufctl_s {
 41      union {
 42        struct kmem_bufctl_s *buf_nextp;
 43        kmem_slab_t *buf_slabp;
 44        void *buf_objp;
 45      } u;
 46    };
 47    SIZE: 4  (0x4)
 49  Display the type data of sys_read() and jiffies text and data symbols:
 51    crash> whatis sys_read
 52    ssize_t sys_read(unsigned int, char *, size_t);
 54    crash> whatis jiffies
 55    long unsigned int jiffies;
 57  Display definition of a kdev_t typedef:
 59    crash> whatis kdev_t
 60    typedef short unsigned int kdev_t;
 61    SIZE: 2  (0x2)
 63  Display all structures which have a size of 192 bytes:
 65    crash> whatis -r 192
 66    SIZE  TYPE
 67     192  _intel_private
 68     192  blkcg_gq
 69     192  clock_event_device
 70     192  cper_sec_proc_generic
 71     192  dentry
 72     192  dst_ops
 73     192  ehci_itd
 74     192  ethtool_rxnfc
 75     192  fb_ops
 76     192  file_lock
 77     192  inode_operations
 78     192  input_device_id
 79     192  ip_vs_stats
 80     192  numa_group
 81     192  parallel_data
 82     192  pcie_port_service_driver
 83     192  pebs_record_hsw
 84     192  pnp_driver
 85     192  regmap_config
 86     192  sched_entity
 87     192  tcp_timewait_sock
 88     192  timerfd_ctx
 89     192  tpm_vendor_specific
 90     192  urb
 92  Display all structures that contain members that point to
 93  an mm_struct:
 95    crash> whatis -m mm_struct
 96    SIZE  TYPE
 97      16  tlb_state
 98      24  flush_tlb_info
 99      24  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_pgd
100      24  futex_key
101      24  map_info
102      32  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_alloc_ptpage
103      32  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_pte_clear
104      40  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_flush_tlb_others
105      40  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_ptep_modify_prot
106      40  ftrace_raw_xen_mmu_set_pte_at
107      40  mm_slot
108      64  mm_walk
109      64  rmap_item
110     104  userfaultfd_ctx
111     128  mmu_gather
112     216  vm_area_struct
113     256  linux_binprm
114    2616  rq
115    2936  task_struct
117  Display all structures sized from 256 to 512 bytes that
118  contain members that point to a task_struct:
120    crash> whatis -r 256-512 -m task_struct
121    SIZE  TYPE
122     256  file
123     256  od_cpu_dbs_info_s
124     264  srcu_notifier_head
125     272  protection_domain
126     288  clk_notifier
127     288  fsnotify_group
128     296  quota_info
129     312  tty_port
130     320  workqueue_struct
131     344  trace_array
132     344  uart_state
133     352  cpufreq_policy
134     352  elf_thread_core_info
135     376  perf_event_context
136     384  rcu_data
137     400  cgroup
138     408  subsys_private
139     424  hvc_struct
140     496  psmouse

51. wr - write memory


1wr [-u|-k|-p] [-8|-16|-32|-64] [address|symbol] value


 1  This command modifies the contents of memory.  The starting address may be
 2  entered either symbolically or by address.  The default modification size
 3  is the size of a long data type.  Write permission must exist on the
 4  /dev/mem.  When writing to memory on a live system, this command should
 5  obviously be used with great care.
 7       -u  address argument is a user virtual address.
 8       -k  address argument is a kernel virtual address.
 9       -p  address argument is a physical address.
10       -8  write data in an 8-bit value.
11      -16  write data in a 16-bit value.
12      -32  write data in a 32-bit values (default on 32-bit machines).
13      -64  write data in a 64-bit values (default on 64-bit machines).
14  address  address to write.  The address is considered virtual unless the
15           -p option is used.  If a virtual address is specified, the
16           -u or -k options are necessary only if the address space cannot
17           be determined from the address value itself.  If a user virtual
18           address is specified, the address space of the current context
19           implied.  The address must be expressed in hexadecimal format.
20   symbol  symbol of starting address to write.
21    value  the value of the data to write.


1  Turn on a debug flag:
3    crash> wr my_debug_flag 1